Posting rules!

Sep 09, 2011 01:02


Jak postujemy translated into Polish by idrilka
Reglas de posteo translated into Spanish by mullu

1. You've already chosen the characters you wish to focus on during this Women Love Fest, so go ahead and start posting things on your journal / blog / tumblr etc! You can post anything: fics, metas, graphics, fanmixes, quotes and so on. Our goal is for everyone to post one entry a day for seven days on every character they chose, but if you decide to do less or more, you're also welcome to join our fest.

Note: do not post any entries on this community. womenlovefest is just a database. Post everything on your personal blog and drop us a comment in a your character's masterpost.

We've recieved so many claims that we can't have people posting entries on the community ― we would have at least a hundred new entries a day! If you want to receive notifications on updates, we recommend tracking comments in masterposts of the characters you want to read about. That way everybody will be able to read interesting things and nobody will be spammed with updates on fandoms they've never heard about.

If you haven't claimed a character in the old claim post, don't worry, just join the fun! As long as the character you want to write about has an entry on womenlovefest, you're free to participate. However, we won't be adding any new characters till the end of September, so if your lady is not here, unfortunately you'll have to wait.

2. When you've made your post on your blog, come here, choose your character from the list and comment her masterpost with a link. This is how the comment should look like:

Category, link, post title, author* (language).
[Everything else you'd like to add - you can just skip it.]

* If you are posting from anything else than a livejournal account, give us a link to your blog / tumblr etc. If you are posting from a livejournal account, just give your username (no html tags, simply username!)

Categories available: Fic (rating), Meta, Fanmix, Graphic, Random. If you're posting something that is purely graphic or music and therefore your post contains nothing written, mention the language anyway, so that the people browsing the community would know which languages they can use when commenting.

Please remember that even though we focus on the female characters, they can also be considered in light of their relationships with other characters (romantic as well as platonic). For example: posting Kara/Lee fic is entirely okay, if the main focus of the fic is on Kara, and not Lee or their relationship.


Fic (NC-17), , Pamiętać, upupa-epops (Polish)
[Spoilery do TVD 2x16, Caroline/Damon, wzmianki o przemocy seksualnej i przemocy wobec kobiet]

Meta, , 10 kluczowych scen, upupa-epops (Polish)
[Spoilery do TVD 2x11]

Fanmix, , Dym i kurz, sa-da-ko (English and Polish)

Graphic, , Maybe he'll give me yours, (English)

Random, , Armor and gown, (English)
[A pic and a quote]

Note: Do not use ani kind of html coding when posting links! It might not look so neat, but will make the job of updating masterposts much easier.

3. The Women Love Fest lasts from September 9 to September 16, but if you are late, feel free to link your works in comments anyway. Please, don't post any new comments between September 19 and September 30! It's masterpost making time! Further information about masterpost making: here. In October we will open again and by that time we'll have come up with a solution how the community would function between Love Fests. Because we want to have more Love Fests, don't we?

4. Have fun and spread love!


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