Wake Up Call

Jul 01, 2010 23:12

Wake Up Call

BY: Wolfa Moon

Summery: Sentinel!Jim, Guide!McCoy. Need I write more.

DISCLAIMER: Don’t own. First attempt at Sentinel. See Author’s note at end. After you read this.

WUC: 1

Jim always got drunk. Trying to dull his senses. Tonight was even worse. The music that bombarded spiked more than usual. The chatter of more people than usual not an additional help. The unwanted touch of those extra bodies. Maybe just one. Her sent was a rich earth smell filled with rich scented flowers that flow on the breeze. He followed his nose. And there she was. A dancer in the dark.

Well he did have a dance. But not with the one he wanted.  Then he danced with his inner animal. Fighting with rage. At least his senses weren’t giving him any troubles. Until he got turned and actually touched the scented breeze. Then he zoned. Zoned in on the touch. And it was nice.

Then the pain and a whistle.

Then the challenge. DO better. Never challenge a sentinel. The deal is. This wasn’t even his territory to be challenged in. So he didn’t need to defend it. But he could defend earth like so others like him. Be a true sentinel.

Be a part of Starfleet. Become a true sentinel.

A slogan posted on all the sentinel centers. Starfleet.  He didn’t come online till after Tarsus. That’s when he was registered. But he didn’t want a guide. They tried to get him to seek one. Yet all they could do was train him solo to the best of their abilities. Telling him to always keep his senses open.

To bad they weren’t open when he walked into the shuttle.


Her scent again. Just sitting close enough to smell not zone. A buzzing of noise from his right drew his attention. There a man and woman were arguing. Something stirred. But then a new sensation filled him. A need a want to protect. Why was he feeling this sensation? He didn’t want this sensation. He only wanted to look after himself. Why protect this one?

The man sat no collapsed in the seat next to him. Curling in on himself. Fear radiated of the man. Jim didn’t like it. Didn’t like any of this. So he stared. Wondering now why was this happening. He was making one of the biggest decisions of his life. Why now would he show up? Why now finally after so long his guide here of all places?

Talking to the man he saw the fear evaporate. Unconsciously he let himself be soothed as he soothed. He wanted to ask the man about him being a guide. But the man was a drinker too. Maybe he did the same as Jim to dull his empathic side. The shuttle ride went by. Jim occasionally watching his animal form rub her harpy eagle head against the frightened bobcat. Sole attention on her chick.

The man was up and out of his seat as soon as they landing. Springing forth onto terra firma. Kirk had to smile as his new friend just stood there taking it in. yes the man swayed from the booze. Hell so did he. But his guard was up. Cupcake was stepping out walking fiercely toward his guide, new acquaintance, Leonard McCoy.

Cupcake didn’t read like a sentinel but he registered to Kirk as a threat.

Pike watched from the hatch, as Kirk stood stiff watching the other civilian dressed man. Protecting even. Cupcake brushed by the man with a slight shove staggering the man. Kirk was beside the man in an instant. His eyes bore into Cupcake. Cupcake laughed. Probably laughing thinking, fairies. Yet his mind wondered back to the two. Kirk grabbed hold of the man and led him into the registration building.

Something was up. So Pike followed.

The man behind the desk looked over the two men before him.


“Kirk, James T.” the man went to work. Then a flag popped up on his screen. Kirk smiled. He knew it was the sentinel flag coming up. Single room here he comes. That was one of the perks. The other was being evaluated by the sentinel who’s territory they were in. Even though Starfleet was neutral territory. There was always a prime sentinel. The man made the call then looked to the other man.


“McCoy, Leonard H.” the man did his job. No flag came up. But the man looked from both of them. Kirk just smiled. McCoy just looked annoyed.

“One moment please.”  McCoy huffed and took a seat. Kirk followed but remained standing. McCoy looked up to his new friend.

“Mind telling me what the hell is going on?” Kirk looked down at him. Wondering how he should respond. Should he tell him the truth or let someone else speak for him. Hell no time like the present.

“I’m a sentinel.” McCoy quirked an eyebrow at him.

“Really?” not use to all the body language talk yet. But he would learn.

“Yeah,” Kirk beamed.

“Ok.” McCoy simply said. Then looked around the room. Feeling more lost than he was. He knew he had to take placement test. Damn test. Also knew he should have said his name first. Then he wouldn’t be here waiting. The thing was. He didn’t really mind it. He didn’t want to go. Len looked up at Jim again. Kirk looked at him.


“So what’s your animal?” everyone knew the basics about sentinels. He was a doctor and had to do a whole section on treating sentinels. So he knew a little more than the norm. Single room. Natural fibers. Real ingredients.

“A Harpy Eagle.” McCoy snorted at that. Boys head in the clouds.

“So where is your guide?” Kirk looked shocked at him. Guess the man didn’t know that he was one. That explained a lot. No need to scare him, yet.

“Don’t have one.”

“So you’re on the registry?”

“Yeah.” McCoy nodded. The buzz from the booze going away. Clear thoughts coming back. Snorting he realized he had been clear headed as soon as he met the kid. Damn. “What?” realizing he made a noise he looked up at the kid.


“Tell me.” He shacked his head. Glaring up at the boy. He knew things to but wanted to confirm. He spread his arms out. Giving in.

“What do you see?” Jim tilted his head. McCoy tiled his head back. I ain’t stupid, Jim read off the man. Beginning to get good at it. Kirk looked to the ground at the bobcat.

“Why are you asking me this?” McCoy stood up.

“Then I guess there is no reason for me to stay.” He began to head out. Kirk stood shocked. But then alarms went off inside his head. Another sentinel. Kirk flew over to McCoy pulling him behind him with force. “What the hell?” he squawked.

Pike watched and followed in his sentinel. Admiral Archer stood proud and in front of his guide.

“Greetings Kirk. Pike told me you were coming.” He tilted his had to the man who was ass sprawled on the ground behind the young man. Turning his head to Pike. “New development?”  Pike nodded.

“I didn’t know till we landed.”

“Fascinating.” Looking to the man. “And you are?” the man got up and dusted himself off.

“McCoy, Leonard. Doctor.”

“And guide.”

“I ain’t no guide.” The man made an attempt to get around Kirk. Kirk moved to intercept. “Stop that you infant.” Kirk stopped and looked to the man then himself. Wondering what the hell was going on, here and himself.

“It’s called beloved protector syndrome. Congratulations.”


“You’re a guide.” Pike informed him.

“Like hell I am.” He made to step around Kirk again. Archer taking the advantage grabbed McCoy rough handing him to Pike who easily grabbed him. Kirk crouched ready to pounce and he was raising his fist. Taking a couple of swings. But since he was on the offense he was easily taken down.

“Stop.” McCoy screamed.  Kirk froze. Archer looked to the man.

“Believe me now.” McCoy watched as blood dripped from Kirk’s nose.

“Kinda.” Archer moved toward him.  Kirk began to get up, snarling.

“Do you need to see more?” McCoy looked to the young man he met earlier that day. True he was making a life change. But not this big of one. He already had problems he didn’t need this on top of it. Or maybe it was just what he needed. Knowing the basics of behavior after observing before. Shrugging off he moved around Archer to Kirk. Kirk instantly grabbed him and rubbed himself against him. Marking him as his. Archer bowed in recognition of that. “He is yours.”  McCoy nodded. Kirk stopped what he was doing and stood back. This new to him as well. “We’ll get you two set up. Then we get you over for some guide classes.” McCoy huffed. Just what he needed. More classes on top of classes.  Archer smiled. Proceeding around them he went to the check in desk. “Get that room ready.”

“Yes sir.” Taking the keycard he moved to the new pair in his territory.

“This way gentleman.” They began to follow outside. Kirk breathed easier. But wouldn’t relinquish his hold on the man who was his guide.  Stumbling along after the alpha sentinel in the area.

“So you never answered my question?” Kirk looked to McCoy.

“Which one?”

“What do you see?”

“Why did you ask when you didn’t believe yourself to be a guide?” McCoy shrugged.

“The way you were staring. And everyone has a alter ego.”

“So you’ve meet sentinel’s before?”

“Yeah had one under my hands before.”

“That’s right Bones.” Asked shocked. McCoy stopped. “What?” Jim looked at him.

“What did you call me?”

“Bones. You’re name is to long. And all we have left are our bones. Unless H is something shorter.”

“Horatio.” Kirk laughed. McCoy put his hands on his hips. It was his grandfather’s name. A great man. Someone he wished he had more time with. He may be a guide but they weren’t bonded yet. McCoy turned and began to walk the other way.

“Wait hey.” Kirk began to head after the guide. Pike and Archer watched as the young sentinel went after his unbounded guide. “Wait, Bones.”

“Leave me alone.” Boy could he move when he was pissed.

“Tiberius.” Kirk shouted. McCoy stopped. Quirked and eyebrow turning to the sentinel. “Tiberius. It was my father’s father’s name.” Kirk caught up to McCoy in his distraction. “I’m sorry.” The word sounded foreign on the young mans lips.  McCoy shacked his head.

“What am I getting myself into?”

“A whole world of trouble.” Kirk confirmed.

“Just great.” McCoy turned and followed his sentinel and the alpha’s on site.

WUC: 2

McCoy sat on the grass. Laid out soaking in the sun. He had just finished a guide session and was taking a break before his basic engineering class. They had been here for two months. Two months.

“Bones.” The familiar call cried from across the quad. McCoy didn’t have to move. He knew who it was. For only one person called him that. His sentinel. The two had been getting better at that. Close quarters and all. Learning the other. Getting ready for a bonding or so the guild hoped. His sentinel session must have just let out. McCoy raised a hand to acknowledge him. Jim didn’t need to hear a response. He could smell him from the other side of campus. Know your guides scent. Basic training. Kirk stood over him. Blocking the sun.

“Do you mind?”

“Let’s get out of here.” Kirk was a ball of energy. But today it was a little off. Recognizing this he sat up.

“What’s wrong?”

“Remembrance day.”


“Let’s get out of here.”

“What? Why?”

“Come on.” Not willing to argue. He got up slowly. Once up his sentinel grabbed him and they were off.

“Jim what’s going on?” He got on Jim’s latest acquisition. A bike to replace his old one.


WUC: 3

The road to the top of the hills surrounding the San Francisco bay. Far away from human and the buzz of crafts. Jim watched the sky. Seeing his animal lead them somewhere alone.

Once alone Jim began to hike up the mountainside. Looking over constantly making sure his guide followed. Coming upon a clearing he laid down. McCoy watched his charge. Hell he still needed a charge in his life. This ends up in his lap. But then the kid. Well he grew on him.

“Mind telling me what’ wrong?”


“Ok, what’s the issue today?” Kirk glared up at him. Could Bones be that dense?

“It’s Remembrance Day.”

“Yes I know. You reminded me.”

“Do you know what happened today?”

“The Kelvin made a great sacrifice.” Len said and sat down.

“And who was captain?”

“Robau?” McCoy answered back with question. Kirk quirked an eye at his friend. Guess he really didn’t know. Everyone else gave him flack for it. He thought his guide was being kind. Seems he really didn’t know.

“He was but not in the end.”

“Ok, I’ll bite.” Laying back to soak in the sun. “Enlighten me.”

“George Kirk.” McCoy harrumphed.

“Any relation?” Kirk looked at his guide now like he had a million friends. His best friend. His guide. He didn’t know to judge him on that. Didn’t judge him for his father’s sacrifice. Bones had judged him for him. Tilting his head he watched the bobcat sprawl in the sun. Just like his master was doing now. While his was soaring high on a wind current.

“He was my father.”

“Oh, sorry kid.”

“Thanks.” Knowing Bones meant it. Kirk began to curl into his guides side. A defense mechanism. Seeking comfort in thy guide. Something that seemed so uncharateristic of the two. Yet felt so right. The strange becoming their friend.

“Wait a minute.” McCoy began to scrounge around in his medical satchel. Pulling out a wrapped small rectangle shape he handed it to Jim. “Happy Birthday.” A present. He didn’t know it was remembrance. The day of his father’s death. All he knew was it was his birthday. He loved his guide. “It’s nothing much.”

“It’s wonderful.”

“It helps if you open it.” Kirk smelled the package. It held McCoy’s scent along with the smell of medical supplies.  So his Bones. Smiling like an idiot he opened it. Inside was a hunting knife. But old and ancient like native hunters. Something worthy of a sentinel. Something to show that he lay his life in your hands. Trusted him. Trust. Kirk flipped over to straddle McCoy. Holding the knife to his throat. Bones froze. Odd behavior to anybody. Even odder from sentinel to his guide.

“Do you trust me?” they had known each other a short time, but it felt like forever.

“Yes,” he tried to answer with courage, trust. Kirk landed over nuzzling his guides neck. “Jim?”

“Shh, I was reading something today and I want to try it. You haven’t seen your animal yet.” Shacking his head no. “Ok.” Kirk pressed the knife into his skin. Bones breathe hitched at the pain. Kirk moved to the wound he created and licked, sucked. This got a response McCoy was not expecting. He had read about blood sharing. A very ancient form of bonding on the physical level. Bones liked both side of the rainbow. But not all bonded dealt with sex. This was a blood bond. Or so he was thinking. Kirk sucked at the wound. Seeming to purr at the taste.

“Jim?” Kirk bit down. “Ah!” lifting his head he took the knife and brought it to his wrist. Delivering a shallow cut there. Holding it to Bones. Taking the gift in his hand he licked the wound. Very unhygienic. But this was his sentinel and he was the guide. They could never harm the other.  Jim purred. He moved down to back where he was. Each letting life essence flow from one to the other. Always blood. The oldest of magicks. Kirk bit down again. Hard. Drawing blood with his own teeth. McCoy stopped what he was doing. “Jim, please stop.” Kirk bit harder. His animal side coming to the front. Claiming what was his. The knife showing his animal side that he held this life. Now he wanted to see how far the trust went. “Jim, please. You’re hurting.” Hurt, the word the emotion began to radiate off the guide. Kirk let up. He began to lick the wound, wounds. “Jim?” Kirk lifted up so he can look into his guide eyes. A question, trust, lust, his. Claiming what was his he covered McCoy’s mouth with his. Tang of iron mixing on the tongues. His. All his. Maybe this could be a day to remember.

WUC: 4

McCoy stood in line with the other cadets. Hand to hand combat. Must for all recruits. He hated it. Older then his fellows. A healer not a fighter. That didn’t seem to matter to these instructors. This one was also a believer. If you hurt from it. You lean from it. Great. He was paired of with a young man who knew more than him. They practiced the moves over and over. Time for a new move. Him being the guinea pig. McCoy knew that he should back away from the man. But the instructor was persistent. Even knowledgeable about his guide status and no sentinel around. Especially his. Since he was Kirk’s guide. He was a target for all those who saw Jim as a failure. When we all know he isn’t. McCoy took his stance. The year was almost over anyway. Thank god. His moves started. And the instructor wasn’t holding back. Damn.

Blood trickled from his nose. The familiar tang running down the back of the throat.

“Get up, McCoy. He won’t be able to save you all the time.” Breathing in through his mouth he knew this. A healer. Play dirty. For they play foul too. From his position he sprang and knee kicked the instructor forcing him to sprawl on his back. This got his blood pumping. No hold now. Both had blood running down their faces. Fighting more. More bruises and blood. Experience one out. The instructor had McCoy pinned to the ground. Blood dripping on his face. Tilting his head away so none got in his mouth. Closing his eyes he relaxed. Everyone had an animal in them. Focusing on his. Bobcat. Cats have claws. Clawing at the mans face he screamed. Blood trickling on his skin. Then the wait was gone. Standing he looked down at the instructor. His healer side wanting to help. The cat just looking satisfied. Protecting it’s own. Looking to the fellow cadets he nodded than ran off.

In the safety of his quarters he disrobed and ran into the shower. Trying to wash the stench of the man off him. Before Jim got in. Jim was always hyped after a sentinel training session. This would boil his blood.

“Hey honey I’m home.” McCoy cringed as the blood mixed with the water down the drain.

“Out in a minute.” Saying back. Not needing to scream a response.

Jim moved to the door. His senses on alert. He smelled a smell all well known.

“Bones, you alright?”

“Yeah, just worked out harder than usual.” Kirk followed the smell. The laundry basket. Under several layers of familiar home filled scented bones was the stronger tang. Blood.

Kirk growled. Overriding the bathroom door he stalked full tilt into the shower into Bones personal space.

“Mind telling me what the hell this is.” A command. Bones looked through the spay at the bloodied shirt. Then to Jim’s feral eyes.

“Hand to hand combat class.”

“Who did this?” Jim brought the bloodied shirt to his nose. Focusing on the scent. Len watched as his sentinel did this. Realizing he wasn’t stopping. Jim had zoned. Laying a hand on Jim.

“Jim, Jim snap out of it.” Hell with it. He slapped Jim upside the head. That woke him up. Also ending him pinned to the other side of the shower with Jim getting wet. No personal space.

“I’ll kill him.”

“No you won’t.” Guide soothing. Trying to tether the bird. Not go off in flight of his target. “Jim,” blue eyes looked into hazel. “You won’t. You are going to stay here. And we are going to relax and order Barbecue.” Barbecue one of McCoy’s creature comforts.  And he needed it. And Jim would get it for him too. It was nice to have an over protective sentinel. Especially when it involves barbecue. Real Barbecue. Jim pressed into him. Mouth over McCoy’s jugular. Feeling the life beat there. His. His. His. Never having anything worth fighting for. Nothing to claim. This was his.

WUC: 5

Stomachs full they lay together. Shirtless, sharing a blanket. Jim laying on McCoy’s chest. Listening to the calming beat. A beat he knew as his own. Stroking his hair McCoy couldn’t think of any place better to be.


“Yeah?” hearing the lost child.

“Will you bond with me.” They had just meet and the first year was ending. Spent all their time together. People thinking they were a couple except all the conquest that claimed Kirk was here. He always came back to Bones.

McCoy looked to the ceiling. He had been married. This was completely different. A bigger commitment than that. One year together. A disaster turning into something so spectacular. He had lost everything. Gained Jim. He is content here. Belongs here.

“Sure kid.” Kirk snuggled closer into Bones’ chest. Wrapping his arms tight around his guide.

“I love you Bones.” He smiled knowing his sentinel meant it.

“Love you too.” Running his hand though the blond hair. “Lights off.”

Picture: http://sarahnix.livejournal.com/

The End......

Author’s note: I am going to hurt my muse. Doesn’t she know how many stories I have on the burner to give me another. Ahh! First sentinel fic. Please be kind. Hope I caught it right. If not. Say la vie. Please enjoy.  Be kind. Review.

sentinel!jim, guide!mccoy, wake up call, kirk/mccoy

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