Why can't you just spit it out?

Jul 09, 2014 21:11

revolutionaryjo and others linked to this Daily Dot article on Facebook, and it got me to thinking about some stuff I hadn't bothered thinking about for a while - mainly because aside from Detour, I'm not on staff with any conventions* and while there are folks at Detour who respect my opinions, the fact of the matter is that what I want for Detour is not ( Read more... )

anime detour, convergence, the bush of fandom

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Comments 2

chibitoaster July 10 2014, 01:27:07 UTC
I also think there needs to be some distinction between fan cosplay and convention content.

I think there's no possible way that any convention can be for one genre or one fandom anymore. Take a look at SDCC. There are so few comic book creator tables there, it's even difficult to find them, and yet it still calls itself "Comic Con."

At least Convergence is honest about what it is. And Anime Boston and Anime Detour both focus primarily on Anime and manga for their convention content.

Americans don't want genre and fandom specific cons. You'll always find someone wearing a Doctor Who costume or button at a Star Trek Convention. They sell Star Wars memorabilia in the Dealer's Room at Doctor Who conventions.

Whether it's good or bad, I don't really care. I just think that the main offer of the convention should remain true to its name. And that's the main reason I've made no efforts at all to go back to San Diego Comic Con.

Two cents.


wombat_socho July 10 2014, 01:49:45 UTC
I think it's possible to focus on one fandom - but you shouldn't expect thousands of people to show up if you do.


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