NCIS ::: Set Me Free CH 13 & 14

Jun 10, 2012 16:38

Chapter 13: Chances: Athlete
CH 13: Chances: Athlete

BY: Wolfa Moon


The ambulance pulled up outside the Emergency Room. People rushed out of the automatic doors to greet them.

Take all your chances while you can

People poured out of the back of the ambulance. Doctors screaming orders getting stats. And believe me they don't sound good.

"GSW to the upper right cavity."

"He's been tacky the whole way here."

"How's his breathing." The answer lost in the alarms of tacking. Next step cardiac arrest.

"There is a second ambulance right behind us."

You never know when they'll pass you by
Like a sum the mathematician cannot solve
Like me trying my hardest to explain

The day started out normal. Average bag and tag death scene. The tension still visible. Tony standing up and away taking photos. Ziva and Timmy bagging what evidence there was around the deceased. The deceased a ensign who was on furlong before heading to Iraq. A soldier who might be killed fighting for his country dying in his country for some unnamed, yet, reason.

Ducky came and the tension lessoned. Yet his behavior has changed also. Being short to Gibbs and only expanding on info when requested from either Jimmy or Tony. The rift visible. But they did there job. Ducky tsked that Gibbs had done nothing yet. Smiled though at when Tim asked Tony if he needed any help.

Gibbs watched his team try to jump the rift. Be on the same side again.

It's all about your cries and kisses
Those first steps that I can't calculate
I need some more of you to take me over

The shots fired in the night. Breaking the silence.

Take me over

Gibbs had paired himself up with Tony. Hopefully to give him a chance to talk to Tony about all that has happened. Yet when they went to go question a suspect the person didn't feel like answering the question with words. Bullets rained. Then silence. A voice screaming, rasping for help. Informing them agents down.

If I had the chance to start again
Then you would be the one I'd come and find

The rest of the group gathered together in the waiting area. No word on yet how their friends are doing. Ziva sat down holding her necklace in her right hand. She held the identical in the other. They had given them the personal belongings. She closed her eyes squeezing tight. Praying to her god her faith. Save them.


When they returned from the first scene everyone went to work to find connections. McGee went through his finance records. Finding nothing out of the ordinary. Ziva had called his commanding officer to get details. But it was the surprise of Tony when he brought up his vehicle logs and then he had brought up the traffic cams. Something hard to get into. Illegal. Everyone shocked but it gave them a trail to follow.

Like the poster of Berlin on my wall
Maybe there's a chance our walls might fall

It's all about your cries and kisses
Those first steps that I can't calculate
I need some more of you to take me over

They had two leads. Gibbs finally had his moment. It seemed the three of them wanted to be teamed up with Tony. Yet seniority won out. Tony felt self conscious but knew it was coming. Knew Gibbs was going to take his time. But to be stuck in a car with him. No place to run to. He knew this would be severely difficult. Keeping his mouth shut he followed orders.

Ziva & Timmy taking an ex-girlfriend. While Tony & Gibbs took the supposed ex-boyfriend. In the car there was silence except for Tony humming a song in his head.

"What are you singing?" Gibbs had to open up somehow. The thing is he didn't scream at him to be quiet. Gibbs had to admit he missed Tony's constant moving and chatter. He had been so quiet since he came back.

"Last song on my iPhone." Gibbs nods. DiNozzo starts humming. It's a start.

It's all about your cries and kisses
Those first steps that I can't calculate
I need some more of you to take me over

Gibbs extended his hand to his fellow agent. Grabbing him firmly in his grasp.

"I'm not letting you go."

I've no idea 'cause I can't calculate

How to start again
How to start again
How to start again
How to start again

It's all about you

TBC… Cliffhanger. Aren't I a stinker…Please Review.

Chapter 14: Anybody Out There: Civil Twilight
Chapter 14

Anybody Out There: Civil Twilight

By: Wolfa Moon

Disclaimer: No own. Just for fun.


In the cold of the night, the fire burns bright, you long for the unseen
On the edge of the sea, your thoughts run deep, you long for a place you've never been

Taking in his surroundings he can't believe he is here. He is at his cabin standing upon the cliff again. Gazing down there is no one to watch him leap. His cabin seeming so far away. Over the edge of the cliff is the lake. Clear reflective and dark. Dark depths that are unfathomable. He wants to jump again like before but he is afraid. Why? He already conquered it.

The water ripples with life. The water turns red. Ground concaving at his feet. He is falling.

Is anybody there, is anybody there, you cry to the full moon
As your thoughts run wild like the thoughts of a child, you wonder if you'll be there soon
I say slow me down, slow me down
I want to hear the sound, slow me down
Is anybody out there
Is anybody out there

He wakes to find himself asleep at his desk. The monitor on power reserve. Whatever he was working on replaced with a screen of shimmering lights. Taking in the office he is alone. Getting up he looks to the other teams areas. There is no one there too. He is alone. Moving out from behind his desk he begins to walk around NCIS headquarters.

No one is here. Butterflies begin to swim in his belly. This is all wrong. Moving on he goes to each of his fellow teammates desk. Trying to get their computer to start. No effect, just the shimmering light screensaver. Light going in and out on random spots on the screen.

Warily he goes to the elevator to see if Ducky can make ant sense of this.

Not there.


Not there.

What the hell? Fearing an Omega Man or 28 days later he runs to his car and hops in. Speeding out of the city.

It is empty.

"HELLO? IS ANYBODY OUT THERE?" no on replies.

Anybody, anybody
Here I stand, letter in my hand, the letter that you sent to me
But as I turn each page like the turning of a wave, I feel you turning me
Slow me down, slow me down

Traveling out of the city to where everything makes sense. To a place he hasn't been to in the longest time. The thing is he really doesn't remember getting here. But here he is outside a house he thought of as his second home.

It's so quiet.

I want to hear the sound, slow me down
Is anybody out there
Is anybody out there

The door to the house is ajar. Tony pulls out his gun. Thank god for small favors. Moving through the house which he can walk blindfolded. Going to the room that if no other is mostly always has an occupant. Not with a person but with a boat taking up most of the room.

Taking the steps slowly he wonders around the boat. A bottle sits on the table with a nail glass full of booze. A drink ready to be shared.

Anybody, anybody
I don't know anything no more
I don't know anything no more
I don't know anything
Is anybody out there

But no Gibbs. Nobody there. Going to the glass he goes to lift it. His hand goes right through it.

Is anybody out there
Anybody, anybody

AN: Thank you so much for everyone who has reviewed, alerted and favorite. I hope you enjoy the soundtrack.

ncis, set me free, family, l. gibbs, hurt/comfort, t. dinozzo

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