FIC: Fabulous Monsters part the first

Sep 11, 2005 09:15

Hey look! I actually found the disk for this beast. Slash story involving Immortals and Vampires.

Title: Fabulous Monsters

Author: Wolfine

Setting: Seacouver and San Francisco. ('Twas brilling...)

Pairing: Julian Luna/Duncan MacLeod (And the slithy toves...)

Rating: NC-17 (Did gyre and gimble in the wabe...)

Category: Crossover (All mimsy were the borogroves...)

Warning: M/M sexual situations. Children and homophobes, please exit, stage
left. (And the mome raths outgrabe.)

Disclaimer: Characters from "Kindred the Embraced" belong to Spelling, Republic
Pictures, White Wolf and many others, most like. "Highlander" and all things
Immortal belong to Panzer/Davis and such. I have made no money, I have meant no
harm. (Beware the Jabberwock, my son!)

Archive: Ask, I'm easy! (The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!)

Summary: Immortals, Kindred, sex, betrayal, love, sex, loathing, hope, sex. And
just what is the Book of Namaith about, anyway?

Kindred fans: First off, Caitlin is dead. Sorry, sorry, but I respected her
feelings for Julian way too much for him to tell her "Ain't gonna work Babe,
see ya, bye." So I killed her. Was that too Brujah of me? LOL. I also mention
the Garou, which are the race of Werewolves from the White Wolf games. Also,
for those not familiar with the "Highlander" premise....there is a race of
Immortal people who live among us. They can be wounded, but unless you sever
their head, they tend to not die. (Sound familiar?) MacLeod has been around for
400 years, his friend Methos estimated at 5000. (And here I complain about
hitting 40! ) Immortals are driven to battle each other with broadswords until
only one of them remains, but they do occasionally form allies with each other,
as MacLeod and Methos have done.

Highlander fans: This story is going to be rather Kindred-heavy. The "Kindred"
are vampires, divided into five groups, or Clans. The Ventrue are politicians
and businessmen, Toreador the artisans, Brujah the gangsters and businessmen,
Gangrel the rebels and most wolf-like, and the Nosferatu, hairless and often
disfigured of face, they are powerful but neutral. The Clans tend to get on
each others nerves, but one rule governs them all: maintain the Masquerade. All
but the Nosferatu live among us, fiercely guarding their secret of what they
are and how they feed on humanity, or they would be hunted down as they were in
the old days when people believed in vampires. Breaking the Masquerade by
revealing what they are is a sure death sentence.

Feedback: Can be delivered to: and all comments are
greatly appreciated! (The frumious Bandersnatch!)

Alice could not help her lips curling up into a smile as she began: "Do you
know, I always thought Unicorns were fabulous monsters, too! I never saw one
alive before!"
"Well, now that we *have* seen each other, " said the Unicorn, "if you'll
believe in me, I'll believe in you. Is that a bargain?"

Alice through the Looking Glass
Lewis Carroll

Lillie stretched herself across Julian's bed, her Cheshire grin matching her
movements to invoke a sense of the feline. "If you're only packing your lucky
underwear, it's no wonder you became Prince. That has to be the fifth pair I've

Julian glanced at her, a good-natured smile gliding onto his face, and folded
another pair of silk boxers into his suitcase. "I like to be prepared. I may
need some luck."

"Nonsense." Lillie rose and headed for another refill of her wineglass. Julian
watched her from the corner of his eye, admiring her graceful poise. She was
dressed in cream colored hosiery and one of those silky, slip-like things. He
never could figure out what the hell to call them, but they seemed to suit her
very well, moving and shifting to accent her body beautifully. She turned
quickly and caught him looking at her, but said nothing. She knew better than
to push Julian in matters of the heart. After Caitlin's death, Julian had
pulled away from her so much, and she had feared never to share his bed again.
But while he had allowed her the comfort of his arms, his heart seemed full of
shadows. Lillie offered him all she could- solace on long nights, and her
support. "I doubt you will have any trouble."

Julian merely smiled and continued packing, thinking of the coming trip. He
was the Prince of his city, the well respected, governing Kindred for all of
San Francisco and the surrounding area. The last time he had left his beloved
city had been ten years ago, ending in a fatal battle between himself and the
Brujah who held their blood-grudge with him. Caitlin had remembered nothing
from that weekend, but it was a moot point a few weeks later when she was
struck by a car. Archon too had been taken from him the weekend he had been
away, at the hands of the then new Brujah Primogen, Cameron. Julian had
struggled in the following years, slowly coming to terms with both Archon and
Caitlin's deaths, Archon avenged finally when Cameron was destroyed. It made
for risky business for his heart then, to be slipping out of his city once
more, but the new Brujah Primogen who had risen to power was as dispassionate
and clear-headed as Eddie Fiori had not been, and without Cameron's need for
Julian's death. The young Brujah's main concern in life was money, not power,
and peace had been maintained for years because he knew the quickest and most
quiet ways to get it. Julian Luna was a good businessman, but his Brujah
Primogen put him to shame. It was the kind of thing that you didn't mind losing
your shorts to the guy because you were too busy admiring his technique.

It was only because there had been such peace among the clans that Julian even
entertained the idea of visiting Thomas Grendal in Seacouver. Grendal had lived
under Julian's rule, becoming a close friend, before moving northward and
establishing his own there. It had been more difficult as there were fewer
Kindred over greater distances, but Thomas had managed. Their greatest problem
had been the Garou, Kindred hating werewolves who considered the land theirs
and made it their sole purpose in life to hunt down every Kindred they found.
However, an accident at a power plant recently had forced the Garou to leave
the area as they were far more sensitive to the escaping toxins, and Thomas had
asked Julian to come up. He wanted the advice of his former Prince, and Julian
also suspected Thomas wanted to show off his territory a bit. With the Garou
gone, it was relatively safe, and Thomas would no doubt benefit from Julian's
experience in establishing a greater Kindred stronghold. By the time the Garou
returned, if they ever did, the tables would be turned in the Kindred's favor.

"Still," muttered Lillie, wrinkling her nose, "I'm glad I don't have to do all
your laundry."

Julian arched a playful eyebrow at her, making her grin in spite of herself.
"When I get back, this floor better not be covered in pantyhose." His lips
quirked in amusement.

Lillie heaved a theatrical sigh, knowing what Julian was really saying.
"Julian, Daedalus and I will keep your city in its pristine condition. I
promise you, no mountains of unwashed socks, no one will break the Masquerade,
no street will flow with blood, no library books will be overdue..."

"Mmmm..." Julian nodded and quickly stepped to his night table to retrieve a
book, which he tucked into the side pocket of his suitcase before he closed it.
"I do have faith in you."

Lillie had no doubt he did, otherwise he would never leave. She rose and gave
him a warm kiss good-bye as Cash came to haul Julian's case down to the waiting
car. The Prince returned her kiss, but she still felt the absence of any real
feeling. In earlier times, she would have been devastated, but now she accepted
the situation. Julian left in a whoosh of tailored black wool, stopping at the
bottom of the stairs to exchange parting words with the Nosferatu, Daedalus.
The disfigured Kindred took the hand of his sovereign and bowed low, pledging
his loyalty. Julian's old friend would die to keep the city safe while Julian
was gone, and Lillie would do her best to keep it a secret that the Prince was
not in the city at all. It was a risky venture, but with the Clans at peace,
there was no better time to take a trip. Lillie returned to her glass of wine
as Julian's car left the compound.
* * *
A light rain was falling when Julian finished his meeting with Thomas and
slipped free from Cash's watch. The elder Kindred chuckled, knowing there was
going to be hell to pay when he returned to the hotel. As much as he was the
Prince, his bodyguard had no problem reading him the riot act when Julian went
off on his own. And while Cash's attitude was partly out of respect and genuine
love for his Prince, Julian also knew that, should anything happen to him,
Lillie would rip Cash to shreds upon his return. At times Julian was hard
pressed to decide which of the two was more smothering.

He wound his away around town, not really having a destination in mind. He
blended well with the shadows when he wanted to, and his step was silent,
barely attracting the attention of any of the late night humanity that roamed
the streets. It was times like this he felt most free, but he never let his
guard completely down. He was Kindred, after all, and he hadn't survived for so
long by being ignorant. The quiet of most of the buildings called to him and
soothed his nerves, allowing him to think without consequences, without
everyone watching his face and trying to figure out what he was thinking. He
climbed the fire escape of a brick building to be closer to the half moon, and
settled himself onto the edge of the roof, turning his collar up to keep the
rain from running down his neck. It tickled his sensitive, Kindred skin, and
drove him nuts. He took a cleansing breath and swung his legs freely, feeling a
bit like a child for doing so. He bathed in the moonlight as it peeked between
clouds, missing Archon suddenly, when the sound of music fluttered skyward and
caught his attention.

There was a small bar below, and some leaving patrons had swung open the door,
allowing the sounds to escape. Once shut, the street was quiet again, and
Julian strained to hear the music. It had been a mellow Jazz song, and would go
nicely with his relaxing mood. Climbing down the iron ladder, he decided to
feed prior to walking into the place. It would keep his hunger at bay and
prevent his complexion from looking so freakishly pale. Kindred skin under bar
lights tended to look more bizarre than any other time and drew unwanted
attention to its owner. Pushing off from the last rung, he hunted a few blocks
before spotting a young male, slightly unsteady on his feet and not paying much
attention. Julian enclosed the young man in his arms and whispered into the
shell of his ear, quieting him as if he were a skittish racehorse. The man
finally relaxed against Julian's body, and Julian guided him into the shadow of
a tall building. Breaking the skin gently, Julian fed, swept away for a heady
moment in the feel of warm blood sliding over his tongue. There was no
experience quite like it, and Julian reluctantly released the tender neck,
licking at the wounds to close them. He fished for a wallet, memorizing the
address on the license, and called a cab for the now slumbering man. He paid
the cab driver well, and made his way back to the little bar. A sign outside
proclaimed the place as "Joe's."

Stepping into the bar, he was disappointed to find that the band seemed to be
taking a break. The place was nearly empty at this late hour but Julian hoped
they would play one more set before the bar closed. Now that he was here, he
decided to have a drink anyway. There were no Kindred here, another factor that
had him relaxing unconsciously. There was only one man sitting at the bar and
the bartender was in a quiet conversation with him, so Julian stepped close to
give the bearded man his order. Unfortunately, Julian's leg bumped into some
sort of pole the seated man was concealing in his long jacket, causing the top
of the pole to jog the man's arm and spill his entire drink onto the bar and
himself. The man sputtered and leaned back on his seat, trying in vain to keep
from wearing the alcohol.

This caused the bartender to break into low laughter. "You know Duncan, I
always wondered why this didn't happen to you more often!" Wheezing and
snorting, the barkeep leaned under the counter to fetch more rags, trying to
keep from falling over in his merriment.

"Oh sure. Yuck it up, Joe." Duncan waved his hands, dripping good whiskey onto
the polished surface.

Julian grabbed the small towel already on the bar and began apologies.
"Forgive me, please! I am so sorry." At that moment, Duncan looked up at him
with an exasperated scowl, but it quickly faded as Julian's heartfelt apology
finally registered. He blinked up at Julian, staring mutely for several
seconds, which afforded the Kindred the chance to take in a good look. The man
was beautiful, no argument there, thought Julian, as he cataloged each feature.
The dark eyes seem to have guarded secrets, their hue matching his
raven-colored hair, setting off his curvaceous lips and putting them on public
display. His skin seemed to glow with the sort of health that made Julian's
mouth water, and his deep voice held an intriguing accent. Julian breathed
deep, filtering out the sharp tang of the alcohol. He found the man's scent,
combined with the earthy smell of cold northwest rain, underneath which ran the
heat-smell of warm, rich blood. While his beauty tugged at Julian's sense of
esthetics, the blood was like a siren's call to his Kindred nature. As Lillie
would say, the man was pure sex walking.

"Uh, that's okay. Uhm..." Julian handed the man the towel from the bar, not
trusting himself to keep hold of it any longer before he started running it
over the man's lap to dab at the wetness there. The bartender also came up with
a drier towel and stood watching the display. Duncan dried his fingers and
smiled slightly at the tall stranger who had just doused him. "My fault,
really. It's all right." He mopped at his damp shirt and lap, stealing another
look upwards. By the look on the man's face, he really was sorry, and Duncan
found himself staring into those eyes again. They were both dark, but one iris
was pure black while the other was more hazel, with shifting hints of green and
bronze. They gave him a feral look, like a wild husky, or wolf. His sleek, dark
hair formed an exotic widow's peak at his forehead, and, just under his nose, a
small scar rested on his upper lip. Nothing more than a pale scratch, really,
but Duncan found himself wondering how it would feel to touch it. Immortals
sometimes found such reminders of mortality fascinating; only occurring in his
own kind if they were obtained prior to the first death. An almost electric
buzz seemed to pass between the two men, more sexual than a quickening, and
scattered Duncan's concentration. Joe rolled his eyes and cleared his throat

Julian thought quickly, wanting to make amends and give himself an excuse to
stay by the man's side. "Please, allow me to buy you another drink." He
reached for his wallet, but the bartender stopped him.

"It's okay, it's on the house." Joe had refilled Duncan's glass and poured one
for Julian. "I haven't had that good a laugh all evening." Being a good
bartender, he knew when to make himself scarce, and trundled his way down to
the other end of the bar to wait on his remaining patrons.

Julian sat down gingerly and swabbed up the last of the liquid on the bar.
"I'm usually not so clumsy." He also wasn't stupid, and despite the man's
beauty, Julian's natural protective instincts had kicked in. He kept his voice
low, leaned fractionally closer, and speared Duncan with an intense look. "May
I ask, are you carrying a weapon in your coat?"

Duncan looked at him, his mouth working as he decided whether to lie to him or
not. Something in the man's expression made Duncan think the dark stranger
would know if he were lying. He appreciated that the other man could mistake
his katana for a rifle. He gave a teasing smile, and leaned closer himself to
speak in soft tones. "Technically, yes and no." The other man arched an eyebrow
at him, waiting for Duncan to elaborate. "I'm an antiques dealer, and I have an
old sword in my jacket." It unnerved Duncan to admit this to a mortal, but he
didn't want the man to think he had plans on robbing the bar. Best to go with
the truth for now. He extended his hand to the other man. "Duncan MacLeod."

"Ah, yes. Julian Luna." Julian took the offered hand and wrapped his fingers
firmly around the warm skin, marveling at the smooth spots on the large hand.
It was all he could do to keep from bringing that hand to his lips, but he did
allow himself a small stroke along Duncan's thumb knuckle. He could tell by the
blush that rose on Duncan's cheeks that this first touch was as exciting to him
as it was to Julian. "I believe I've purchased several pieces from you."

Duncan was intrigued. "Really? I don't recall your name."

"I never give my name." Julian smiled ruefully but his eyes made no apologies.
"I'm a business man who enjoys privacy." Duncan nodded knowingly; he rarely
met any of the big buyers personally. Struck by a sudden, playful urge, Julian
flashed him a sneaky smile and bit his lower lip. "So, can I see it?"
Something about the way he said it reminded Duncan of stolen kisses in the
thick of the forest, hiding from those who would never expect him to 'want that
sort of thing.' It also made Julian's face undeniably sexy. However, Duncan was
an Immortal, and his first instinct was to deny Julian a peek at his sword, but
he told himself what he really wanted was to put Julian's mind completely at
ease about just what he had stashed in his coat. In the face of that
rationalization, it was easy to duck his head close to Julian's and let his
jacket fall open, exposing the carved hilt of his katana.

Julian gasped softly in the semi-private cave their bodies had created,
reveling in the intimate scents there, carried on the rising heat from the warm
body. The sword was nice too. "This is a very unique piece. It's wonderful."
Too cultured to ask what Duncan had paid for such a thing, he still marveled at
the craftsmanship, and why the piece was not in some dusty museum. His hand
rose fractionally, wanting very much to feel the intricate carving, but stopped
short, feeling like a line would be crossed should he do so. He looked at
Duncan questioningly.

Duncan stole a quick glance down the bar, feeling suddenly very exposed. Joe
was busy chatting up a couple at the other end, and they were the last ones in
the bar. He turned back to Julian and nodded, unconsciously breathing slightly
heavier in anticipation and not at all surprised when he felt his cock twitch.
Feeling like a naughty boy, he watched as the other man gently stroked the
ornate hilt, fingertips tracing the lines and whorls of the design. Julian ran
his strong fingers over the dragon's head and thumbed the underside of the
carving, caressing the phallic embodiment of Duncan's deadliness. The eroticism
of the act was not lost on either man, and Julian searched Duncan's flushed
face for signs he had misread those first few smiles he had been given. All he
could see was bridled lust mirrored back at him, and if it weren't for the rest
of the people at the bar, he had no doubt Duncan would be stretched out along
the polished wood, fucking like a mink. Julian made a loop of his fingers and
wrapped them around the hilt, slowly sliding towards the blade, and wet his
lips. Duncan swallowed loudly by his ear, the man's breath becoming uneven,
when Julian realized they had attracted the attention of the bartender. He
hastily let go of Duncan's sword and took a nonchalant sip of his drink. Duncan
wasn't half so smooth, closing his coat flap swiftly, straightening suddenly,
and blushing to his roots.

Joe had made as much noise as he could as he walked towards them, shaking his
head and marveling at the Immortal's ability to bed anything with a pulse.
Watching the dark haired stranger made him wonder, though, if Duncan realized
how much he was being charmed as well. Side by side, they fit together, like a
couple of stunning bookends. "One for the road, gentlemen?"

Julian shook his head no. Duncan finally found his tongue, which surprised
Joe, who would have bet money the Immortal had swallowed it. "No, ah, none for
me, thanks. Uh, Joe, this is Julian Luna. He's an antiques collector."

Joe shook the offered hand, smiling graciously. "You're hunting in Seacouver,

Julian blinked. "I beg your pardon?"

"For antiques. You've come to the right man, Duncan knows where all the good
stuff is." Joe studied Julian while pretending to be busy putting away their

Julian smiled. "I'm sure he does, to be able to find a sword like that one."

Duncan almost did swallow his tongue then, while Joe gave him a 'I can't
believe you let him see your sword!' look. Feeling a bit like a slut, Duncan
decided the show was over. "I do my best. Well, thanks for the drinks, Joe." He
rose, buttoning his coat, and was happy to see Julian had risen as well.
Looking at the other man, he was a bit startled to see that Julian was somewhat
shorter than himself.

Julian nodded graciously to Joe. "Yes, thank you very much. I look forward to
coming back to hear the band."

Joe grinned. Yep, this one was a charmer all right. "We play tomorrow night,
if you're still in town." Duncan had started to walk towards the door, but he
hesitated and Joe could almost see his ears perk.

Julian smiled warmly. "Great. Perhaps I can stop by tomorrow. Thank you,
again." He turned then, and followed Duncan outside. To the Kindred's dismay,
the slight drizzle was working itself up to be a pouring rain, and he knew he'd
be a drowned rat by the time he walked back to his hotel. Huddled close to
Duncan under the slight overhang, he wondered how fast he could get a cab at
this hour.

Duncan was busy forming other ideas. "My car's the last one. You walk here?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"Mmm. You *are* from out of town." Julian chuckled good naturedly. "I could
drop you off wherever you're staying, or..." Duncan hesitated, trying to see if
that steamy light was still in Julian's eyes. It was. "My place isn't far from
here, if you'd like...." Duncan ran out of words, suddenly shy about his
pick-up line.

Julian placed a hand at his back and leaned close enough to Duncan's ear to
raise gooseflesh with his warm breath, a shocking contrast to the chill air.
"I'd like."

Small words, but they shot straight to Duncan's groin, bringing a grin to his
face as he headed down the stone steps. "Okay, last one to the car's a rotten
egg." He heard Julian chuckle behind him as he bent his head against the rain
and sprinted towards his car, but amazingly Julian was waiting for him by the
time he reached the vehicle. He had very little time to think about it though,
as he fumbled with keys and hastily unlocked the door for the other man. Once
out of the downpour, both men spent a moment looking at each other and
laughing, slightly amused at their soaked condition and working off some of the
excitement they both felt.

The drive to Duncan's place was relatively quiet as the Immortal needed all
his concentration to navigate through the downpour. They got another soaking
while running into his building, but Duncan decided it was a handy excuse to
get the first layer of clothes off of them, and watching Julian shake water off
himself in the elevator reminded Duncan again of a wolf. While Duncan sensed no
danger from the man, there was a definite air of something wild held firmly in
check, kept at arms length by the need to be petted and stroked.

Duncan lifted the grating and strode into his loft. "Come on in," he invited.

"Thank you." Duncan took Julian's coat and hung it with his own to dry,
noticing how the other man swept an appreciative gaze around his home. "This is
a wonderful place. Have you lived here long?"

Duncan almost sighed, wishing they could skip the nearly-lies, but it was part
of the price he paid for being what he was. "Not overly long. I lived in Paris
for a while. Take your shoes off, get comfortable."

"Mmm, good idea." Julian quickly toed off his wet shoes, wriggling his toes in
freedom and slipping out of his jacket and tie, hanging them over one of the
kitchen stools. Duncan was rummaging in a drawer for a corkscrew.

"Care for a glass of wine?" he asked Julian.

"Mmm, great. Thanks." Julian watched Duncan dispatch the wine with practiced
ease, admiring his hands again and wondering how they were going to feel
running over his hip. He shivered slightly in anticipation, which Duncan
noticed. "It's...damp out tonight."

Duncan nodded and moved around the counter to hand Julian his glass, suddenly
wanting very much to be close to him. Julian stayed put, eager to feel the
man's heat along his body. Breathing deeply, Duncan closed what little space
there was left between them and gently rubbed his cheek against Julian's,
pitching his voice to a sexual purr. "I can think of a few ways to get warm."

Julian grinned like a fox, letting Duncan's nearness wash over him in a
tingling tide. "Yeah?" he answered softly, and drug his eyes up from a rather
bewitching set of lips to stare into Duncan's rapt gaze. Holding the other
man's attention, he ran his lips gently over Duncan's, marveling at their
softness. Duncan's eyes shuttered closed as Julian slipped his tongue inside
his parted mouth, and the intensely intimate touch burst through Julian's
sensory awareness like a blaze, the wet heat searing his Kindred tongue with
it's human fire.

Without thought, he gripped Duncan's shirt, dragging the man even closer to
him and wrapped his arms around Duncan in a possessive embrace, his hand
cradling the back of his head to keep him still. A tight moan escaped from
Duncan's throat as his own hands scrabbled at Julian's body, his focus shot as
that magic tongue worked his mouth. Julian deepened the kiss as he felt Duncan
slip a sly leg between his own thighs, causing welcome pressure to Julian's
groin. Duncan began to breathe heavily through his nose, not wanting to end the
tongue-fucking he was receiving, but air was becoming a priority. Julian
reluctantly released his treasure, nuzzling Duncan's mouth and jaw as the other
man stood panting. Julian tilted his face up and rubbed noses with Duncan,
making him smile.

"Listen...I have to, uhm..." Duncan made vague gestures towards his bathroom,
a slight blush coloring his cheeks.

Julian found it endearing. "Oh, sure. I have to call my bodyguard and tell him
I'll be...late." This made both men laugh softly, knowing it was a bold faced
lie. With one last wet nibble, Duncan tore himself away from Julian's arms and
made his way to the bathroom. He looked back to catch Julian mesmerized by the
swaying of his ass, the spell only broken by the shutting door.

Julian literally shook himself and went to the coat rack to dig his cell phone
out, willing his erection to calm down and be patient. Lifting the dead-looking
phone out, he knew Cash was going to pop a new vein because his Prince had
deliberately turned the ringer off. Julian dialed and swept back to the table
to sip some of the wine Duncan had poured him. He was in the middle of
cataloging the intricate flavors when he heard Cash's firm voice.

"Where are you?"

"Cash....I'm fine, and will remain so. I'm seeing a friend..."

"Thomas is the *only* friend you have up here Julian, and he doesn't know
where you are!"

Julian could picture the young Gangrel, snarl of anger and fear barely kept in
check only because Cash held respect for him. "Cash, I'm not going to be
returning to the hotel tonight."

"You..WHAT? Jul..."

"I will be fine, Cash. Please be ready when I return tomorrow morning."

"Damnit! Julian..You can't..."

Julian sighed as he disconnected the line and switched the ringer off. Cash
would get no sleep, that was for sure. If he had ridden his bike instead of
driving the big car to Seacouver, Julian had no doubt the Gangrel would be
noisily scouring the streets, looking for him. He slipped the quiet phone back
into his coat and turned his attention to Duncan's apartment. There was a sense
of spacious relaxation about it, bare spots filled in with antiquities from
many countries and a large bookshelf which caught Julian's eye. One could tell
a lot about a man from his reading material and his taste in music, and Julian
was eager to know more. Sipping the wine, he absently ran his gaze over the
titles, noting several volumes on history, war, architecture and philosophy;
the staple library of an intelligent person with diverse interests. One book's
slim spine bore a symbol which jogged Julian's memory-he had seen it before. In
Daedalus' own library, if he was not mistaken.

Pulling the book out from between two thick volumes of Shakespeare, he
wandered back to the couch where there was more light. He set his wine aside
and opened to the second, yellowed page. Sure enough, the elegant handwritten
text declared this to be the fourth book of Namaith. Julian blinked in
surprise. He knew from his talks with Daedalus that the books were extremely
rare, few having been hand copied in the first place, and many burned as being
the work of the devil himself. Settling back into the couch, Julian mused on
the accuracy of the idea. He recalled Archon telling him about the legend of
Namaith one night as they lay curled together by the fire. Julian had only been
a Kindred for a few short months, and his head buzzed with questions on the
history and origins of what he had become. While Namaith was by no means the
start of the Kindred, his life made for some of the most important lessons.

Flipping through the pages, he let the binding decide where to stop, one place
more open and worn. One side contained text, but Julian's eyes were drawn to
the opposite page which displayed a full-frontal illustration of a young, naked
man being embraced. The man was obviously highly aroused, blood flowing in a
thin line down the side of his neck as the Kindred penetrated him from behind,
fondling the man's taut nipples as he drank. The image would have been more
savage, if it were not for the look of pure pleasure on the man's face. Turning
the page revealed another picture, this one of a young black woman held aloft
in the arms of a Kindred, arms wrapped firmly around the neck of her lover
while her own neck was being feasted on. The Kindred's pale phallus was buried
to the hilt in the woman in this one as well, the only hint at anything
diabolical was the trail of blood tracking down the mortal's narrow back. A
third image depicted a mortal man, cradled in strong arms, receiving blood from
the wound on the breast of a male Kindred as the Kindred pumped him to orgasm.
Despite himself, Julian had to admit the images held an erotic charge, and he
flipped back to read the page of text...

"Nothing more vile, between heaven and earth,
More darker than this, at moment of birth.

Born of anger, born of pain,
Born of hunger, love is slain.
Blood rains on the mountain,
Blood flows underneath,
We celebrate the blood-
Flowing between our teeth.
Born in sickness, born in death,
Borne on the whisper of your last breath.
Blood rains on the plow fields,
Blood flows underneath,
Blood flowing from my eyes,
In my torrential grief.
Sheltering darkness, withering light,
We witness another soul become,
A drinker of the night."

It was a sort of embracement prayer, and a quick scan of some other pages
confirmed Julian's suspicions. This particular volume read like a Kama Sutra
for Kindred, and how to embrace mortals to populate entire regions. He knew
from Archon's tales that Namaith's exploits were one reason the Masquerade had
been instituted, the open assault on humanity and disregard for the danger
mortals represented cost many Kindred their existence. But listening to Archon,
he had no idea the ancient Kindred had been so sensual. Or perhaps it was
because the volumes Archon had were mostly the fanatical ravings and strategy
of a madman bent on elevating Kindred to the dominant form of life. He had no
idea the old Kindred had been as consumed with desire for mortals as sexual
creatures as well as fodder for his conquest. In fact-

"A little light reading?"

With a startled gasp, Julian jumped suddenly, snapping the book shut and
gaping into the dark, glittering eyes of the half-naked man in front of him. He
cursed himself for being so pre-occupied with his thoughts that he hadn't even
heard the mortal leave the bathroom and stalk over. Half embarrassed, Julian
let out a deep sigh while Duncan smirked at him and leaned over to taste
Julian's mouth again. Julian ran his hands down Duncan's flank, noting he had
changed into a pair of soft, black sweats and smelled of soap, lubricant and

Duncan half crawled onto his lap, running his own hands down Julian's chest,
moaning softly and dislodging buttons as he went. The Kindred shivered as
calloused fingertips slid along his skin, blindly seeking the firmer flesh of
his nipples. In no time at all, Duncan's thumb had found its goal and the
rubbing and pinching was starting to make Julian squirm breathlessly. He gave
Duncan's ass a firm squeeze, the tips of his fingers brushing between the
cheeks, letting Duncan know how impatient he was growing. Julian was stone
hard, and Duncan had yet to even touch his cock. He had to get Duncan in bed
and out of these damn clothes!

Letting go of the man's tongue required more self discipline than Julian
thought he possessed, but he tore his mouth away at last, brushing a thumb over
the swollen lips as he pushed his head away. Julian opened his mouth
soundlessly, searching his mind for words. "Bed..." he finally managed, hoping
Duncan wasn't going to require more than one word sentences until dawn
tomorrow. Duncan, dragging in ragged breaths, rose from the couch, causing the
forgotten book to drop with an undignified thunk onto the floor. Both men
stared at it stupidly, trying to remember what it was and if it was important
to them. Julian wobbled up off the couch, his erection obvious in his tailored
slacks. Duncan gave him a questioning look.

"Pretty wild stuff in there," he said, indicating the book now on the floor.

Julian gave him a wolfish smile, feeling suddenly and wickedly alive. "Mmmm. I
especially liked this one." He grabbed Duncan around the hips and raised the
man into an embrace. Duncan instinctively wrapped his arms and legs around him
to keep from crashing to the floor, and blinked in confusion. He was by no
means a slight man, yet Julian seemed to hold his weight without collapsing.
Apparently Julian was a lot stronger than he appeared, and Duncan gasped in

In an instant, Julian realized he risked the Masquerade. Thinking quickly, his
eyes widened in alarm, he buckled his legs and fell back onto the couch. Duncan
bounced on his lap, his own erection rubbing Julian's hard cock, tempting the
Kindred to just fling him over his shoulder and drag him off to bed, the
Masquerade be damned. Duncan laughed heartily, and Julian joined him, mocking
himself. "Well, that didn't work out too well, did it?"

Duncan rubbed his brow against Julian's, his smile infectious. "Tell you
what," he began, "if you want to be a caveman, you can hunt me!" Without
warning he was off the couch and disappearing into the bedroom.

Oh yeah, thought Julian as he watched the Highlander's ass working, like that
was an offer he could pass up.

Getting his feet under him, he trotted after Duncan as fast as his straining
penis would allow. Skidding to a halt by the bed, he found Duncan nowhere in
sight. A quick scan of the room with his Kindred senses revealed the man was
hiding just behind the door, watching him with shameless hunger. Chuckling to
himself, Julian decided to see if he could flush out the errant mortal, and
started tugging at his clothes. He finished undoing the shirt buttons Duncan
had started, peeling away the cotton from his body, stretching and bunching his
muscles with some exaggeration. He slowly worked at the belt buckle, teasing
himself and Duncan until he finally had the zipper free. His rigid cock bounced
into view and Julian relaxed visibly, running his hands down his ass to drag
his slacks and shorts, oh so slowly, off slim hips. Once the pants were a
puddle around his ankles, he bent over and tugged off his socks, hearing a
shuddered gasp from behind the door. By the time he straightened up, his quarry
was at his side, softly panting. Julian gave Duncan a predatory smile, and
allowed the other man free reign to explore his body.

Fingers splayed, Duncan's hands glided over Julian's shoulders and chest,
memorizing the supple skin as it danced over hard muscle. He had no idea Julian
would look so good, his tailored suits still hid too much of the man's inherent
beauty. Dark, sparse hair furred his chest, outlining and defining firm ridges,
while his flat stomach twitched and bunched under Duncan's touch. Unable to
hold back any longer, Duncan reached down to pet Julian's stiff cock, causing
it to leak and jump while Julian moaned and grabbed Duncan's shoulders for
support. Duncan glanced up to see Julian, head thrown slightly back and eyes
closed in bliss, giving himself over in utter abandon. Squeezing gently, Duncan
made Julian hiss as he ran a fingertip through the clear liquid oozing from the
head. Julian jerked as Duncan palmed his balls and leaned forward to pant into
his ear.

"You...have too many...clothes on.." Julian nibbled the ear as he slid sure
hands down Duncan's sides, making the other man shiver. He was about to rip the
sweats off of him, but what was good for the gander was certainly good for the
other gander-or something like that, and he went back to Duncan's chest to see
just how sensitive Duncan's nipples were. Duncan gave an open-mouthed groan as
Julian grabbed both of them, flicking his finger pads over them and circling
around to squeeze them slightly. When he let them go, Duncan moaned at the
loss, leaning closer seeking further contact. Julian reached his hands behind
Duncan's head and undid his hair tie, sending it spinning into a corner as he
carded strong fingers through the soft tresses.

Only then did he turn his attention to the offending sweats, sliding his hands
under the waistband and down to cover Duncan's ass, pushing the material away
with a decisive movement. They got as far as his thighs, but Duncan wiggled and
they dropped obediently to the floor. Julian purred his appreciation, unable to
keep his hands from caressing all that warm, golden skin. Duncan sighed in
pleasure, happy to be naked at last in front of Julian. It hadn't occurred to
him on a level he was aware of, but standing exposed to his soon to be lover
was nearly as erotic as the act of love itself. A warm hand encircled Duncan's
rigid cock, caressing at first, then giving it a firm tug which momentarily
stole his breath from him. Julian nuzzled his neck as he writhed into that
hand, his arms around Julian as if he needed to hang on for dear life. Small,
needy noises from Duncan made Julian grin, reveling in the mating-scent the man
was giving off.

Julian played with Duncan for a bit, amazed at how responsive he was, and how
everything Julian did to him seemed exactly right. Markedly absent were the
required comic bumping of elbows and accidental hair pulling, the usual outcome
of two large men trying to learn each other's dance. He kissed Duncan again,
loving the feel of the mortal's heartbeat through this intimate muscle, a faint
hum against his own tongue. Duncan's whole body was beginning to tremble, so
Julian pulled away and gave a tiny shove, chuckling as Duncan crashed like a
timber onto the bed. He reached down and freed Duncan's legs from the last of
his clothing, then licked his way up the mortal's body until they were nose to
nose again. The light of the half moon crept in through a window and splashed
across Duncan's skin, painting it a surreal blue, sharp contrast to the golden
color Julian had tasted before. Duncan ran his fingers through Julian's short
hair, purring with desperation, enjoying the feel of Julian pressing against
him, but needing a more commanding touch.

Straddling Duncan, Julian rose to his knees and guiding with hands on hips,
turned Duncan onto his stomach. The sight of the smooth, muscled back ending in
the perfect round globes of his ass made Julian catch his breath. He would have
given much to have Daedalus paint the mortal this way, so that he would have
this vision forever. As Duncan rolled his hips in invitation, Julian's cock
made him forget about moonlight and paint and forever, and he grasped the man
firmly, raising him to his knees and dipping a finger into the warm crevice.

Duncan hissed in appreciation, and drove himself back as that finger found the
opening and pushed gently in. Duncan moaned happily. He always loved this part,
the first feelings of someone being inside him, opening him and making him a
part of them. Just as gently the finger slid out, causing intense sensation in
the ring of guardian muscle. Before he had time to really miss it though, it
was sliding back in, making opposite but no less intense feelings. More fingers
were added, and Duncan's cock started to leak profusely onto the sheets.

Judging by the sounds coming from Duncan and the relaxing of his muscles,
Julian knew he was ready. He spotted the lube that had been left on the bedside
table, amazed at Duncan's thorough preparations. Adding a small amount to his
own cock, Julian positioned himself, stopping only to kiss Duncan's back,
making the man whine out a strangled "Please..." Julian pushed, hissing at the
marvelous feelings of his cock head popping into Duncan at last, feeling the
other man breathe out and relax. Duncan accepted him so well, Julian worked his
way completely in with more aggression, feeling the man tense only slightly. He
hesitated once he was sheathed, knowing by Duncan's tightness that this had to
be causing some amount of pain, and that Duncan had not done this in a while.
He kissed the broad back, gently caressing his shoulders and whispering to him
how sexy Duncan was, and that he would gladly stay here for the rest of his
life if Duncan agreed. Julian knew the man was ready when Duncan wiggled around
him and whispered back how short that life would be if Julian didn't start

Chuckling softly, Julian grabbed Duncan's hips and began to impale his lover,
making the man moan and hiss in pleasure. He drove into him again and again,
teasing the man by almost pulling completely out, hesitating, then slamming
back in until Duncan's ass bounced against his own hips. Duncan was by no means
passive, pushing himself backwards impatiently when Julian hesitated too long.
Julian slapped him smartly on one ass cheek, the stinging sensation getting
Duncan's attention quickly. Julian pulled completely out, surprised at how fast
Duncan whipped his head around to glare at him, murderously horny and none too
pleased that Julian had stopped.

Without explanation, Julian hooked a hand
under Duncan's left leg and neatly flipped him over onto his back. Duncan
marveled again at Julian's strength as the man repositioned him into the center
of the bed, pushed his legs up into the air and reentered swiftly. Duncan grit
his teeth, hands knotting in the bed sheets as new sensations rippled through
him. Julian restarted his rhythm, nipping at Duncan's nipples on the upstroke.
He felt Duncan's hands paw through his hair and across his shoulders,
scrabbling across his back as Duncan arched and bent his body, matching
Julian's every movement and rubbing his hard cock against Julian's chest.

Julian watched Duncan's face, entranced at the undisguised pleasure there, and
changed his angle. Duncan groaned loudly and grasped Julian tightly, wanting
nothing more than to feel that sensation over and over again. Julian memorized
the position and poked Duncan repeatedly in the prostate, grinning as Duncan
willingly lost his mind. The mortal thrashed his head back and forth, chanting
brokenly, as Julian snuck a hand down to grasp the man's aching cock. Two
slippery tugs and Duncan was arching off the bed, Julian's weight the only
thing grounding him. Before the last shudders were spent, Julian broke his
rhythm and slammed into him, fucking him with abandon. He came in a rush when
he heard Duncan scream "YES!" in a voice gone gravely with lust. Julian poured
himself into Duncan's sweet body, bringing tears to his eyes, until he
collapsed in a heap on the panting mortal.

Duncan smoothed his back, whispering sweet nothings and pushing Julian's hair
away from his sweaty face. Julian would have gladly stayed like this forever,
but he knew Duncan was going to need to breathe sometime, and he was slipping
out. He removed himself as gently as he could and rolled onto his side,
gathering Duncan up into his arms. Duncan was wearing a most satisfied grin,
proof positive he had enjoyed himself, and Julian kissed his pliant lips.
Julian patted down Duncan's hair, gone wild during their lovemaking, and
caressed the man's cheek. To his delight, Duncan only snuggled closer, wrapping
arms around him and sighing contentedly. Julian bit his lip and grinned,
totally besotted as he whispered to his new lover.

"You're so amazing..." Duncan smiled lazily at him, content to be petted and
kissed. It was all Julian could do to keep from purring himself, unreasonably
pleased that Duncan turned out to be a cuddler. He loved this aspect of
mortals, the dreamy and soft way they felt after sex, totally boneless and
trusting. He glanced up at the moon, for once not wishing life was any
different than it was right now, and curled himself protectively around the
sleeping Duncan as he closed his own eyes.

By the weak light at the window, Julian estimated it was close to dawn. He
normally was never up at this hour, but several things were alerting his senses
enough to make it hard to sleep. Besides the light, there was an errant wisp of
hair that was insisting on exploring his cheek, a tickling caress that he
couldn't take anymore. He shifted his arm to lay a hand over the head that was
lodged under his chin to effectively trap any more intrepid locks. There was a
pleasant, hefty weight slung across his chest and a band of warmth curled under
his own ribs which could only have been Duncan's arm. Merely thinking the
mortal's name caused a stupid grin to sneak out and Julian was thankful that
the human could not see his face. He was definitely lying on a wet spot, and
the way his thighs clung to the other man reminded him of why he felt so sated.
The memories of the previous night might have been a fond dream, but Duncan's
warmth and masculine scent fixed their lovemaking firmly in reality, setting
off feelings of contentment in the Kindred's heart.

Duncan must have sensed he was awake. The man snuffled slightly, then raised
his head to peer bleary-eyed at Julian. Julian smiled at him, not sure how much
the other man could actually see in the dim light, but Duncan gave him a
lopsided grin in return before sleepily smashing his face back down onto
Julian's chest. It made Julian chuckle, bouncing Duncan's head enough to make
him roll over onto his back. Julian turned and propped himself up onto an
elbow, settling in for some serious Duncan watching. The man yawned and
scrubbed his hands over his face, blinking towards the window and trying to
remember how to form words.


Julian glanced at the window. "I'm guessing...4:30 maybe."

Duncan groaned slightly. "I should go for a run."

Julian huffed, playing up the insult. "If you have enough energy to go running
after last night, then my work here is not finished." He grabbed the now
snickering Duncan and dragged him closer, reveling in the vibrations coursing
through the big body. He spooned against his backside, amazed anew at how their
bodies fit together and how much he enjoyed the soft, blazing heat of Duncan's
skin. The mortal caught his hand and threaded his fingers with Julian's, an
overwhelming sense of tenderness washing over the Kindred. He stilled his
breath and gently kissed the back of Duncan's exposed neck, hearing a soft sigh
from his relaxing partner. Julian ran his nose through the dark mass of hair
until he heard Duncan's breathing take on an even rhythm and he knew Duncan had
dropped off to sleep again. Mentally shrugging, Julian inched himself
impossibly closer to his bedmate and allowed himself to drift.

Some time later, Julian felt Duncan's weight shifting the bed. There was more
light assaulting his eyes, but Julian wasn't quite ready to face it yet. He
heard Duncan pad into the bathroom and start to shower, so he took the
opportunity to swipe the other man's pillow and surround himself completely
with Duncan's scent and leftover heat. He stayed that way until he heard Duncan
rattling around in the kitchen and the promising aroma of good coffee came
wafting in. He got up quickly to shower and dress, wanting to spend as much
time as he could with Duncan before he had to leave.

Duncan, dressed in a green, velvety robe, poured himself a generous glass of
juice and tested the edge of his pancake. Not quite ready yet. He sighed
contentedly, feeling the effects of last night and smiling. Thinking about
Julian warmed Duncan inside, an almost childish joy skittering through his
stomach. As if summoning the man with his thoughts, he felt Julian behind him,
moments before a pair of hands covered his eyes and a puff of warm breath
tickled his ear. "Say my name."

Duncan chuckled, glad Julian's playful nature was still around in the morning
light. " it Julian?"

Julian snorted and released his eyes, dropping his hands to loop arms around
Duncan's chest and resting his head on Duncan's broad back. "Correct, although
according to you last night, my full name is 'OhgodyesJulian!' It's going to
raise questions with my passport, but I can live with that."

"Ha, ha. How many do you want?" asked Duncan, waving a spatula at the flat
golden cakes in the pan. He found he liked the feel of the other man pressed
against his back, reassurance of the comfortable attitude they shared with each

"Oh, just one. I'm not a big breakfast person. Besides," Julian checked the
clock on the wall with a sigh, "I'm due to meet my associate in an hour." He
hadn't realized it was quite that late, but Duncan's exaggerated pout was going
to make him even later, if he wasn't mistaken. Turning Duncan slightly, he gave
him a thorough morning kiss, trying to make up for his having to leave. When he
met Duncan last night, he had no idea it was going to be this hard abandoning
the mortal, and Duncan didn't seem too eager to send him on his way. If it was
up to Julian, he would have gladly spent the next several years standing at the
stove, tongue wedged firmly in Duncan's warm mouth, listening to him moan as he
rubbed the man from one end to the other. The only thing he would change would
be that slightly smoky smell... "Your cakes are burning."

Duncan looked at him with half-lidded, lust-filled eyes. "You've no idea." He
turned his attention to the pancake, rescuing it before it was a total loss.
Julian smiled and poured them coffee, snagging fruit from the fridge and making
himself somewhat at home at the kitchen table. The two men settled down to
breakfast, chatting about various topics and discovering how similar their
interests were. Julian fed Duncan some of his pancake while Duncan wound up
feeding Julian strawberries from his fingers, an obvious sensual exercise which
caused Julian's libido to tap him on the shoulder and insist he have this man
again. He could tell by the heat coming off Duncan that this was the point of
the exercise, and he decided his meeting would just have to wait. He kissed and
licked Duncan's fingers, creeping slowly off the stool and closer to the other
man without breaking eye contact. Duncan's breath kept catching in his throat
and he swallowed with obvious effort. His lower lip began to tremble with need
just as Julian pounced on it with a devouring kiss.

Slipping inside the robe, Julian ran possessive hands over Duncan's chest,
curving around his ribcage and tickling over-heated nipples. Duncan moaned,
shifting slightly on the stool as Julian's hands slid down to his hips, the
robe falling open and displaying Duncan openly. From the nest of dark curls,
his cock waved at Julian, begging to be petted. While Julian feasted on syrup
flavored lips, he stroked the underside of Duncan's cock, running his palm up
the stiffening shaft and coating his fingers in the fluid now leaking
profusely. Duncan moaned shamelessly, grasping at Julian's shoulders with
shaking hands. Julian grinned, breaking the kiss, and whispered to Duncan.

"You're really ready here, aren't you?" He sucked noisily on Duncan's lower
lip, not really expecting an answer. Dropping to his knees on the floor, he
found he could easily reach Duncan's cock while he was seated on the stool. He
ran his hands over Duncan's thighs while Duncan wrapped gentle hands around his
head and massaged the back of his neck. Julian kissed the inside of a thigh,
amused as it twitched with excitement and made Duncan's cock jump. Julian
swiped a tongue at the sensitive head, which made Duncan hiss loudly as his
whole body froze in place. Julian took Duncan in hand, knowing this was not
going to last long. Passing his tongue over the shaft with some well placed
licks had Duncan whimpering and kneading his head impatiently. Julian parted
his lips and engulfed Duncan half way down, his eyes drifting shut as he

It was all Duncan could do to stay seated, he wanted so much to push into that
slick, wet heat of Julian's mouth, but he was already sitting on the edge of
the stool. He had enough mind left to figure out that if he did any thrusting,
it would quickly unseat him and he'd fall on the floor, which might dislodge
that glorious tongue wrapped around his cock, and that he couldn't have!
Effectively trapped, he could only moan as Julian's head bobbed in his lap,
trying not to tangle his fingers in Julian's hair. He also wanted to throw his
head back and close his eyes, but the sight of Julian's head moving between his
legs was too erotic to pass up. Julian grasped him gently behind his knees,
compressing his throat and sending Duncan's higher functions spinning into
infinity. He did throw his head back then, arching his neck and groaning with
gusto. He felt Julian's hands shake on his thighs as he came back to his
senses, feeling the other man lapping him clean and sounding very pleased with

Julian stood slowly and gathered Duncan's lips for another searing kiss,
tasting of strawberries and semen. Duncan's hands began to wander as the kiss
deepened, cupping Julian's enflamed cock through his slacks. Julian gripped the
counter top savagely as Duncan undid his belt and zipper, squirreling a hand in
to release him from the unforgiving material. Giving Duncan a blow job had
nearly driven Julian out of his mind with need, but he had decided he would
only let Duncan touch him and bring him to release.

His exercise in self control now had him rock hard and the sensations of
Duncan pawing him were breaking his limits. Duncan curled his fist around
Julian and had just begun to stroke firmly when Julian could stand no more. He
broke the kiss abruptly and hugged Duncan close to him as he came in shuddering
spurts, moaning his satisfaction. Duncan cradled his cock securely in one hand
as he stroked Julian's side, kissing anywhere he could touch Julian and
murmuring sweet nothings. Julian sucked in several breaths and kissed Duncan's
lips gently, wanting suddenly to give the man everything in the world. After a
few moments he ducked his head and stared into Duncan's lap, which was covered
in semen. "I got you all messy again."

Duncan snorted. "Trust me, it was more fun than a food fight." He rubbed his
face against Julian's chest while the other man petted his long hair. He really
liked Julian and a big part of his heart wanted to know what it would feel like
to have Julian here a lot. He could tell exactly when Julian spotted the clock
over his shoulder by the slight tightening of his muscles, and Duncan
reluctantly looked up into Julian's apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry Duncan," Julian rubbed a thumb over Duncan's bottom lip. "Will you
be at Joe's tonight?"

That seemed to cheer the man up somewhat. "Yeah, I'll probably get there
sometime after nine. You wanna have dinner?"

Julian sighed, watching as Duncan carefully tucked him back into his trousers.
"I can't, I'm dining with my associate. But I will come to the bar..." He
caught Duncan's eyes again. "If you're going to be there."

Duncan's cheeks briefly tinted rose, that giddy feeling winding inside him
again. "Okay, yeah. I need...uhm, I'd like to see you again." He felt very
goofy, until he saw Julian's face break into the biggest grin.

"Oh, good. Give me something to look forward to." His kiss good-bye sealed the
deal, and within minutes he was stepping into Duncan's elevator, waving to him
as he dialed Cash on his cell. Duncan winked at him before he dropped out of
sight, hearing Julian instruct a "Cash" to bring his "outdoor" clothes.

* * *
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