Sticky Post + Welcome + Application

Aug 15, 2012 21:07

SOOOO, I did a boo-boo, as I'm prone to do, and deleted the original welcome/sticky/application post, which, if I do say so myself, was epically awesome.

It is now lost into the ether of hyperspace, never to return, I'm afraid.

BUT. womenverse is still 100% awesome, yeah? And I know new folks might like to get in on it. So, suffice it to say, womenverse is a landcomm dedicated to celebrating all girl/women characters in fandom, in books, video games, television shows, movies, comics, what have you. All challenges are women-centric, and all fanworks produced focus on the women of fandom. That doesn't mean works can't include men, or that works have to be femslash or not shippy, but it does mean women characters are at the center, and they're always respected. No hate, no bashing. Just friendly competition.

We have three teams, Combat Boots, Flip-Flops, and Stilettos. And they're all awesome : ) We are currently toward the end of our second phase, but anyone can join at any time!

So if you'd like to join, please copy/paste the below form into a comment:

Team Preferences in Order:
If applicable, who referred you (name a person, not a comm):

introduction, application

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