SPN Projects, FH, and X3

May 28, 2006 17:51

So it's been a while since I posted here and even longer if you don't count the "My show has been renewed" happy dance post. I've been around, just... busy.

Working on more of the Heart's Desire SPN au with zortified -- we'll be posting story two this week though we're writing the rough draft of story five. Most if not all of those stories are longer than ( Read more... )

canon thoughts, x-men, vid talk, fic talk, fandom high, heart's desire

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Comments 13

eponin10 May 28 2006, 22:05:50 UTC
Doesn't everyone giggle madly about Snakes on a Plane?



wolfling May 30 2006, 20:47:41 UTC
I don't know if the movie is going to be any good or not but it's had the best PR campaign.


eponin10 May 31 2006, 02:44:15 UTC
I know! My husband insists he's going to see it just because... well... it's snakes on a plane. And Sam Jackson. *giggles*


wesleysgirl May 28 2006, 23:05:05 UTC
Yay! More fic and vids! *Does not look at spoilers for X3 because some day I will see it* You know, some day after I've seen the second movie. :-P

Snakes on a Plane! Today there was some cheesy movie on cable about bees being used as biological weapons and ON A PLANE, but it was so bad we couldn't even watch it. Not even if we kept repeating "Bees! On a plane!"


wolfling May 30 2006, 20:49:19 UTC
I highly reccomend X2 -- it's the best of the three of them. X3 is kinda... it works I guess if you don't go in expecting too much.

And heh, maybe Bees On A Plane will be the sequel to SoaP ;)


boji May 29 2006, 03:21:03 UTC
Watching the new DW series/season; am liking it so far. I don't think I'm quite as in love with it yet as I was/am with the Ninth Doctor's season/series,

I feel the same and frequently wonder if it's down to the writing being weaker this series than last or if it's just that I miss Nine/Eccleston so viscerally. That said tonight's episode was the first this season that I thought worked well. And was enjoyable. And worth a rewatch.


wolfling May 30 2006, 20:53:05 UTC
Part of the reason I fell so hard for Nine (aside from OMG new Doctor Who!) was that the theme of "surviving and learning how to go on" was one that was obvious early and one that hits a lot of my personal fiction buttons.

I think with Ten they might be doing a theme of power and arrogance and humility and "no, you're really not a god", but it's nowhere near as clear as Nine's theme was. That I think has a lot to do with why, while I'm enjoying the episodes (School Reunion especially, but really all to date) it's not got that breathless hold on me yet.


boji June 2 2006, 00:02:06 UTC
I've been thinking aloud (in various posts and comments) about the arc this series and I think that it's not only that there might not be an underpinning mytharc (i.e. the bad guys) BUT there doesn't seem to be an emotional arc either. And that is the kicker. If we contrast that with a show like Supernatural I happen to think that the season villain (the demon/possessor mother killer) wasn't that strong a story (and here I'm thinking about Meg whom I loathed and that hole plot strand that Sebastian Spence couldn't make up for in my mind ;-) yet it linked so perfectly to the emotional journey/road-trip to hell that they boys were on that it utterly raised the show. Made it memorable. Addictive. Heart-wrenching.

And CE's Doctor did that last season. You cared damn it. And you believed that he cared. About the rest of the universe. More so because he's caused the destruction of his race/world. Even in this series' School Renunion (which btw is my favourite episode this season too) the Doctor's initial reaction to Sarah Jane and his ( ... )


butterfly May 29 2006, 06:17:31 UTC
The Snakes on a Plane trailer cracked me up. It was great -- 'other movies have blah blah, but there's one thing that we can guarantee that they won't have... Snakes! On! A! Plane!.' It's comic genius, really, it is.


wolfling May 30 2006, 20:54:40 UTC
It so is.

There was this ripple of laughter across the theatre when SNAKES flashed up on the screen. It was just the perfect trailer.

I have no idea if the movie is going to be any good, but it's got a brilliant PR campaign.


tittakv May 29 2006, 11:49:04 UTC
More Heart's Desire? Yay!


wolfling May 30 2006, 20:55:05 UTC
We should be posting Story Two tonight sometime. :)


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