Dec 02, 2007 22:34

Gerard gets turned into a cat. Everyone FREAKS OUT. Of course, Gerard as a cat is still Gerard which means he spends the whole time twitching and making bleary eyes and sneezing little cat sneezes because, hello, allergic to himself, over here, a little sympathy, meow. They try to talk about taking him to the vet but even though he is a cat he can still tell when they're talking about him maybe having to get shots, cat!Gerard still knows what N-E-E-D-L-E-S spells, THANKS VERY MUCH, and voices his displeasure by hiding in Ray's hair. >:3

Mikey is mostly silent at the change of events but only because he does not want to betray his DELIGHT. He and Alicia trawl the aisles at PetSmart to find appropriate cat hoodies (he is especially excited that Gerard turned into a black cat, of course, and black is a neutral which means that he just goes with EVERYTHING). Frank is confused and worried and takes to carrying cat!Gerard to bed with him. Mama is DISPLEASED by this turn of events, who is this skinny little cat and why is it not fat if it belongs to Frank and WHY IS IT SLEEPING ON FRANK, Mama needs some lovin', woof woof, etc.

Brian is annoyed because for cryin' out loud, couldn't Gerard have just turned into a girl? Of all the shit to happen, he had to turn into a cat. If the tour was going to turn cracktastic, the least he could do would be to turn into a girl, at least then they'd be able to cover it enough for him to sing, and, okay, it would have been hot (but don't tell Gerard). Pete finds out and ignores the fact that he finds Gerard strangely more attractive than before and posts tongue-in-cheek haikus on his blog (they make more sense than usual, and upon reading them some people are astonished to immediately understand that yes, it means exactly that Gerard Way Has Been Turned Into A Cat, Huh). The Panic! boys cope with the news by making cat!Gerard his very own Myspace and making sure he is only friends with the cool pets, wouldn't want his reputation to be damaged, or anything. [HOBO HAS SENT CAT!GERARD A FRIEND REQUEST, ACCEPT/DENY??]

Hemingway and cat!Gerard hang out underneath the tour bus while everyone runs around all crazy-like and cat!Gerard mewls on and on about how much crap he has to put up with now and Hemingway just stares at him and thinks you have no idea.

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