So, we were able to get our new IP addresses now. We went from 5 addresses to 29. This will be rather useful. I already found out that the problem with the printer was user error rather than anything else. It does mean that I'll be able to set up the wireless since I'll be able to segment the network. So, if there was a brief period where folks
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Comments 7
I agree tho, when in doubt, stop the service. If things work fine after that, you probably aren't missing anything.
Why I didn't just NAT as much as possible? One element is the "They come with the account" viewpoint but that's not much of an argument. That's why I only had the 8 block first. More of a reason is the annoyance of trying to have externally viewable servers that are NAT-ted is very annoying. I don't want to have to deal with the tricks involved.
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