A few words in defense of the Discoverer

Oct 11, 2013 10:22

The guy at the Oatmeal, who is usually at lest mildly amusing, apparently decided to get all politically correct and spew a bunch of haterade about Christopher Columbus, Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Unsurprisingly, ursulav is cheering him on, as are a bunch of people in my Facebook feed ( Read more... )

other peoples' problems, history

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Comments 2

eric_hinkle October 12 2013, 15:41:37 UTC
Yeah, Columbus does get it pretty undeservedly hard from the historically ignorant. I've got a book titled 1492 and all that which goes into rather deeper detail in about 200 pages about what Columbus, the Spanish, and the Indians were really like than most other books can manage in 3-4 times as many pages.


wombat_socho October 12 2013, 17:03:28 UTC
I knew from the get-go that it was going to be a piece of sh!t when he cited Howard Zinn as one of his sources.


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