Why so surprised?

Sep 03, 2011 11:12

Apparently everyone is SHOCKED that the mild-mannered professor at Cal State Berdoo ran a biker gang and sold meth. Neighbors, co-workers, parents...nobody had a clue ( Read more... )

culture w/o politics, other peoples' problems

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Comments 4

harvey_rrit September 3 2011, 18:18:11 UTC
Well, certainly they SAY they're shocked.

Back in the 70s, Dr. Jerry Pournelle pointed out something about drug use: it's not the kids in slums who throw parties with punchbowls of cocaine.

(He did not go on to mention that the people who do that include the makers of movies and TV shows about how all the drug use is by ethnic folks. I thought it worth mentioning.)


wombat_socho September 3 2011, 20:33:06 UTC
And he's got a very good point, kids in the slums do other drugs. Certainly the conventional wisdom, which is all wrapped up in a twisted sort of Victorian morality, is that drug use (and sales) is something done by "those OTHER people", and I agree that the entertainment industry, many of whose members are infamous for doing massive quantities of drugs legal and illegal, has done a lot to further that perception.

I think we've both known plenty of Anglos who used illegal drugs of one sort or another. Some of them quit, some of them didn't; some of them screwed up their lives and became wretched messes or died. Others moved up the distribution chain. Like junk bonds or penny stocks, it combines the chance of making serious money with serious risk.


harvey_rrit September 3 2011, 20:53:20 UTC
Richard Pryor:

"Freebasing is an EPIDEMIC. --That means white people be doin' it."


wombat_socho September 3 2011, 21:04:07 UTC
He knew what he was talking about.


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