Title: Bloodsport
Author: darkbardzero
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairings: Jennifer Jareau/Emily Prentiss
Ratings: 18
Summary: ''Love is just a Bloodsport.''
Disclaimers: All things Criminal Minds belong to people other than me. I just write stuff.
Author's Notes: Well, this is something that was originally part of a drabble I wrote in the CM music challenge. Back then, I was nudged and encouraged by Steppenwolf_20 to write it full length. So here it is! It's been in the works for quite a while due to various reasons, but it's on the tracks now.
Thank You: To Steppenwolf_20 for suggesting it, Sofia_Lindsay for not letting me give up on it early on, and Heidimaggs22 for supporting me, batting ideas around, putting up with rants and waffles and for being my rock! Ta to Heidimaggs22 and Sofia_Lindsay for beta'ing.
A/N - I needed to take a time out, from this world and a lot of the real world. But I'm back, so if you'll indulge and forgive, I shall have this story finished for you.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5736171/8/Bloodsport Sorry for the link, but LJ is being mean to me, and I can't be bothered to fight back!