Exile Rambling Commentary

Mar 01, 2006 23:20

So in answer to requests from both snowspinner and dualbunny, here are some hopefully not too random thoughts on my DW vid Exile:

There's no going home )

vid talk, doctor who

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Comments 11

girlfromsouth March 2 2006, 04:51:41 UTC
you know you're the reason this song's on my iPod? (I *love* it, by the way), and everytime I hear it, I think of Doctor Who.

Fandom has eaten my brain. EATEN IT.

Also, I wish I knew how to vid. ;)


wolfling March 2 2006, 05:14:18 UTC
I had this song for months wanting to vid it and not being able to find a fandom that matched it (well aside from the Nightrunner books but you can't vid a book more's the pity) until the new Doctor Who series started and they blew up Gallifrey.

It's really the first time the song has come before the fandom for a vid idea. But it's just that powerful and beautiful a song. :)

Also, I wish I knew how to vid. ;)

Be careful; I used to wish that all the time. That's the first step into becoming a vidder. ;)


snowspinner March 2 2006, 05:32:53 UTC
Doctor/TARDIS is totally an OTP. After all, she's the only companion to appear in 28 seasons. She's who the Doctor ran away with. And really, she takes the role that Susan can't because Susan was eventually written out of the show.

But yes... I love this vid with all my heart and soul. Because Doctor Who is really the only show I get completely and ridiculously fannish about. Other shows I am a fan, and I enjoy being fannish, but Doctor Who I just melt helplessly at. And the vid just...

Ow my soul, basically. But good ow.


wolfling March 2 2006, 19:15:11 UTC
Doctor/TARDIS is totally an OTP. After all, she's the only companion to appear in 28 seasons. She's who the Doctor ran away with. And really, she takes the role that Susan can't because Susan was eventually written out of the show.

I actually have a couple of fic ideas that I might get around to writing one of these days which are from the TARDIS' pov. But they were in the back of my mind when I made this vid and I think they certainly helped influence it.

Ow my soul, basically. But good ow.

I always say that I seem to channel the angst I can't manage to put in my writing into my vids.

I'm very happy with how this vid turned out; the emotional arc that the Doctor went through during the season was one of my favourite bits of the new series and I do feel like I've managed to capture at least a bit of that.

I can't wait to see what the new season has to offer. :)


dualbunny March 3 2006, 02:45:11 UTC
Very cool read--I especially liked hearing about how you chose to structure it, and the added thoughts on the TARDIS. :D


wolfling March 12 2006, 04:48:18 UTC
Thanks. :)

It's always interesting for me to do a post like this and review how I got to the finished product. My vid making process -- or at least my thoughts about a vid while I'm working on it -- have changed greatly since I started vidding. I do a lot more of the establishing themes and metaphors and motifs consciously now that I used to end up doing at a subconscious level and that gives me more control over how I present those ideas, if that makes any sense.


icepixie March 11 2006, 01:22:17 UTC
Hi. I got here by way of your website, which I found a post in time_n_chips. (I think. I've been mainlining Doctor Who fandom this week, so it's all a bit fuzzy right at the moment.)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that "Exile" is a fantastic vid. I don't think I even have the words to say how much I love it. It's a perfect song for the Doctor, and is done so well. I love the section at the end you mention in this post, with the clip from the opening credits (God, taht is timed perfectly to that drawn out "home" at the end); another of my favorite moments is when the Dalek missiles crash into the TARDIS right on the accent the singer gives the second half of "borders" ("what if I could cross a hundred borders"). I also love how the Doctor and Rose are dancing exactly to the beat of the song during that clip. The timing is just so right on all the way through the vid, and I can't tell you how happy that makes me. (It seems I'm a very rhythmically-oriented person as far as vids go. Hmmm ( ... )


wolfling March 16 2006, 20:31:08 UTC
It really is the perfect song for the Doctor; I'd had the song in mind for a vid for months before the series aired but couldn't find a character that it fit until I watched The End of the World and... the rest is history now. *grin*

I've got a bit obsessive about timing things in vids; visually using the beat is something I really try to do because that's the kind of thing I like to see when I watch vids.

Thanks for the feedback; I'm glad you liked it. :)


just discovered your vids vitalessence March 16 2006, 16:48:07 UTC
via a post on TWOP...

I DL'd "Someday" & loved it! Am off to DL & watch some more...


Re: just discovered your vids wolfling March 16 2006, 20:31:41 UTC
Thanks. :)


Re: just discovered your vids vitalessence March 16 2006, 22:01:00 UTC
I loved the various slashy Wes and Angel moments best... though I was sad to see that we did not get the motorcycle bit...


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