Happy Fat Man Day

Aug 09, 2013 16:47

I did a rather long post here on the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which holds up well after three years. I mention it since Ace has a post on the same subject a re-run from 2011 provoked by Robert Scheer whinging about the moral horror of it all, etc., etc., ad nauseam, and I thought it deserved a little wider exposure. So I haveRead more... )

blogging, books, shameless capitalism, prsfs, history

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Comments 2

harvey_rrit August 9 2013, 23:01:16 UTC
Yeah, the bombing to destruction of two industrial centers of a militant aggressor, to get the public to listen to an Emperor who'd been telling them for two years that the war was lost, can't be compared to bombing one city of a still-neutral nation in peacetime.

Seriously, it can't.


wombat_socho August 9 2013, 23:46:19 UTC
Nonetheless, there are people out there who will try.


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