I don't usually end up taking as many photos in Vancouver as I do at the other conventions. This is because it's the only con where my view is obstructed by the heads in front of me. At the other cons I attend I'm on the center aisle which makes it a little easier when it comes to taking pictures. So, yep, you will see "hair halos" in several of the photos from this con. I kept trying to wiggle my way around to get good angles and undoubtedly annoyed everyone around me in the process.
Feel free to use whatever photos you want... however you want. If you find something you would like to use, I would appreciate it if you would credit me back and let me know. I would love to see what you do with them. I simply ask that you do not try to sell them or pass them off as your own.
Jared & Jensen - Gold Panel - HQ (1/1)
Please do NOT hotlink!
Extremely Graphic Intensive.