fifth sapling [ video ]

May 03, 2010 20:08

[ The mirror is on, but it's at an awkward angle; all that can be seen are glimpses of Sunday's hands and the flowers.
Then there's a very familiar voice. Or tone of voice, anyway. ]

You there!
You're under arrest!


[ From Sunday's tone, he doesn't seem to take very kindly to this sort of thing. As he presumably rises to his feet, the mirror is knocked sideways so Sunday can be partially seen, along with the card soldier.

There is a sinister noise as Sunday pulls the chain over his head and the key on it rapidly transforms into his weapon. ]

I repeat, you are under arrest! For the charges of-

I do not care.

[ And with that, the Denizen lunges for the soldier, swinging his scythe in a vertical arc down on the card soldier's head, and the vision suddenly goes blank. ]

[keys to the kingdom] lord sunday

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