fic: Out of Wilting Petals, Love Blooms [Part 2A/3]

Jun 20, 2011 20:35

Part One

Part Two

Someone clearing their throat roused Sam from his restless sleep and he rubbed at his eyes before looking for the source.

"Wha-?" he slurred, voice heavy with sleep.

"Sorry to wake you up, but you need to start getting ready if you're going to be done in time for dinner," a meek voice met his ears and it took Sam a minute to recognize it.


Sam sat up, leaning back against the cherry headboard - that matched the rest of the wooden decor in the room - and watched as the purple perfume bottle shuffled back and forth across the floor. He didn't know how she was able to carry the clothes from the wardrobe to the mattress, but she managed.

The brunette slid out of bed, scratching his head as he crossed the wide space of his room - the concept still sent a shudder through him even as he walked - and entered the bathroom.

It was bright, the marble counter top a light cream color that any other time, Sam would have paused to admire. Instead, he stood in front of the large mirror that hung over the cream counter - its shining, jet black frame curving along its edges a stark contrast against the lighter color scheme of the rest of the room - and ran some water in the basin, barely registering the voices he heard in the main room.

There were three sets of clothes laid out over the bed when he stepped out of the bathroom, feeling slightly better after freshening up slightly, and Sam was surprised to find that each one looked like a near perfect fit, even for his long legs. He didn't do more than glance at them. Judging by the quick glimpse he'd gotten, they were expensive dinner clothes, different to anything he'd worn before - and Sam didn't plan to start.

The room was different, he realized, when he took a moment to look around. Sam didn't know why at first, but something felt off. It wasn't until he looked back towards the bathroom that he figured it out. The wardrobe had moved. Sam knew that shouldn't have surprised him after everything he'd seen in the last couple of hours, but for some reason that threw him.

"I believe you're looking for me?"

Sam turned wide eyes on the cherry wood wardrobe. She had an accented voice, more proper sounding than Crowley's Sam thought, but with a hint of that same sarcastic wit that the cello seemed to possess.

"The goldfish look is not an attractive one on you; just thought someone should tell you."

Sam shut his mouth, teeth clinking together audibly, and ran a hand over his face wearily. He didn't know how much more he could take. Shaking his head, Sam tried not to sound too incredulous when he spoke. "So, what should I call you?"

"My name is Bela, if that's what you mean."

He didn't know how, but Sam just knew that the wardrobe - Bela - would have been cocking an eyebrow at him had she any. The way she was leaning reminded him of how Anna stood, hands on her hips, when she thought he had just said or done something worth scolding him over. Rubbing the back of his neck, Sam smiled sheepishly, dimples just barely peeking out. "Sorry, didn't mean to be so rude. It's been a long day. Nice to meet you Bela, I'm Sam." He couldn't help but feel silly at introducing himself to Bela; she'd been in the room the entire time.

"Yes, I caught onto that when Castiel was around. I don't think there's anyone in the castle that doesn't know your name by now, Sam. You've become quite the celebrity."

"I'm…" Sam sighed, "I don't even know what to say to that."

The material in his hands as he moved the clothes to the other side of the bed was soft, and he thought they would probably be more comfortable than anything he'd ever worn before. If he were actually planning on going to dinner, he might have enjoyed the feel of them against his skin.

"What are you doing? They're going to wrinkle if you aren't careful."

Ignoring Bela's sharp, reprimanding tone was tougher than it should have been, but it - like everything else, it seemed - reminded him of his brother; the way Dean sounded when Sam did something the elder Winchester deemed particularly stupid. But it didn't stop him from pushing the clothes away and laying down in their place, paying no attention to the confused, incredulous looks the girls sent his way.

Before they had a chance to say anything, there was an impatient knock on the door and Sam was unsurprised when Crowley entered seconds later. He'd been at the castle less than a day, but the youngest Winchester was sure that the cello would never stop looking at him like he was being perpetually moronic.

Green eyes flicked from the mass of clothes to Sam and back before he spoke, "You did hear the master when he mentioned dinner, did you not? You're not nearly ready."

Sam rolled his eyes. "That's because I'm not going to dinner."

It was a little disconcerting to hear the cello snort, but Sam thought he'd probably get used to it sooner or later; there was bound to be a lot more of it from Crowley in the future. There was a moment of quiet before Crowley's eyes widened slightly. "You can't be serious. You don't really expect me to go out there and tell him you've decided you're not coming down."

"Do what you want." Sam shrugged. "But I'm not going down there."

He almost laughed at the shocked gasps the girls gave and the unhappy groan from Crowley was just as amusing, but he kept it to himself as the cello backed out of the room. A few moments later, Bela and Nancy seemed to realize he had nothing more to say on the subject and the perfume bottle went back to the dresser while the wardrobe took her place beside the bathroom's entrance. Sam lay down on the bed once again, head resting on his hands as he stared at the ceiling before falling back into a light doze.


It wasn't long before loud pounding at the door jolted Sam from his doze. Blinking blearily, and running his fingers roughly through his hair, Sam looked around the room. The banging continued long enough to have him clenching his jaw in irritation before he couldn't take it anymore. Sam wouldn't be surprised if the Beast was doing it just to get some sort of reaction out of him, but he didn't care. "What? Go away."

The pounding mercifully stopped and Sam found he could think clearly again. In the absence of the raps to the door, Sam heard what he was sure was the Beast's pacing outside his doorway, claws occasionally scraping against the floor beneath them.

"Dinner is downstairs," the Beast growled through the door. Sam had to keep from rolling his eyes again.

"And I'll be here, fixing my busted 'give-a-damn'."

"I demand that you come to dinner!"

"No thank you," Sam paused a moment before adding, "By the way, if I find your manners, want me to give them back to you? Or should I hold onto them for safekeeping?"

Sam didn't know where all that came from, his brother was usually the one to mouth off to people. Normally the youngest Winchester would have been mortified to think he could come up with anything like Dean would say, but right then it just felt really good to let out some of his frustrations.

He heard the Beast barking at someone else, either Castiel or Crowley he assumed, before finally letting out an irritated huff and knocking on the door; lighter than Sam would have thought him capable.


"Please come down to dinner."

"So I see you found your manners all on your own?"

Sam snickered at the hushed, frustrated words he couldn't make out through the door. He was more than a little surprised when the Beast asked him again, voice soft even with the frustration and anger layered underneath. But asking nicely twice wasn't going to be enough to convince him; he'd always been told Winchester was practically synonymous with stubborn.

"I'd rather eat dirt," he called through the door, grinning at the Beast's growl.

"Be careful what you wish for, kiddo," was the only answer he got before he heard the Beast stomp away. Sam nodded to himself in victory; he may have agreed to stay in this castle, stay with the Beast, but he never said anything about how pleasant he would be.


One look out the windows told Sam it was finally completely dark out, and probably safe for him to slip out of his room without fear of running into his host.

Nancy had left shortly after the Beast stormed off, offering a sad look with wide brown eyes before shuffling out. Bela stayed quiet, not moving from her spot beside the bathroom as he slipped out - if he didn't know she was enchanted, her act would have fooled him into believing she was just a wardrobe again.

The corridor outside the room looked the same as it had when the Beast led him through it earlier. Torches glowed bright, illuminating the path he took as he started forward. Sam couldn't deny being curious about this place. The little village he and his brother lived in was too small to have anything close to the structure in which he now walked. Even before they'd moved, built a life in that small town, Sam had never been near a castle, and certainly never been inside one. And if the Beast was determined to keep him there, Sam could at least pass his time exploring.

Suits of armor lined the walls further down the hall, all sharp edges and gleaming silver. Flames danced across their surface, the reflection bright from the torches. A prickling at the back of his neck had Sam spinning around only to be faced with the same picture as before. Nothing was changed, nothing was watching him, even if it felt like there had been. Shrugging the feeling away, he continued his walking and immediately the hairs at the back of his neck stood up once more. Ignoring it, he followed the row of suits and down the castle's main staircase, past a room lit dimly by dying embers in a large fireplace, until he reached what Sam could only guess was a large dining room, with its long table; nearly the length of the room itself.

Massive windows opposite him gave Sam an amazing view of the already rapidly falling snow outside, clumping in large piles along the grounds and through the trees surrounding the castle. Winter was finally here.

He stopped just at the entrance when voices drifted to him; his name was said and Sam recognized them as belonging to Castiel, Crowley, and Nancy. They spoke too softly for him to hear any words other than his name, and he chuckled at the way they abruptly stopped when he cleared his throat.

Three sets of eyes met him when the others came out from behind the door, each looking for all the world like the proverbial child who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Crowley and Castiel recovered from their shock nearly simultaneously, and their questions overlapped. Neither made any sense as the words were so jumbled, though Sam would have bet that Crowley's was sarcastic somehow.

"Is everything alright, Sam?"

Castiel took a step towards him and Sam wondered if it was odd that he had adjusted to these pieces of furniture, these instruments, moving around and talking to him. A beat later he nodded in answer, to both himself and Castiel. Being odd was nothing new to him and there wasn't any point in dwelling on it, especially when it made his transition to his new home slightly easier.

"Everything's fine. I just got... bored in that room, I guess," he replied, shrugging.

Crowley snorted behind Castiel. "You'd have been decidedly less bored had you come down for dinner."

Sam rolled his eyes at the cello. Apparently the accented member of their little trio was the type to hold a grudge. Ignoring Crowley, the youngest Winchester looked around the dining room, along the table that was adorned with a maroon cloth at its center, accented with gold trimming at its edges; a match for the decorations of his room.

He didn't know what to say, didn't have anything to talk about; no questions to ask that wouldn't be painful to choke out - like I miss my brother or Does anyone know if he made it home? Eventually, the growling of his stomach broke the awkward silence for him and Sam ducked his head sheepishly. "I may be a little hungry, too."

Nancy shushed Crowley's comment before the cello had the chance to open his mouth and shuffled forward. "Why don't you take a seat and we'll see what's in the kitchen?"

He nodded and followed Castiel when the coat rack led him to a seat at the end of the long table. "Thanks Cas."

Blue eyes blinked in surprise at the sudden nickname, but Sam just smiled warmly at Castiel as he sat until the coat rack smiled back, looking pleased. His spirit lifted a little at the sight of it and after a moment, Sam realized his smile hadn't left.


On the pretense of going back to his room, Sam pushed in his chair and walked out of the dining room, chuckling softly at the voices he heard talking about him once they believed him out of earshot. It was almost a surprise that they - or Crowley at least - hadn't tried following him out, but he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Staying in the - his - room for hours more when he knew he would be unable to get any sleep was less than appealing and he'd been curious when Gabriel first led him through the castle from the tower.


The door creaked as he slowly pushed through it and his senses were assaulted by a wave of musty, stale air. The room was shrouded in darkness; no torches stood in the slots on the room's walls. It was all almost enough to have Sam turning back around to continue his exploration elsewhere and come back to this at another time. He was doing just that, but as he was backing out, he saw a small flicker of light at the corner of his eye and stopped, brow furrowing as he took another step into the room.

He let the door fall closed softly behind him as he walked further into the room towards the light. Sam's eyes swept over the walls and paused to take in the shredded remains of a portrait. Twinkling amber eyes were still intact and Sam found himself curious as to who those eyes belonged to. His gaze slowly drifted down the painting, and what he could make of the lips were tilted up in a pleased smirk; Sam shook off the odd feeling of familiarity it stirred in him and started walking toward the light again.

When in an enchanted castle, Sam figured he should have stopped being surprised by strange things, but still found himself shocked still at the sight of a glowing rose, floating upright within its very own glass case. The soft-looking petals sparkled with light he knew wasn’t reflecting from any torches in the room and Sam had to force his jaw closed when he realized it had practically fallen to the floor.

Ever curious, Sam took a step closer, reaching out to touch the glass of the dome case that protected the rose; taken by surprise when he was yanked roughly away, with enough force to have him tumbling back into a wall - the wall, he noted dazedly, where the shredded portrait hung.

He whipped his head to the front, eyes widening at the sight of the Beast, panting furiously above him, standing tall as the being could get. Blazing amber eyes glared down at him, snarl forming across his face as Sam tried to back further into the wall behind him. The golden frame of the portrait dug into the space between his shoulder blades. He swallowed the lump in his throat and opened his mouth to speak only to be cut off by a growl the reverberated throughout the dusky room.

Flinching, Sam stared wide-eyed as the Beast loomed over him, made him feel so much smaller than his 6'4" stature. There was nowhere to go; his only path out of that room would take him right past Gabriel and Sam wasn't willing to risk the move yet. Lowering his eyes, Sam swallowed again before trying to speak, "I- I was just..."

Another low growl had his mouth snapping shut, back pressing harder against the portrait's large frame.

"Did I or did I not tell you to stay out of the West wing?"

The Beast spoke, deathly calm tone sending fearful shivers down Sam's spine and he fought to keep from bolting, afraid of what would happen if he tried running past the creature on the way out the door. "You did but - "

He jolted when a clawed fist flew at him, colliding with the portrait behind him, mere inches from his head. "You have no idea what you could have done!"

Sam felt his body shaking, adrenaline and fear thrumming through him at the fire swirling in the Beast's eyes where they locked with his. Pointed teeth bared in another growl. "I'm sorry," he tried but the Beast shook his head, claw pulling back. Finally, a path to the door cleared as the creature flew to the side, pacing angrily and covering the glass-encased rose with clawed hands. Sam ran for it, the Beast's bellow, "Get out!" following behind him. The door flew closed just as he slipped through it but he didn't stop to look, just kept moving until he found himself in the front of the castle, large entry doors the only barrier to the outside world.

Castiel stood at the foot of the stairs but Sam didn't notice him until that deep timber voice penetrated past the blood rushing in his ears. "What happened, Sam?"

Sam shook his head, shoulders hunched forward as he thought over his options. "I thought I could do this," he whispered, mostly to himself. "Dean's done so much for me, given up so much but I can't stay..." Not where he couldn't be sure he wouldn't be hurt or worse in one of the Beast's fits of rage. Sam hadn't even touched that stupid rose and his head was nearly pounded into the wall. A line of bruises was probably already forming across his back.

"What are you - "

"I'm sorry," Sam interrupted, turning over his shoulder to find the coat rack's large blue eyes watching him in confused concern, "But I can't stay here another minute."

Then he opened the doors and took off, not caring that it was still snowing and he was without a cloak. He didn't feel the cold, couldn't feel anything, even as his arms erupted in goose bumps, clothing dampening with each white flake that hit them. A familiar whinny caught his ears, though, and he slowed just inside the gate at the sight of Impala running towards him, sleek black amidst a flurry of white. She was someone he hadn't let himself think on, had hoped she'd run away, chased after Dean into the night to make sure he was okay. But now that he saw her here, a wave of relief flooded through him and he heaved a tearful laugh that came out more like a sob as she butted her head against his. In an instant he was on her back and she ran them off the castle grounds so quickly Sam wouldn't have been surprised to find her flying.

Wind and snow whipped against him, slicing into his skin like daggers but Sam had to keep moving. He could still feel the whoosh of the Beast's claw whizzing past his head, the enraged roar that followed; still saw amber eyes filled with anger, all directed at him. It had been too much and though Sam had always been a man who kept his word, - John raised them to do so no matter what, taught them it was part of being a Winchester - how could he allow himself to remain in that place, with that creature forever looming over him, an ever-threatening presence?

Suddenly Impala bucked under him and Sam had to tighten his grip on her reins, leaning forward to try shushing her as well as he could with the roar of the wind in their ears. It seemed to work and she focused once more on the run ahead of them. They flew past masses of trees so fast they looked like nothing but dark blurs to Sam's eyes.

But they'd barely made it twenty more feet before Impala was bucking under him again, nearly sending him flying off her back. It wasn't until he regained his balance over top the spooked horse that he heard the excited howls in the air around them. His heart sped up further and he clutched the reins tighter between his fingers. Growling reached his ears through the wind and for a terrible moment Sam was afraid the Beast had found him, but then he saw movement in the corner of his eye; a flash of grey and white fur as a pack of wolves circled them. A wolf's jaw snapped at Impala's leg and Sam steered her off the path they'd been following and into the dense forest surrounding them.

"Come on, girl," he muttered, nearly pleading with her to stay calm so they could get through this together. He'd been through too much in the last few hours - the last few days - to be eaten by a pack of ravenous wolves right when he was about to be free.

The forest was dark, only a sliver of moonlight peaking through the trees and Sam didn't see the frozen mouth of a lake until it was too late. Thin ice cracked beneath Impala's hooves and they plunged into frigid water, as black as his horse. She kept moving, swimming them both across and Sam clung to her, gritting his teeth against the sharp pain of icy water stabbing into him. The lake was thankfully small but when they finally made it across to the other side, they were met with the pack of wolves; surrounded and Sam knew they were done for. He was in no condition to fight against them; he had nothing on him but the now-drenched clothes on his back. One wolf slunk a step closer and spooked the horse whose instinctive buck finally managed to throw Sam off. Groaning, he pushed himself up until he was standing, fists clenched like he could fight off the animals with his bare hands.

Just as the wolves moved forward, almost like they were moving as one, a familiar, bone-jarring roar sounded around them. The animals didn't pause in their attack and the one closest to him nearly had its jaws wrapped around Sam's arm before a blurry mass of brown, growling fur sideswiped it, throwing it to the ground. The wolf gave a pained yip but it only seemed to spur the others into action, the pack refocusing on the Beast who stood between them and Sam like a shield. Sam's breath caught in his throat as he watched the creature he'd thought might hurt him taking out this pack of wild animals - their growls mingling as sharp teeth were bared. Protecting him like he hadn't just broken his word and left the castle he'd promised to remain living in.

One of the wolves slipped past his claws, teeth sinking into furred skin and Sam winced at the sight but it only seemed to make the Beast angrier, rumbling a thunderous bellow before he threw the animal off. It landed with a whine and finally the attacks stopped coming, the others backing away from them, panting. Their breath shone white in the cold night air before they all turned and ran further into the woods and out of sight.

Sam unclenched his fists, though they threatened to stay clamped shut in the cold, and his entire body tensed automatically when the Beast turned to face him. Amber eyes wandered him up and down and he had to fight to keep from crossing his arms under the scrutiny but what came from the Beast next shocked him still. "Are you alright?"

Jaw nearly on the ground, Sam could only stare dumbly at the creature - man in front of him. The one who had scared him so badly before - who had just fought off an entire pack of wolves - was asking him if he was alright. "Are you freaking kidding me?"

The words slipped past before he could stop them but the Beast only twisted his mouth into an amused smirk before he swayed on his feet. Sam stepped into his space, only noticing how cold he was when he pressed close to the Beast, wrapping an arm around him in what was probably a futile attempt to help keep him standing if he needed it. He shivered when another blast of wind swept over them but in the next moment found his shoulders covered in the Beast's outer cloak. It was heavy and warm and Sam looked up into the Bea - Gabriel, he reminded himself - Gabriel's eyes. They were softer than he'd seen them before, no hint of anger swirling at the edges, none even left over from his fight. "Thanks," Sam whispered into the air between them.

"Don't mention it, kiddo," came the soft response.

They started walking back the way Sam assumed Gabriel had come and he gave the surrounding woods a quick once over in case any stragglers decided to come back. Instead of any wolves, Impala came into view, mane wild and flakes of white coating her sleek black frame. Breaking away from Gabriel's side when he was sure the man wouldn't fall over, Sam half-jogged to the horse, patting a soothing hand down her snout. "Hey girl," he murmured as they butted heads, a small relieved smile breaking out across his face, "I'm glad you're okay."

Looking over his shoulder, Sam found Gabriel watching them but maintaining a comfortable distance. Biting his lip, he thought of how he'd just been saved by the one person he'd never have expected protection from and tilted his head, gesturing for the Beast to come closer. Amber eyes widened in subtle surprise that Sam might have missed had he not been focusing so intently on Gabriel's face, but he stepped toward them. Just as his foot left the ground, the Beast swayed again and it was Sam's turn to widen his eyes as he shot forward to try and help him regain balance. "We should head back. You've got to get that looked at," he said, indicating the large arm he’d just noticed was bleeding. Without waiting for a response, Sam steered them toward Impala and he placed the claw of Gabriel's good arm on her back, knowing she could handle taking some of his weight for now. He was sent what might have been a vaguely grateful look but he looked away with a small shrug of his shoulders. It was really the least he could do right now.

Tightening the Beast's cloak over his shoulders at another gust of wind, he held onto Impala's other side to make sure they stayed together and the three of them started the trudge back to the castle.


Castiel and Nancy were standing just inside the door, questions overlapping each other, but Sam could still make out what they were asking: if Gabriel found him. Impala was safely tucked away in the sturdy stables Sam hadn't realized were there - probably where they'd placed her when he agreed to stay - and it was just the two of them, him wearing a cloak that wasn't his and the Beast still occasionally swaying on his feet. It was quite the sight, something that tall threatening to fall over.

"Sam," Nancy's meek voice sounded out when the room grew quiet. "Are you alright?"

Again he was struck by the apparent concern the inhabitants of the castle directed towards him even though he ran out on all of them. Recovering quickly he shook his head a little to himself but answered, "It's him you should be worrying about."

All eyes turned to Gabriel who was looking at him like he was a puzzle he couldn't figure out. Then there was only movement as Castiel and Nancy finally took notice of the one who actually had the injuries in the room. Sam stayed back as they herded Gabriel further into the castle until they reached the room he'd seen the first time he stepped foot in the castle. The fireplace was lit and as Sam watched the coat rack and perfume bottle - and even the cello - rush around getting warm water and cloths and bandages to patch up his rescuer, he shivered, wet clothes making themselves known within the warmth of the castle walls.

While everyone was too pre-occupied to notice, Sam slipped away and up the main staircase. It wasn't long before he was shutting the door of his room behind him. The wardrobe thankfully stayed quiet - he was sure he couldn't handle Bela's criticism over his clothes or anything - as he grabbed a clean, dry top and comfortable pants that he was still amazed to find might fit when he put them on. In the privacy of his en-suite bathroom, Sam stripped out of his sopping, icy clothing and dried himself off with one of the large soft towels he found on a rack on the wall. It was gentle over his sensitive skin and soon enough he was pulling on the new clothes; a long sleeved blue fleece top and dark comfortable pants that actually reached his feet. There was still the occasional shiver but the dry clothes and warm castle - and how strange for it to be warm when it had looked so dark and cold when he first came here - seeped slowly into him.

Folding the damp towel, he set it on the edge of the basin and stepped out of the bathroom and out of his room - and the thought of it being his didn't make him want to cringe as it had before. He shuffled down the staircase and found Gabriel and the others in much the same position as they'd been when he'd gone out of the main room, but the Beast was growling low in his throat when Castiel moved to wash his injury. Shaking his head, Sam was reminded of how reluctant Dean was to being helped and how much of a baby he really was when it came to having any wounds cleaned, which happened a lot with all of his tinkering. Thoughts of his brother still made something in his chest clench but Gabriel had saved him when he had absolutely no reason to do so and Sam had already broke his word once. It wasn't something he was willing to do a second time.

The soft patter of his feet across the tile announced his entrance and all eyes fixed on him instantly, but Sam chose to ignore it. Instead, he took the cloth from Castiel and re-soaked it in the bowl of warm water beside the occupied chair. Ignoring the growl Gabriel sent him, Sam pressed the cloth to the marks left behind by the wolf's strong jaw, adding a little pressure at a time to stem off the rest of the already slowed bleeding. He looked up when the Beast tried to pull his arm away, amber eyes glaring at him. "Stop moving, you big baby."

It was like the air in the room froze, everyone's eyes widening at his words but Gabriel only seemed to pout as he spread his arm out for Sam again. With a small smile he cleaned the blood out of the fur.

"Watch it!" the Beast warned but Sam ignored the rumbling voice as he continued washing the rest of the blood from the wound. Looking around, he found Castiel offering the bandages to him as well and smiled at the coat rack in thanks before taking them. It was probably a testament to how odd Sam truly was that the sight of those blue eyes smiling back at him didn't phase him in the least.

Gabriel pulled away again as he started to wrap the bandage tightly around the wound and Sam huffed a sigh. "God, you're impossible. Sit still for a minute, will you?"

He got a growl in response, "That hurts!" and looked up to find Gabriel still glaring at him. He only quirked a brow, "It's not my fault you keep squirming."

"And whose fault is it that we're in this situation at all?"

"You should watch that temper of yours. You'll give yourself an ulcer at the rate you're going."

It was enough to shock the room still again and Sam took advantage of Gabriel's slackened arm, finishing the tight wrap. "There, all done. What would you do without me?"

"You?" Gabriel roared, "If it hadn't been for you... running away, none of this would have happened!"

"Well if you hadn't freaked me out, I wouldn't have run away."

"I wouldn't have 'freaked you out'," Gabriel started, complete with air quotes that Sam wouldn't have thought those claws could make without witnessing it himself, "if you hadn't been in the West wing!"

Sam shook his head incredulously, "And we've come full circle. If you could control that damned temper we could have talked it out. Whose fault is that?"

He stood suddenly but the world tilted around him, seemed to shake under his feet as they failed to hold him up. His body was shivering again, something he'd somehow managed to miss until now and now was a bit too late. Just before he hit the ground, Sam was caught by something warm and it took his sluggish brain a minute to process that it was Gabriel. Wide amber eyes stared down at him and he must have been more feverish than he thought because they looked almost scared, but that wasn't right.

"What's wrong with him?" that rapidly-becoming-familiar growl rolled through him, but he found it wasn't quite as frightening as it had been in the West wing. Maybe because it was directed at someone else. Sam tried to turn and look at who Gabriel was talking to but it was too much effort, especially when he started shaking in earnest, teeth clattering together so hard and loud he was afraid they might crack.

Bright blue eyes moved into sight, searching over his face. The chattering of his teeth was almost too loud to make out what was said above him as Gabriel's warm… claws? Paws? Hands? As he was manhandled until Gabriel was holding him up off of the ground. He hadn't been carried since before he hit his growth spurt and the whole situation felt a little surreal - which was saying something considering how the last day had gone so far. Still, Sam couldn't deny that it felt nice, if only because he wasn't quite so cold surrounded by warm fur.

"He has a fever," Castiel's deep voice interrupted his fevered musings, "His hair is still soaked from his time spent out in the snow."

"Moron," Crowley muttered under his breath and Sam heard Nancy telling him to be quiet. He smiled a little at how loud she sounded when up until now she'd only ever sounded small.

"I wouldn't think the time he spent in the snow would affect him quite so badly so fast," Castiel mused while Nancy somehow managed to place a cool cloth on his forehead - maybe Crowley helped, he thought incredulously.

Then Gabriel was speaking again, voice rushed like Dean's always got whenever Sam was hurt and his big brother didn't know how to fix it, "When I caught up to the muttonhead, he'd been soaked from the lake."

The room grew quiet and suddenly the world moved around him again. Sam panicked, arms flailing to grip Gabriel tight before he realized that it wasn't the world moving, it was him. His eyelids grew heavier by the second, but each step jolted him enough to keep him from falling asleep and he soon found himself being placed gently on the bed of his room, tucked in tight beneath the warm comforter. His body shook with the occasional shiver and he looked around until he could see Gabriel's tall frame standing beside the bed and staring down at him. Sam just didn't know what to make of this person?-creature?-beast? One minute he was terrifyingly angry, the next he was saving Sam from a pack of wolves and helping him to bed through a fever. The only other person who'd ever done something like this for him was his brother. And even Dean hadn't been able to carry him since he shot over 6'.

Another cool cloth replaced the lukewarm one his forehead and Sam blinked sluggishly up at the figure, eyes blurring. He blinked to rid himself of the tears suddenly gathering in his eyes. The effort of opening them again soon became more trouble than it was worth and Sam stopped trying, falling into a restless sleep as amber eyes watched over him.


Something cold dripped on his face and Sam whimpered, trying to get away from whatever it was. "Shhh, relax kiddo. Just want to get some water into ya..."

A strong, warm hand cupped the back of his head, the cold rim of a glass pressed against his lips and he opened to it, swallowing down a few sips before it was taken away from him. Sam was set gently back into the pillow and he turned his head into the touch when it rested on the top of his head. "D'n?"

The small, sad sigh he got in response wasn't what he was expecting. "No, Sam. It's not Dean."

"Wha-?" he slurred, finally opening his eyes to find amber instead of the emerald green of Dean's. "Gabriel," Sam sighed out, closing his eyes again. He found he wasn't quite as disappointed to see Gabriel sitting at his bedside. The man had stayed.

His hair was pushed off of his sweaty forehead, but the paw didn't leave, stroking through his hair soothingly and Sam sighed in relief. "Thanks," he suddenly blurted, voice quiet and rough, but sincere. When he opened his eyes, Gabriel was staring at him in confusion, hand pausing its petting. "Thanks for saving me," he elaborated, eyes already feeling heavy again. The pull of sleep was too strong to fight and he let it drag him away, Gabriel's quiet words following after him, "You're welcome."

Part 2B
(Cut due to length)

genre: hurt/comfort, writing, genre: romance, fanfiction, genre: first time, character: dean winchester, character: gabriel, character: castiel, rating: pg-13, genre: au, batb, genre: schmoop, fic: out of wilting petals love blooms, genre: angst, character: sam winchester, genre: humor, supernatural

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