Ironically enough, I'm writing this on a Friday afternoon before the monthly PRSFS meeting.
P returned from the Great American Desert, where Convergence is held every Independence Day weekend, and had much news, most of it amusing in a "ha-ha, funny!" way and some of it amusing in a bitter, cynical "LOOK HOW STUPID YOU ARE" way.
Comments 18
On a related note, I signed up as a "maybe attending" for next year.
Pointing and Jeering was a hell'a fun! (Aw, the poor bruwsed egos...)
What I'm noting isn't an official policy at all (per burnunit's comment below) but rather some CONvergence staff wanting those noisy kids to get off their lawn.
Repeat: Like Are You Fucking KIDDING ME? Like serious? Anime fans and especially our friends from the AD crowd are invited, encouraged, urged, and occasionally begged to attend our con. Please come! We would Definitely notice if you skipped. It's fashionable to think that CONvergence doesn't like anime fans, but reality is over here, that other shit be fantasy. And what kind of sick fucker has fantasies where they exclude people from a party we're working so hard to make happen? Not me! Not this organization as long as I'm in it!
Anime fans and the youth in general are completely welcome at our convention.
We'll make bruising adjustments to any of our staff who behave otherwise (can't fix thoughts, but can Demand Behaviors and hold folks accountable for em). Because as far as we're ( ... )
I'm very happy to hear all of this from somebody in charge. Even happier to hear that no singing of "Kumbaya" is involved. Man, I hate that song. ;) Detour owes a lot to CONvergence and the people that make it happen, and it pleases me no end to see that the two organizations are working together, synergistic improvements are happening, and Good Things in general are coming out of the relationship.
I'm not trying to start a witch-hunt for "non-inclusive" people. I'm also not trying to stoke any drama, appearances to the contrary. I'm just saying, "Hey, this is what I hear." In any group of people there's going to be some folks who aren't on board with the program, so I'm not entirely surprised that some people are saying dumb things. I do think it's worth noting, though.
(Actually, I was aware of the evolution of MISFITS into GPS and Convergence Events, but I couldn't resist the temptation of a joke involving navigation systems.)
I like CONvergence a lot. I don't want to see it go the way of Minicon, and I don't want to see any kind of rift between Detour and CONvergence.
Now that I've said that, I almost feel like I should add a disclaimer saying I DON'T SPEAK FOR DETOUR, because people tend to miss that point easily.
Good luck with that. I've been saying it since May 2007, but nobody (except people actually on Detour staff) seems to believe me for some reason.
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