third sapling [ video ]

Apr 06, 2010 13:19

[ It's quite sunny today! Sunday has taken advantage of the weather, apparently; from the mirror's awkward angle, it appears to be outside, low to the ground. But it's close enough for a clear view of what's happening ( Read more... )

[keys to the kingdom] lord sunday

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Comments 48

[video] destinyfruit April 6 2010, 14:18:24 UTC
[ She smiles, watching the recording quietly for a few minutes. ]

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Re: [video] gtfomygarden April 6 2010, 23:39:53 UTC
[ Sunday looks briefly startled, before realising the mirror is on.
Then he just. Sighs. He's already become accustomed to most of the weird things in Wonderland; mirrors that turn themselves on at inconvenient times is hardly the worst of it. ]

If you really wish, I suppose.

[ One of the flowers uproots itself and starts creeping towards the looking glass behind Sunday's back; this activity is quickly stopped by the Denizen picking it up and putting it back where it's supposed to go. ]

How are you supposed to grow if you don't stay where you are?

[ That last sentence is addressed more to the flower than to Kairi, and it seems a little funny, really; he's treating the plants more like pets than anything else. ]


10shlling6pence April 6 2010, 23:29:55 UTC
[he happens to come upon the video feed, and he watches a bit, smiling--who knew, such a quiet, steely individual!]

...Cogs and pabs, my Lord Sunday...


gtfomygarden April 6 2010, 23:42:01 UTC
[ fskdhlgkhsd oh god. Sunday hates you, looking glass. Forever.
It's not the broadcasting of his hobby he minds; it's the responses to it. ]

I happen to like gardening, thank you.

[ It's a flat statement. Apparently he's had to do this plenty of times before. ]


10shlling6pence April 6 2010, 23:49:42 UTC
Yes! So I see! You're very good at it, from what I can tell.

[he grins, dazzled by the flowers, the very colors--they could serve as inspiration for anyone]

They're frabjous, tandmonious, splendificant--sir, they're beautiful...


gtfomygarden April 7 2010, 00:02:24 UTC
There's a lot of variety here. I'm not planning on growing any singing flowers, though. I've had more than enough of singing already.

[ Also, they scream loudly whenever he goes near them, which is just annoying. ]

But I suppose they are quite pretty, in a way.


became_a_liar April 7 2010, 00:53:33 UTC
...Did that flower just change color?


gtfomygarden April 7 2010, 01:11:09 UTC
I believe so. They do that sometimes.

[ Totally nonchalant. ]


became_a_liar April 7 2010, 01:20:26 UTC
What kind of place is this?


gtfomygarden April 7 2010, 01:31:21 UTC
It's Wonderland, of course. All sorts of strange things happen here on a regular basis.
I would have thought you'd have picked up on such facts when you arrived, but apparently not.


andotherthings April 7 2010, 19:26:41 UTC
Looks like your flowers are growing nicely.


gtfomygarden April 8 2010, 01:51:29 UTC
They are.

[ He sounds pleased that they're growing well. ]

They seem to grow unnaturally fast in this type of soil, anyway. I do not yet know how the new plants will turn out; hopefully, they will have the same growth rate as the others, or at least be as healthy.


andotherthings April 13 2010, 02:15:47 UTC
[That makes her smiles just a bit.]

I'm sure they will. You definitely seem like you know what you're doing when it comes to plants. I just hope they don't grow too fast. Everything in Wonderland always seems to be unnecessarily large.


gtfomygarden April 13 2010, 11:08:25 UTC
These seem to be staying the size expected of regular flowers.
Then again, they more than make up for their lack of size for their endless amount of curiosity.

[ One of the flowers uproots itself and starts to wander off - Sunday stops it by nudging it back into place before turning back to the looking glass. ]

As you can see, they have a tendency to wander off.


madparade April 7 2010, 19:57:46 UTC
[He's watching you plant. England's quite fond of gardening.]

. . . you could use some roses. Still, it's rather pretty, I suppose.


gtfomygarden April 8 2010, 02:00:20 UTC
The roses are taking a little longer to bloom than the other plants, but they should be fine.

[ He glances at the bush. ]

They're just dreadfully picky, that's all.


madparade April 8 2010, 02:06:31 UTC
[A wry smile.]

Yes, they do tend to be prickly and somewhat difficult. But well worth the effort, I feel. What sort of roses did you plant?


gtfomygarden April 8 2010, 03:06:06 UTC
They're quite eyecatching when grown in the right conditions, so the extra effort usually yields excellent results.

White ones. I would have planted red under normal circumstances, but I'm not exactly going to stroll into the Queen's castle and take them.


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