So about last night..

Apr 22, 2017 09:41

I was having a pretty good night doing the Uber thing until about 2:40 this morning, when some asshole slammed into the back of my Hyundai while I was waiting for the light at Tropicana and Ocean. Said asshole hit me hard enough that I blacked out for a second; when I came to, I shut the engine off and was trying to figure out where my glasses went ( Read more... )

work, medical stuff

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Comments 4

Condolences sjborch April 22 2017, 18:04:25 UTC
That NHP sergeant is why we left the military.


Re: Condolences wombat_socho April 23 2017, 04:24:02 UTC


selenite April 22 2017, 21:30:15 UTC
Well, crap. I hope rear-ending asshole is caught for hit-and-run, or at least suffers an appropriate karmic retribution.

The NHP clown we'll have to leave to karma, alas.

I'm glad you weren't hurt worse and the doc took good care of you.


wombat_socho April 23 2017, 04:23:46 UTC
Thank you. It could have been a lot worse, and I'm grateful it wasn't.


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