Like I need a hole in my head

May 13, 2014 23:32

Yesterday Ann, a no doubt well-meaning member of MNSTF, messaged me on Facebook with a bunch of gossip about animaltofriends and her current unpleasant situation, and asked if I had contact info for any of her relatives. I was perhaps more polite than I should have been, because it took me a couple of exchanges to convince her that I wanted no part of what was ( Read more... )

domestic stuff, the bush of fandom, family drama

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Comments 11

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wombat_socho May 14 2014, 06:55:25 UTC
The hell of it is, I'm not even angry at her any more over it - it was ~13 years ago, after all, you gotta move on - but I resent people gossiping at me about the current unpleasantness. It's not my business.


ext_2581667 May 14 2014, 04:21:10 UTC
If this is Ann Totoscheck (sp?) you shouldn't trust her further than you can throw her. She's one of those people who pretends to be nice in order to get stuff for gossip-- Mom discovered she was doing that just recently with her. She was, suffice it to say, not pleased.


wombat_socho May 14 2014, 06:56:38 UTC
I don't trust anyone up there that I haven't seen in the last few years, with the exception of huladavid.


huladavid May 14 2014, 08:00:03 UTC
Come right this way foolish earthling...


huladavid May 14 2014, 08:01:48 UTC
Which is my way of saying "Thanks"!


harvey_rrit May 14 2014, 06:53:42 UTC
I doubt they're entitled to the entire back.

I mean, four fingers can totally take a rest.


wombat_socho May 14 2014, 06:57:34 UTC
With the Ingles, the idioms they are so difficult...


harvey_rrit May 14 2014, 18:45:11 UTC
Every village has its own idiom....


ext_2581667 May 14 2014, 22:12:12 UTC
Hah, you should see the hilarious email full of garbage she sent me this morning where she makes vague legal threats and stuff. What a bag of hot air.


wombat_socho May 14 2014, 23:08:45 UTC
She can kiss my shiny Black Irish ass.


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