NCIS ::: Set Me Free CH 17 & 18

Jun 10, 2012 16:43

Chapter 17: This Use To Be My Playground: Madonna
Chapter 17

This Use To Be My Playground: Madonna

By Wolfa Moon

A/N: I wanted to use 'stairway to heaven' Led Zeplin. To kinda get you guys thinking. But the lyrics didn't fit with what I wrote. So going through my library I found this wonderful classic song. Also a great movie that I had to watch. Nostalgia. Thank you all who have reviewed and favorited.



This used to be my playground (used to be)
This used to be my childhood dream
This used to be the place I ran to
Whenever I was in need
Of a friend
Why did it have to end
And why do they always say

Jackson Gibbs sat between two beds in the ICU. Looking over the bodies that lay on the beds. His thoughts have gone from dark to cloudy. Praying to whomever would listen to not take his sons away.

Don't look back
Keep your head held high
Don't ask them why
Because life is short
And before you know
You're feeling old
And your heart is breaking
Don't hold on to the past
Well that's too much to ask

Tony had once told him a story about a man who had loved someone so much that he had died to get it. Then to awake reborn and have what he had lost. Reincarnated with his love. Thinking some movie reference yet it was a story in some book a long time ago that his mother read to him. Telling it to him that no matter what he would never be alone. And that she would find him again in her next life and he would never be alone.

The thing is Jackson didn't want to wait. He wants what he haves now. Sure to a boy who was slowly losing his mother it had brought comfort. But it still hurt. Remembering how Tony smiled jokily to push off the sentiment. And under his breath admitting that he is searching for her. Hoping he can have her again in this life.

We were foolish then
We would never tire
And that little fire
Is still alive in me
It will never go away
Can't say goodbye to yesterday (can't say goodbye

Looking over them his heart sinks. He had gained so much recently. And the fate string kept tugging at them. Playing them. Listening to them sing. Wondering if their time is up.

No regrets
But I wish that you
Were here with me
Well then there's hope yet
I can see your face

Days pass and the beeps lure babes to slumber. Abby had taken a turn sitting between the two men who had become family. Worry had filled and settled. Her heart breaking with each passing day, as she received no squeezing back from the limp hands she held. Her prayers still being heard though. They haven't left them yet. Resting her head down she feels safe even though they don't even have the strength of a day old kitten.

Her place is here.

In our secret place
You're not just a memory
Say goodbye to yesterday (the dream)
Those are words I'll never say (I'll never say)

Ziva came for a while but could not face them. She can face the most ruthless of this world. But when it came to people she cared about she could not. All she could think of was the blood of her family on her hands. Standing up she walks away.

This used to be my playground (used to be)
This used to be our pride and joy
This used to be the place we ran to
That no one in the world could dare destroy

This used to be our playground (used to be)
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
I wish you were standing here with me

Everyone deals with sorrow in a menagerie of ways. Abby was a quite prayer type. Holding their hands to ground her woes that they are still here. Ziva was a doer. She could not just sit, watch, and wait. So she comes in to see then leaves. McGee has the most interesting of ways. He would sit with someone who was there. Scared child frightened of being alone in the dark. His belief was in technology. So he would sit and watch. Looking up research and latest advancements on medical technology to help in this situation. The thing is most of the research done recently is in faith. He didn't have a faith system. So he had to look up ones that called to them. Yet the only thing that he truly believed in was his boss and his friend would not let him down, watch his six. So he could only watch their six in their hour. Ducky talked to them. Telling a story about this and that. Relishing in past events. Missing Tony's feedback. Wanting them to return to them. But by looking at their charts his heart sank a little. Not having the heart to tell anyone what the medical jargon truly meant about their friends. Jimmy had taken a look over the chart. Looked at his mentor to concur and had to leave. His heart breaking at the future that lay in store for their friends. Jackson sat with his sons. Making plans with them. Ducky had told him what the medical jargon had all meant. His heart breaking. His thoughts darken. A man should never outlive his children. Taking them in he holds their hands. Squeezing tight to give them a lifeline. Never letting go.

Days pass with the same scenario. Hands held and squeezed to tug them back to them. Not yet wiling to search for them in their new life. Wanting them in this life. Praying to whomever.

This used to be our playground (used to be)
This used to be our great escape
This used to be the place we ran to
This used to be our secret hiding place

A hand squeezes back.

This used to be our playground (used to be)
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
The best things in life are always free
Wishing you were here with me

TBC…. Reviews are love…TY


"Stairway To Heaven"

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying the stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying the stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying the stairway to heaven.

Chapter 18: Losing Your Memory: Ryan Star
Losing Your Memory: Ryan Star

BY: Wolfa Moon

Disclaimer: Never own. Idea mine alone.

SUMMARY: I believe this is my FINALE CHAPTER

Call all your friends
And tell them you're never coming back
'Cause this is the end
Pretend that you want it, don't react
The damage is done

Tony watches Gibbs as he throws his line into the lake. Hoping to catch them some dinner. He in turn looks over at his fellow fisherman. A smile on his face. Time had passed and everything changes. Time here, time there. It didn't matter. They are together but not in way people think. Or the way it should be.

Gibbs looks over at Tony smiling in contentment. He has Tony by his side. And all is right in his world.

Jackson looks out the window at his sons. Normalcy has left them back in the past. The present presenting a whole new world to deal with. Modifications had to be made. Lives had to be altered. Perspectives needed to be changed. For it is not as it was. Broken into a million pieces. Shattered departed. Yet the remnants remain. Slowly putting back together. Yet pieces have been lost. But the most important stays. Jethro is here with Tony. The kinship, brotherhood, bond. Stronger with lost.

The police are coming too slow now
And I would have died
I would have loved you all my life

Gibbs smiles widely, panically as his rod begins to pull away fro him

"Tony I got one, I got one."

"Good. reel it in." Gibbs does. Tony moves closer to him. Getting the fish out Gibbs shows Tony his catch proudly.

"We'll eat good tonight."

"Yeah we will." Tony leans over gingerly to open the cooler. There are always moments when it feels as if they are lost in the world. A reality that has been altered, taken. Some say badly but in the end, it is all good. They have the family they both needed. Even with it's flaws there are silver linings.

You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory... now

Gibbs runs through the house. His heart pounding in his ears. His mind only on one thing. Searching for him. He has to get to him. Has to save him. Can't let him go. Can't let them get to him. No one will ever hurt what is his ever again.

A voice calls to him. Running toward it. There he is. Running in to see eyes on him. Sweat pouring down his back. The nightmare waking him. Scrambling to find his security. The one thing that mattered. The one thing that made the fog clear in his mind.

Where have you gone
The beach is so cold in winter here
And where have I gone

Moving in he climbs into bed with Tony. Tony's muscular arms going around him. Securing him. Grounding him to the present. The misty part of his mind scolding him like a child. That he is a grown up and does not need to be caudle. But he does and don't care about the misty voice. This felt so right to be here right now.

Tony groans under him,


"Hey rule #6, never say you're sorry."

"Who came up with these stupid rules?"

"You did." Wondering eyes stare at him searching for the falsehood in ridiculous rules. Why would he make up so many silly rules. "And most of them are worth using." Seeing the old argument over something that held important e to Tony. Tony hung onto those rules as if a lifeline. Saving his ass using most of them. Then to have the rulebook broken and having to learn them form his protégé. Sitting up he looks down at Tony. Tony doesn't move to sit up. For it took extra effort and it is late.

Looking out into the night he sees the stars and the moon smiling at him. His nightmares increasing. Yet mostly repeating. He was always trying to get to, rescue Tony.

Tony never said this is bad. Always accepting the nightmares. Making them die away.

I wake in Montauk with you near
Remember the day
'Cause this is what dreams should always be
I just want to stay
I just want to keep this dream in me

"Can I stay here tonight?" Tony smiles. The other bed in the room empty for this reasons. The head docs finding it encouraging that Gibbs found solace and safety in Tony. And if that meant empty bed. They accepted.

Also it helped him remember and acquire the past slowly and willingly. Yet most of his current memoires wrapped around Tony.

You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory...

The wounds inflicted on them left them a puzzle of parts needing to be put back together. Gibbs had lost his memory. Yet the only one he truly remembered is Tony. Tony the base for everything that is good and should be beside him no matter what.

Tony on the other hand kept all his memories but had lost a major function in order to maintain a senior field agent status. He has lost the use of his legs. Learning to struggle with a whole new obstacle.

Both having to put the puzzle of reality together. Yet in this new reality they have each other to put the puzzle together.

Gibbs never strays far from Tony's side. Something in the deep recesses telling him, he needs to be there. That Tony is family, a son. Something that he admits more openly now. His emotion on his sleeve. Talking to Tony makes the mist in his mind clear away. Everything is easier around Tony.

Tony has to work hard to maintain his sanit. But the good thing is he has to focus on Gibbs and does not give him time to wallow in the lost of his legend. Losing to gain.

Family, as odd as it is. It is family. With each odd and crazy personalities to make it worth the attempts to get Gibbs to remember.


Wake up, it's time; little girl, wake up
All the best of what we've done is yet to come
Wake up, it's time; little girl, wake up
Just remember who I am in the morning

Tony sat with a laptop on his lap. A recent case had come up and McGee had called him up asking for any support. Being a consultant to the NCIS still. Being a consultant to the local police as well. But only as a consultant. He wheeled himself over to the window so he could see Jethro working on his boat. Something that was still engrained in the amnesiac man. Muscle memory and him remaining. Jackson sat with a cup a coffee sitting on a stump watching his son work. Smiling to Tony. Tony nodded returning to his phone call.

"So what do you think?"

"I think that is good Probie. But also check into the accounts of his daughter."


"Cause you haven't searched them yet. Call me back with what you get."

"Sure thing Tony. You coming to visit anytime soon?" they made trips to old haunts. Visit the people who cared for them. Hoping to jog memories back in the scrambled man's head. Some things would surface. Most of them inside NCIS headquarters. Vance keeping Tony on as an advisor. Not just helping with his old units cases. But also with training others. Especially for the school's reimbursement. Home coursing his way to a legal degree. Becoming what they all hated, a lawyer. But to have one that you know on your side and who can actually help on that end of the spectrum a good thing. Already having a post lined up with the JAG.

Looking out the window he smiles as Jackson is helping Jethro hammer a new piece of wood tot eh side of the craft. Slowly coming together.

Tony rolled his chair to the middle of the courtroom. Having everybody's eyes on him as he gave his closing statement. Confidence rolled of him as he gave the details over again. Reiterating all the vial thing the accused has done. Saying his piece he maneuvered back to his table.

Gibbs sat in the pew right behind Tony. Showing his support. Things had come back to him. Knew he wasn't as good as he once was. But he was as he is and should be. Watching his son defend the innocent. Fight for the unwilling and abused, the forgotten. Leaning over he places a hand on Tony as the call for recess is given. Time to let the jury decide the fate.

You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory now


You're losing your memory now
You're losing your memory...

Tony rolled down the planks as he made his way to the floating craft.

"Is it safe?"

"Get in the boat DiNozzo."

"No way am I suppressing any Jaws remarks."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Gibbs moved up to assist Tony into the boat.

(You're losing your memory now)
You're losing your memory now
(You're losing your memory now)
(You're losing your memory now)




Not sure if you guys are happy how I ended it. Well hah, No seriously. I was thinking of many ways. Tony always in a wheelchair was always there. But the adding of Gibbs amnesiac came as soon as I heard this song. And everything seems to fit.

Hope you enjoy.

Remember to review.


ncis, set me free, family, l. gibbs, hurt/comfort, t. dinozzo

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