Emma Watson

Oct 01, 2007 14:42


Made in Photoshop Cs2
Involves Selective Colouring
10 steps

Before we start, so i don't have to keep writing selective colour etc, i'm writing them in short form, here's what each means so you don't yet confused.

S/C = (new adjustment layer )Selective Colour
B/C = (new adjustment layer) Brightness Contrast
Hue/Sat = (new adjustment layer) Hue/Saturation

1. Duplicate your base, set to softlight.

2. S/C layer -
Reds:   -100 +41   -38   +38
Yels:  -42   -36   +5   +32
whites:   +100   +72   -100   0
neuts:   +25   +5   -7   -2

3. S/C layer -
Reds:   -70   -19   +14   +32
Yels:   +21   -37   -58   +100
Whites:   +94   0   0   0

4. S/C layer -
Reds:   -69   -16   +12   -25
Yels:   0   +89   0   0
Neuts:   +19   -32   -40   +35

5. Add new layer, fill with, #ECEAE6, set to Colour Burn.

6. Add another new layer, fill with, #223261, set to Exclusion.

7. Duplicate your base, drag to the top, set to Softlight.

8. S/C Layer -
Reds:   -100   +8   0   0
Neuts:   +25   -18   -26   0

9. HUE/SAT -
Master Saturation =   +20

10. B/C -
Set both to +14

Flatten and your done. You can add brushes, text etc. I used the font 'Action Jackson' to write Emma.

Other icons made using this tutorial -

I would love to see what you come up with.

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