Anime Detour '09 Part III: Full of Fail

Apr 05, 2009 23:59

I had fun this year, don't get me wrong, but I came too late and left too early and as a result didn't spend enough time at the convention. Not that I begrudge StippleAPA, thaadd, materia_indigo or yuusui one minute of the time we spent together Saturday and Sunday, but I did miss a lot of the convention and didn't spend nearly enough time hanging with friends on staff, guests, vendors, etc.

I did come home with some great music (and some really filthy music) and a signed picture of Bun-Bun that I now have to get autographed by John Ringo. Pete Abrams commands it!

Well, next year at the Sheraton, Thursday through Monday. The way it used to be, and the way it really should be. Because this shit of having to take a taxi from the Metro station because you got to the latter from Reagan National at 2345 sucks. Off to change bandages, set up the nose hose, and crash hard. More comments on Detour tomorrow night, fatigue and laundry permitting.

anime detour

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