Yeah, teh Harry!hair is okay, but not nearly as nice at it was in GoF. And Ron is always pinchable. And touchable. And caressable. And strippable...oooops, sorry.
*sigh* It's crap when lj gets you like that, isn't it? I went partially f-locked a while ago. Everything of an adult nature is flocked. I feel bad because it means people HAVE to friend me to read my fics, which probably seems very mercenary. I'm not always sure I made the right decision to do it, but I haven't changed my policy yet so there must be some subconscious approval going on.
I wish I could relate my own depression to SAD. Unfortunately, I can't. It's just me being me and reacting badly to life in general. I am a whiney old bitch. So if you want to let rip to vent some steam, come to me. I'l probably have deserved it for something or other!
You take care of yourself. It's the most important thing of all. Or get Aunty and Kosh to look after you. That might be nicer still.
Yeah, the f-locking thing just seemed like a good idea. There are other issues that have been going on with the LJ that I haven't discussed that led me to the lock-down. I don't need any more grief.
I'm not the best with my reactions to things either; not certain how much of that relates to the SAD, though. It's both surprising and a bit disconcerting how well I fit the description of the disorder, right down to the extra bonus behaviours of becoming a bit manic in the spring and summer...and this thing is just one step away from full-blown bi-polar disorder. Shite!
Anyhoo, thanks much for the kind words...and I don't think you're whiney or bitchy at all...
I'm sorry if you've had a run-in with someone. I haven't had anything major happen, but there have been times when I've felt distinctly that things weren't okay with some person or another. I hope your situation is resolved.
{{{hugs}}} Great sympathies, though I don't suffer from SAD nearly as much as it sounds like you do... wish there were something to help other than everything I'm sure you already know, like trying to be sure that you turn on lots of lights around you all the time, etc.
I've started taking St. John's Wort a couple times a day, and I'm thinking of trying one of those light box thingos or even the visor deal. I've done some reading, and regular light bulbs just don't do the trick, apparently. And the option of spending at least an hour outside everyday just isn't possible here during the winter. It's absurd, but the only thing that's stopped me from ordering the light visor is that one episode of NORTHERN EXPOSURE where folks went a bit whacko during the perpetual night, and became addicted to their light visors...
Comments 67
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But eeeee! Ron! *pinches cheek*
And your icon...woot! *g*
I wish I could relate my own depression to SAD. Unfortunately, I can't. It's just me being me and reacting badly to life in general. I am a whiney old bitch. So if you want to let rip to vent some steam, come to me. I'l probably have deserved it for something or other!
You take care of yourself. It's the most important thing of all. Or get Aunty and Kosh to look after you. That might be nicer still.
I'm not the best with my reactions to things either; not certain how much of that relates to the SAD, though. It's both surprising and a bit disconcerting how well I fit the description of the disorder, right down to the extra bonus behaviours of becoming a bit manic in the spring and summer...and this thing is just one step away from full-blown bi-polar disorder. Shite!
Anyhoo, thanks much for the kind words...and I don't think you're whiney or bitchy at all...
***hugs back***
***hugs back***
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