Sunflowers 1/?

Nov 08, 2010 02:45

Emily picked Jaden up from the floor putting him on the small hotel bed she continued to cover him in sun screen. After arriving at their resort in Disney Emily and JJ had to get both kids and themselves ready to hit one of the parks before even thinking of heading out. Thankfully Izzy was old enough to do so herself, and Jaden was getting there at five he still needed help with certain tasks like sun screen and correct clothes. JJ poked her head around the corner of the bathroom and watched as Emily wrestled with Jaden to cover his small face in the icky cream.

“Mommy no! I don’t like it! It’s so cold!” Jaden shivered and clutched his arms around himself to add more effect.

“Well then stop wiggling and I can get this done then you can go outside with Izzy where it’s warm.” Emily said, she looked over at JJ when she heard her chuckle. JJ smiled and went back into the bathroom, Emily shook her head and chuckled focusing back on her son.

“Alright done, go find your sister.” Emily said pushing him out the door, checking to make sure Izzy saw him first as she laid in the hammock by the large pond. She watched as Jaden ran over to her then shut the door making her way to JJ. She wrapped her arms around her and kissed her neck. “So me struggling with your son is funny to you huh?” JJ smiled.

“Yes, and my son?”

“He’s all you when it comes to certain things.”

“Well I think that when it comes to having your hands all over me isn’t the something we share in common.” JJ smirked and turned in Emily’s arms to face her, resting her hand on Emily’s face she smiled. “I love you so much Emily.” She leaned up and kissed her.

“Hmm, I love you too Jennifer.” Emily smiled resting her forehead against JJ’s. JJ wrapped her arms around Emily’s neck holding her tightly to her.

“We should get moving.” Emily said softly after a few minutes. “We promised Jaden we’d see Mickey Mouse today.” JJ chuckled and kissed Emily.

“I love you Emily, my quirky wife, lover, person.” JJ smiled kissing her again. “You ready?” Emily nodded grabbing her ID and the hotel card as JJ and herself walked out toward their kids. They found Izzy and Jaden curled up sleeping in the hammock, JJ snapped a quick shot of them, smiling then Izzy eyes them both and stands up forgetting about Jaden who flops out of the moving hammock. Emily picked him up and brushed him off laughing as he tried to climb back in the hammock to do it again.

“You ready to go to see Mickey Mouse?” JJ asks as Emily picked Jaden up and throws him over her shoulders.

“Yeah!” Jaden squirms and giggles. They make their way over to the bus stop and wait for the Magic Kingdom bus, which they soon realize runs nearly twice as many buses as the other stops. As they board the bus is jammed with people so Izzy and Emily stand while someone stands and lets JJ sit with Jaden in her lap. Izzy leans her head back till she can look at Emily.


“Yeah Izzy?” Emily looks down at her smiling.

“We’re not gonna die on the bus are we?”

“Have you ever heard of someone dying on a Disney bus?”

“No, but I’ve never heard of someone dying in Disney either and that… just doesn’t seem right… I wonder if uncle Spencer knows anything about it.”

“Izzy, we will be fine, I promise.” Emily smiled and holds Izzy as the bus starts to move.

“If your sure.” Izzy said still not convinced, she pulled her phone out and texted Reid who simply returned with ‘I will tell you when you get home.’ Emily chuckled as she read over Izzy’s shoulder and earned a glare. The bus comes to a stop and Emily picks Jaden back up, quickly making her way off the bus as not to get crowded. Once outside she steps to the side and waits for JJ and Izzy. When JJ steps over to them with Izzy quickly behind her, Emily takes JJ’s hand and they walk toward the entrance, following the crowd that doesn’t seem as big outside of the bus.

“Mommy how we gonna get in?” Jaden asks looking at Emily completely worried.

“You see our room keys are our tickets in, and Izzy it is a charge card… Just be smart about your spending please.”

“Really!” Izzy smiled and looked between JJ and Emily. “So I can buy anything?”

“Izzy… remember smart spending.”

“Ok, ok.” Izzy was still grinning.

“And whatever food you buy you can put on the card too.”

“Mommy why are all those men standing around and only one guy checking bags?” Jaden asked and JJ chuckled.

“Because they think they are better than the other guy, when really they aren’t.”

“Ok down you go.” Emily said setting Jaden down as they got to the gates.

“Place your card in there, then index finger on the scanner and when the green light blinks your all good.” The person at the gate told them, Emily lifted Jaden to scan his finger, then took his card back when he was through.

“Emily maybe we should get food first.” JJ said lacing her fingers with Emily’s.

“Well what do you guys want to eat? I heard there is a good place in frontier town, something Bill’s, or do you want something lighter.”

“We ate breakfast already, so what does this Bill’s place have?”

“The normal stuff, and pulled pork, Mexican, a buffet.”

“Start walking mom you had me at pulled pork.” Izzy smiled and took Jaden’s hand. “You stick right by ok little man?”

“Ok Izzy.” Jaden said looking up around at the people on the street. “Why are there so many people?”

“Because this is like the mall but much more fun.” Izzy said.

“I don’t like the mall, it’s big.”

“This place is bigger, Disney owns 47 square miles of land.” Izzy grinned.

“Ok Reid.” JJ said smirking at Izzy, who glared.

“They said it on the video.”

“Mickey!” Jaden said and tried to pull away from Izzy, but she kept a tight grip on him.

“Hey Jaden stop. You remember getting lost in the mall?” Jaden nodded, “Don’t pull because I lose you I’m in trouble.”

“Isabel…” Emily warned over her shoulder, she didn’t want her son scared of letting go of someone’s hand while they were out.

“Yes mom.” Izzy said and slowly let Jaden’s hand go. “Just stick by me.”

“Ok… Don’t let me get taken.”

“Ok.” Izzy smiled.


“Izzy I can’t see…” Jaden said standing next to Izzy while in the elevator on the haunted machine.

“Alright, come here.” Izzy got on one knee and Jaden jumped on her back, she hoisted him up so he could see all the photos.

“Ma’am.” A worker stepped up to Izzy. “Please put him down.”

“Really? Look around, every parent would do this for their child and you pick me to tell me to put him down?”

“Izzy, no don’t be mean.” Jaden said.

“It’s alright Jaden.” Izzy said. “Ma’am… I just don’t understand please give me a good reason…”

“Mom!” Jaden yelled and JJ and Emily whipped their heads around.

“Here, come here Jaden.” JJ stretched her arms out to take Jaden as Emily stepped up to Izzy.


“Not anymore, do it again and I’ll have you removed.”

“Hey new kid, get in your place.” An elder man walked over to the group, “Sorry please excuse her, she’s still learning.”

“Not accepted.” Izzy said huffing.

“Here, fast passes, you have four right?”


“Emily, lets go.” JJ said as she carried Jaden passed the man swiping the passes from him. Emily and Izzy followed quickly after her. JJ handed Jaden back to Izzy as she and Emily took a car and Izzy and Jaden took one. Jaden curled up into Izzy’s side as the ride started.

“I’m scared…”

“Aw don’t be Jaden, it’s just a silly ride.” Izzy wrapped her arms around Jaden as they started to move.


Izzy carried a sleeping Jaden as she followed her mothers through the crowds.  She smiled at people who pass and smile first because she really didn’t want someone to feel like she was a bitch. When Emily finally stopped just shy of the bakery and turned to face the castle Izzy slowly woke Jaden up.

“Hey little man, you want something sweet to eat?” She asked and he yawned nodded.

“Alright how about you and I go in there and get something before the fireworks huh?” Jaden nodded again and took Izzy’s hand.

“Be careful Izzy, we’ll be right here when you get back.” JJ smiled kissing Izzy’s forehead, Emily smiled and ruffled Jaden’s hair. Izzy took Jaden to go get brownies and chocolate cake shaped like Mickey’s head. Emily wrapped her arms around JJ holding her close to her.

“I love having you in my arms.” Emily said kissing JJ’s neck.

“Hmm... well I love being in your arms.” JJ smiled wrapping her arms around Emily’s neck.

“Our children are happy, we are happy, no cases, no chasing killers. Just you and me and our children.” Emily kissed JJ lightly.

“Mommy! We got cake!” Jaden came rushing back to his mothers, one hundred percent awake. Emily smiled at him then looked up at Izzy as she calmly walked over to them, she snagged the top plastic container looking questioningly at Izzy.

“It’s just a brownie mom, it’s not like it’s laced with something.” JJ laughed as Emily scowled at Izzy.

“Mommy it’s the cricket!” JJ picked Jaden up.

“Jiminy cricket.” JJ smiled at him. JJ ushered Izzy to stand in front of her. Emily wrapped her arm around JJ as they watched the fireworks started.

“Remember when they say thank you for joining us, grab hands, and don’t let go.” JJ told Izzy who nodded and rested her head on JJ’s shoulder. JJ smiled and kissed Izzy’s forehead. “I love you kido.”

“I love you too mom.” Izzy said back. About half way through the show Jaden wiggled till JJ set him down and Emily wrapped her arms around JJ stepping right up behind her. As the show ended JJ turned in Emily’s arms and kissed her, not noticed by them Izzy caught a picture of them.
“I love you Jennifer.” Emily smiled brightly kissing her wife again.

author: jessi_08, character: jennifer jareau, character: emily prentiss, fandom: criminal minds

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