Brand New Day CH 2

Jun 07, 2012 21:39

Chapter 2: Part II
Brand new day pt 2


Sexual bonding in this chapter.

You have been warned.

Brand new day pt 2

Relishing in the day of events and what one does to entertain. And the annoyance of being female. Hating this time of month. For it brought along other issues. They say men are hound dogs. And they can easily walk into an establishment and procure what they need. But what about when a woman needs. If I asked I bet I could have 2 volunteers. And if I did that, then a bond would truly start to form. The small one scaring me enough.

It is wrong yet it felt so right. Fighting the instinct of want, need. Their energies calling to me. And myself radiating back. I need to leave soon. This is becoming too much. Then remembering the promise that I bestowed upon Vin. My puppy.

Sitting up on the roof of the saloon I watch the stars. Releasing my self-form to the emotions of the earth. Letting them travel up to the heavens. Asking them to answer my silent questions and prayers.

"Miriam?" looking over Vin is coming toward me. I am no longer disguised. For night can hide many secrets. And at this late hour it didn't matter. People came in to play the new owner. Learning what they can about the new proprietor. Also the man saying snide remarks about my latest employee. That is when I began to cut my business patrons. Quickly making it clear she is here to work as cook and nothing else. And if anyone here hurts any of my own I would personally have no problem letting my wrath flow. Also reminding them who fixes their food and drink.

Smiling at the memory of the men pushing their drinks away that had been served during our conversation. Relaxing back into the night.

"Miriam, are you okay?" my lazy eyes look to him. He is a beautiful specimen of man. Feeling him worry about his guide. Him fighting his instincts too.

"Yes Vin." Probably been fighting ever since I began to go into heat. Damn female and monthly times. He comes over to sit close to me. The night has chilled me and he is so warm. Moving in closer I take his warmth. Nuzzling him this time instead of the other way around. He closes his eyes as I take what I need. Guess turn about is fair. Feeling him welcome whatever I am willing to give. Right now I am willing to do something. Looking up into his eyes I move in. Kissing his soft warm lips.

Startled he backs away a little. Confused he stares at me. Wondering if I am real. Smiling I move in for another. This time he welcomes it. Yet there is a stiff tension there.



"What are you doing?" smiling at him.

"I am kissing you."

"But you don't want to bond with me." Huffing.

"Vin sex isn't the only way to bond. Sometimes it can be just a simple release of want and need." He looks at me. Fighting what he wants. Fighting the nightmares of the carnal needs of unwanted, touching him throughout his past. I'm offering him a wonderful fulfilling dream. His animal wanting the guide more than anything. I can feel his tiny war. If I pushed more he would relent for his guide. Do anything for me. Backing away. I would never use him. I would not become the monster that Neal is. "I'm sorry, sorry." Moving away quickly I begin to make my way to our room. Getting ready to jump down to our balcony, a hand grabs my shoulder.

"I…" Vin stares away than back at me.

"Vin, no. I am just being a female."

"A female in heat." He knew that men could easily take care of their carnal needs. But if a woman of standing wished it was frowned upon. Lowering my head. Now I am the one with shame. His hand moves from my shoulder to my cheek. His well calloused hands soft against my skin. So warm and safe. This felt so right. Lips meet mine. I want more. Moving back to the roof and into Vin. We just kiss. His hands touch gently along my body. Craving the touch on both sides of this fire. I can feel it building. Crap.

Moving back I place space between us. Both of us breathing heavily. This is wrong.

I slink back to my room. This is nuts. I want this but I can't. Can I?

Brand new day pt 2

Moving to the bed I shack my head. This is terrible. I want. I don't want. This can't be happening. Warmth surrounds me. Strong arms.

"Forgive me."

"You have done nothing wrong." I lean back into him. My wild sentinel. The threads there. I can see them calling, singing to me. But I can't.

"I've, I've never been…" he stops. He's shy, reluctant, and cute. Opening my eyes I look at him. Taking him in he is blushing. Looking away. Relaxing into him. Giving him that this guide trust him. That I trust him. "I've never been with a woman."

"Then we won't waste such a precious thing on my wanted needs."

"Why not? I want." He looks into my eyes. I look into his.

"No Vin. What I want is carnal want. And when you experience your first time."

"I want it to be you." I smile. Moving in I kiss his soft tender lips. He returns with fire. Moving a hand up I place it on his lips.

"That is a high honor. But not now."

"When?" Yes when?

"Soon." Moving to the bed I get under the covers. I need to sleep on this. Vin wraps himself around me. I am safe for one more night. But what about the next.

Brand new day pt 2

The next day I dress as Eliza needing to remember who and what I really am. Remember what I am fighting for. Letting my self feel the town and all it's wonders. And also feeling the newly arrivals. They vibrate strength, sentinels. Not like my Chris or Vin. Damn… Unbonded, proud, & dangerous. Keeping my face forward I move to where the sentinels mostly reside, besides the saloon. Sheriff Office.

Walking down the street I feel eyes on me. I know I'm new so people watch. But it is not the normal. Freezing in spot I let myself radiate. Chris has taken Vin out to hunt. Also wanting to keep an eye on my sentinel. Stay in my good graces. But then I feel it. There are more sentinels in Chris' territory. I spy them. Closing my eyes I feel for Buck. Looking to the jail I make my way toward my safety. I know he can feel me.

He looks at me. Watching his eyes go wide and begins his hurried stride toward me.

A man jumps off the boardwalk beside me as I pass. There is a deep inhalation of breathe from him. I move quickly to stand behind my approaching savior. Turning I place Buck between me and the men. The town folk don't know what I am so I don't wish to advertise. But a sentinel with a pack of other sentinels is something to be wary of. True Mr. Larabee has a pack of two. But he is not of a wondering pack made of several sentinels. Sentinels thrive in the wild plans. Guides thrive in the protectiveness of communities. Where emotions thrive. We live off the support of other humans.

"Is there a problem here?" Buck asks me as I take position behind him.

"Not really." I can feel Buck blanket out his senses. Covering me with him. I may not be pack but I am a guide who vibrates fear and unwant. The group stops before us. A man steps out between the throng of 5 men and several youths. Probably picked them up in their roaming. But makes a mighty feisty pack.

"Can I help you with something?" the sentinels puffs his chest out. Showing that he is the more powerful sentinel between them.

"Guide, I am alpha sentinel Hardison. Honor your calling." Guide I am but that is not how one address a lady. This lot are such primitives. The voice carrying demand in it for me to behave like a pup. I move to stand beside Buck. Gathering myself.

"You are not an Alpha. You're a delta at best. And I am guide but not yours."

"Then I can challenge." He vibrates. It's sickening. It reminds me of Neal and how he would vibrate his power around. Probably how he did it to those poor guides in the guild house, brothel for sentinels. To gain a sense of who they are. More like a torture chamber. The world needs to change. Gathering myself,

"Challenge who? I am mine." For I have not bonded yet.

"Then come." He extends his hand out to me. Expecting me to simply take it. A man to use to those guilds.

"No," I stay defiant. He radiates his displeasure and lust as he takes a step toward me. Closing my eyes it feels like Neal before me. Oh god.

"Is there a problem here?" The air stills as the voice speaks. I hadn't even heard them ride in. To frozen in my nightmare. But I couldn't deny the power Larabee is radiating toward the sentinel gang. A presence stands beside me. Opening my eyes as I hear a familiar growl. Comforted at it. We lock eyes. I can see the feral staying only at bay for me. He steps around the pack to take them in. I watch as he growls at them. The leader sentinel huffs at my feral. Boys are you in trouble. He returns to my side. Leaning into me he smells my clean scent. The guideless pack growls. The leader not liking this. He looks to alpha Chris still astride his horse. Gun resting in his hand.

"Yes," the leader speaks. "This guide is unclaimed. I challenge for the right of her." That snaps Vin attention from me to the pack. I move my hand out a little to block. Not touching. For I am sentinel-less guide. "She declined. But I…" Chris cocked his gun.

"Step away from her," Larabee growls at them. "Now." This never ended well when power is thrown around. Vin places an arm around my waist. Speaking high volumes. Feeling him fight all his instinct. Protect guide. Laying a hand on him he moves in to bury himself into my side. I don't care if I am semi-bonding. I feel safe.

Growling is heard but I ignore. Larabee has thrown his power out. Making his territory known. Closing my eyes I relax into my feral.

Pulled out of my calm by a hand on my shoulder. Than I hear Buck's calming voice. Vin tightens his hold around me. Growling at the intruder. Still on guard.

"I'm gamma Vin." Pack level, submitting. "I won't take her. No challenge." Damn I might as well be claimed the way they are acting. Placing my arms around him I snuggle in.

"It's okay Vin." Moving back a little so he can see my eyes.

"Guide," he breathes breathlessly. Feeling him try to understand what that pulling sensation is. That empty space inside all sentinels yearning to be filled.

"Yes, Vin, I'm a guide." Moving back, he stares at me. . Looking over I spy Buck standing between Chris and myself. Can sense him vibing as well. His empty space.

Stepping back I watch the gang make their way away from us. But some look back. Lost souls. Their yearning toxic to my empathic senses. Shuddering I step back out of any of their reaches.

Brand new day pt 2

Needing some time away from them I go change into my alter ego. Taking some time to earn some cash when I depart. I need to leave. This is becoming hectic. More trouble than I expected. There strings playing for me. Neal is coming after me. I couldn't ask more people to lay down their life for me. Already lost my husband, my child, my home. Did I have a right to those dreams ever again?

Playing brutally I take all of what the kid has. Stupid kid betting his cloths. Everyone laughing as he walks out in a tablecloth. Inez telling him to give it back when he is done.

Collecting my winning I give them to her to hold onto. Before I reach for the brandy she pours for me she places a food plate on top.

"You must eat guide." Looking up I glare at her. She glares back. "Honor in your calling." Tilting my head I take her in. so mysterious. Lifting the tortia off the plate I eat it. Watching her grin and saunter off.

Shaking my head I make my way to the outside. Sitting down I let myself relax. Vin has been hovering. But a forced look from me as I passed him on my way out to let him now, stay. Need to clear my head.

Sitting in the chair out front I take in the town. My shields on extra guard with the sentinel pack in town. Looking at the stragglers, wondering at what they are doing here in the first place. Not my worry. Watching the town. The mundanes walking around with no clue as to what is in their mist. Daily troubles and worries vibe off them. Turning my head I can feel their lostness calling.

Spying the pups that are over by the livery. Pawing at the ground. Unknown at what potential lays in them. Nervous, scared, want. Want to understand what they truly are. They catch my eye. Seeing that as a beacon they come toward me. My shields fully up. No scents to hide what I am.

As they get closer they sniff the air. Both confused by my appearance. Smiling at my discreet form. the mundane oblivious but for sentinels. They smile back, weakly.

"Guide?" they prance from foot to foot.


"Um," one starts then looks around to make sure their alpha is not around. Kicked, abused kits looking for meaning in this wilderness. Probably never seen a guide before today. Probably wondering if this is normal behavior for guides to hide themselves like this. "Um," he tries again.

Standing up they still. Approaching them slowly, keeping the rail between us. Their eyes go wide and searching. Wondering where my presumed sentinel's are. Looking for my feral, Vin.

"Come here." Looking even smaller they approach me. Extending my hand I allow them to smell. They look from one another. Realizing I am not their guide but I will give comfort. The larger of the kits pushes the smaller one first. Taking them in they look related. Probably are. No one knows how sentinels come to be just that they are.

He comes closer to take my hand. He rubs it between his paws. Then he leans over to smell my wrist. He takes his time going through the senses. Balancing himself out. Doesn't even realize he is doing it. Yet when he stands up and stares at me. Focused for the first time. The top of his game. He smiles. Looking to his bother who is stunned by the small transformation begins his balance. The same motions taking his time. On his last one he rest his face into my hands. A sign of giving himself to me. Possible doesn't even know what that motion means. But when his eyes find mine. He does. Strong hazel eyes. The boy is an alpha. I can feel it. Yet why does he? He doesn't know? And his brother?

I take back my hand they whimper. People had stared at us while they did this. Not understanding. One person though looked in fascination. The man from my first poker game in town stood on some steps by the livery under a sign reading 'wounds healed'. His eyes understanding and curious. Returning to the sentinels before me.

"Leave this pack."

"Where should we go?" lost kits. Looking around I make sure their once alpha is not around.

"There is a town up north in Sioux Falls, Colorado. There is a shaman there who can help you." They look from one another then to me.

"But," the younger one nudges him. Guess it never felt right to him either.

"Thank you." He says smiling. Finally understanding what it mans to be what he is.

"You're welcome sentinel?"

"Sam, Sam Winchester." The younger one. No older than I can guess 10. His older brother places a protective arm around him. Finally all is clear.

"Dean, Dean Winchester. Thank you."

"Go there. They will know what to do. Go tonight." They look at me as they make their way to the livery. The man on the stairs nods to me. I nod back. Moving back I take my seat.

The doors creak with the appearance of Vin. He places a hand on my shoulder. His nostrils flaring, smelling the kits on me. His hand travels down to my hand. My hand, which is still moist from their administration. He entangles our hands to bring it up to smell. Then he is licking my hand. Erasing the scents of the kits. Looking around people are watching. More specifically the man from the game. His eyes watching everything that is going on through sober eyes. Pulling my hand he growls.

"Vin public," I remind him. His senses open to see the people prying in on our business.

"Eliza," he purrs. I love it when he does that. Tightening my hand he focuses. Reminding him I am Ezra at the moment.

"Vin we need to talk." His eyes meet mine. Such a wonderful ocean to drown in.

This was never a permanent stop. Just a stone along the path. And then the trouble that came along the path. This conundrum that stands before me. My past chasing me. I don't want to drag innocent's in. Never wanting a sentinel. Never finding one I truly felt at peace with. Then this wild man comes into my life and, "I'm going to be leaving soon." His hold on my hand tightens. Eyes searching mine. Do I dare ask? Do I want him? Can I place him in danger? Hell life is dangerous. "Do you want to come with me?" pulling his hand toward me. Watching his eyes. Letting him see and feel the truth in my words. He vibrates his emotions. So troubled but one that sings loudest. He looks away then back. All his fibers screaming at him, yes. But I need to hear it.

"If you'll have me." His eyes spark as we look at one another.

"I welcome it." Vin releases my hand. His eyes rove over the town. Taking it in. stepping back from me he leans against the poll. I have a sentinel. A guide who swore, never. And a feral one of all kinds. Looking at him I am content. Yet the hole seems to be getting deeper.

Brand new day pt 2

I am walking through the town. My cloths are bloodied. So many have fallen before me, for me. Innocents. Town in flames. Surrounded by fire. Through the fire is my nightmare. Neal stands there. My golden knife my only weapon. Bloods drips from it. Yet I feel the empty pit. Teetering on the edge. Where are my sentinels?

Neal grabs for me. The nightmares I hear of forced bonding becoming a reality. He grabs me. Twisting the knife out of my hands. He throws his senses at me. He is everywhere. Slamming me to the ground. I am falling into the pit.

"You're mine." I scream as he tries to invade me, mind and soul. His hands burning into me.

"No, NO! Vin, Chris, help me!" he burns. It hurts. "VIN! CHRIS!"

Brand new day pt 2

Fighting as arms hold me. Words begin to filter through the pain and fire. Calm cool touches. Whispered gentle voices. Opening my eyes I am not there. Strong arms are holding me. Feeling them vibe safety. Chris is always behind me while Vin takes the front. Chris' is buried in my neck snuggling in. kissing my hot tempered skin. Vin is right beside my face. He's kissing and licking my tears away. My shaking hands reach up to nest in his hair. Moving so I can sink into his ocean eyes. Grabbing his head I bring him in and devour his lips. I need him, them. Need them to fill the hole. I don't want my nightmare. He doesn't draw away from me. Sensing my need.

Chris behind me is gnawing at my neck. Not hard enough yet to leave a bonding mark. But to note that he is there and wishes to be a part. I melt back into him. He is so strong and welcoming. I want them, both. I can have them both. We can be a strong pack. But I am frightened. Keeping one hand in Vin's hair I let my other web themselves through Chris' hand around my waist. I moan.

The noise eggs them on. We become a pile of bodies. My heat rising. My want. Their want. The strings of bond. But this place is not secure. Bonding is done in a secluded place. A place that can be maintained. For when the bond is forged it leaves the pack energized and singing through the air. And any disturbance can ruin the newly mended links. Do I dare let in. I can't fight it forever. I stop the kiss. But lips try to reclaim.

"Wait, wait." They don't let me go. Spying Buck who is in the room watching us. Keeping an eye on us. Being our sentry while we fix the bonds of pack. His eyes glazed. But clear. We both stare at one another. "We need a secure distant place."

"Chris' cabin is close and secure. We can go there for the bonding." I lower my head. "Are you sure about this? This is permanent." I close my eyes. The sentinels not letting me go. Thing is I don't want them too. Fear fills me. The nightmare coming to the surface to haunt me again. Nodding my head they advance their efforts.

"Whoa, sentinels. We need to depart here." I am finally doing this. We try and move. Well I try to but I have two large masses unrelenting. "Gentlemen, may I be your guide." The both growl. "I take that as a yes. But we are not bonding here." That gets thorough to them. They look from one another. Their minds on the primal. "We need to be secured." That gets through. Chris I know has done this before and begins to move away. Vin doesn't understand. "Vin we are going to bond. But not here." He looks at me. I smile. He understands.

Brand new day pt 2: :: Warning: bonding::

One the fastest ride I have ever been on, even faster than a train, we are at Chris' remote cabin. There we set up a bonding area behind the house.

We start by having the fire surround us. Giving us safety. Making sure we are alone. Furs are laid out on the ground. To make it cozier for us to join on. Buck moves to stand at the only entrance in through the fire ring. Next Cloths are removed. The moon highlights my alabaster skin. Feeling a little embarrassed at my state of undress before such strong masculine man. Thing is looking at their naked body they have nothing to be ashamed of.

Kneeling down I focus on what I must do. I'm scared. Truly. This moment I have pushed off for so long. Binding ones not just body, but soul, mind, and spirit. Connecting with out mother earth I feel her vibe at the anticipated union of her warriors. Welcoming home her lost children. Feeling her sensations. The trees growing, waters flowing. Things that once have become a great deal to connect with flow into me with a breath taken. Looking at them I see the wilderness in my feral. The fire in my alpha. The dark fading to a lighter color. Accepting his pain, his lost.

Extending my hand out I welcome them toward me. Vin comes in low toward me. Chris follows. Both stopping not a foot from me. They lean forward. I welcome them. Vin taking the left side of my neck while Chris takes the right. Both inhaling my sent. Permeating their sense of smell with my scent. Then there is taste. They begin to lick my skin. Gently they lower me to lay on the furs that Buck had laid out for us to commence our union on. Buck remains outside the circle of fire while we join. He will have a moment later. But for now it is to my alpha and my feral.

Vin licks and nips at my neck. His hands traveling over my body. His right hand cupping my left breast while his other travels my dips and valleys. Chris is gaining more fire as his hands roam my body as well. Cupping and dipping into my moist depths. Arching into the touch. It has been so long since another has touched down there. Chris purrs heavy in my ear before sucking on it. Oh gods.

Vin lips taste down my body. Our eyes make contact. Asking permission. Chris growls. Vin growls back.

"Chris, I am first to Vin." His dark flaming eyes look into mine. "But you will be my alpha." His lips descend upon mine. While Vin begins to administer his lips to my other set. Arching into him. His mouth so warm. Sentinels learning the taste of their guide. Closing my eyes I concentrate on the threads singing around me. The one so alone in the desert of the night. The other one glowing in fire's light. Flames dimming down around the string I need to entwine with. Uh, Jesus. Vin's mouth is distracting. His fingers learning the feel of me on the outside as well as the inside.

The flames hot I reach out but the cord is still too hot to touch. Still maintaining it's distance. Giving him time to cool down. So I move away to reach for the lone strand in the desert. Coming closer I can feel it try to shy away from me. Feel that it is so alone. Scared to have hope. But I had brought hope back to the lone unknowing feral. It's so cold in the desert at night. The thread turns into a snarling Puma. Moving closer I can feel myself morph into my animal spirit, clouded leopard. Since I'm such a rarity, why not my animal spirit. Moving closer he bears his teeth at me. Frightened at my power or frightened at what he might do. Moving in unafraid. Moving he eyes me. Moving in I lay down and roll over for him. Leaving myself open for him. He pounces over to climb on top of me. I wrap myself around him. Feel his sentinel cord stringing with mine. Arching my back as he enters me claiming his guide. He moves slowly to relish in my heat. His first time ever with a woman. And it will only ever be me. His member is so long reaching into me. He stops to gain himself. Looking into his eyes I can see him trying to hold back to enjoy his claim. But there is another part of this claiming. Vin a feral has to learn to submit to our alpha.

Chris moves back to watch Vin claim me. His eyes glaze over. Looking us over. Chris slowly makes his way behind Vin. Vin slows down his rhythm keeping an eye on the alpha. He knows what is to happen. But it doesn't mean he has to like it. For he is a wild man. My hands reach his face. His eyes smolder into mine. Keeping a firm grip on Vin's thread I move to the fire. It has died down considerably.

Watching our animal spirits move together through the flames. Dying out around us. There a melanistic jaguar, a black spotted genus, prowls. Moving first I lay down before my alpha. So does Vin following my lead but staying as close to me as possible. Reaching out I grab the thread. Vin stiffens, pausing in his thrusting into me. Weaving the thread between us. It burns still. But Vin's desert cooled thread helps relieve some of the heat.

Vin bites down on the left side of my throat. Securing his place with me as Chris secures his place as alpha. I can feel Vin squirm. The memories we are sharing. His past and only experience with sex the revolting use of his body by unholy carnal men. Opening my eyes I watch Chris as he licks and learns the feral. Learning his pack. Then he moves. Pushing Vin forward and into me. A wet woman's dream.

Staring up I enjoy as Vin thrust into me powered by the thrusting of Chris into him. Watching our threads bind us as one. The pressure building. All of us aflame. Vin moves and I can fell him growling getting close to completion. Chris growling now too. Even I am, mewing. Then a bright flash crosses my vision. Vin bends down biting me hard on my neck. Chris bites down hard on Vin. Claiming his pack.

Down with round one Vin moves out of me. Chris moves out of him.

Vin moves to my neck to lick at his claim mark on my neck. Licking the blood away. I can feel his heart beat each time he licks. Chris is nuzzling between my legs. Licking at Vin and mine union of juices. Watching him taste and learn us in sexual needs.

Locking eyes on me he enters. I arch. What Vin has in length Chris makes up for in girth. His dick touching everywhere inside me. His hands roaming. Feeling our binds. Learning that his strongest sense is touch. Each sentinel has powerful senses. But there is always one that outnumbers the rest. Touch is Chris' main sense while Vin's is eyesight. Vin moves down my body. His eyes watching as Chris takes me. Watching Chris move his hips with purpose. Moving slowly in and out of me. His hands taking in my trembling form. Then there is a growl.

Looking up I watch as Vin makes his way to behind the alpha. Chris growls at Vin. Vin doesn't care. I can see his length is fully engorged. Ready to go. Ready to take the alpha. But Chris as alpha doesn't want to accept this. But he needs to. Wrapping my legs around him I pull him toward me. Wrapping my arms around his head making him bury his face into my neck.

"Chris we are pack. You are alpha and Vin is Beta. But we are all equal leaders. Relax." I can see Chris' memories of sex with other men and woman. His time with men he has never bottomed. As I am Vin's first and only woman. Vin will be Chris' first and only male. Chris shudders with unknown emotions as Vin makes his way around his alpha. Vin has never been on this end of things. But knows how it should be done and he would want it done to him.

Chris growls into my throat. Biting from my neck down my collarbone. I can feel Vin shift behind Chris. Feel him getting ready to enter the alpha.

"Chris we are one." Chris bites down hard as Vin enters. Both of us urging through our link for him to relax. He does and then they are moving. The heat between us building. The thrusting becoming more erratic. Chris won't last much longer. All out need building. Our union careening flooding out around us, through us. Chris bites down as I feel him release into me. Vin follows. Our warmth radiating. Wonder if the town felt that? Chris nips at my neck tasting the bite and blood he has drawn. Vin is beside me. He second highest rated sense is smell. His fingers gliding across my skin. He nuzzles my neck and my body. Chris purrs. Hell we are all purring.

I know them now. Now their memories, good and bad. Know their dreams. Even as they change from revenge to contentment in having a pack again. From being alone to finally having a home. From fear of dying alone to knowing I will not die if they have anything to say.

They both travel down my body. Silent communication between the two. Since we are connected but this. Both between my legs lapping at the juices of are union. The sensations added with their purring driving me crazy. Purring as if drinking ambrosia. The link humming with greedy intent. This is what being a guide is like, fully linking. The lust, love, want all there. I never knew. Never knew it could be like this.

I forget when we finally collapse. Vin took me several more times as did Chris. I also got a show of watching both men take turns on one another. Then it was my turn to taste them. We would all be feeling the bonding in the morning. But I believe I would feel it most. Both sentinels had claimed a side of my body. For Vin and nipped, suck, bite on the left. While Chris had marked down my right. Vin may be more feral but Chris is a bitter. I will have to be wearing long sleeves for a while now.

And even after that.

Brand new day pt 2

The fires had died down in the night. A fur had been thrown over us. Sitting up between the two bodies that scoot closer to me. Toward the empty spot I was leaving. Looking around I spot Buck making breakfast.

"Morning guide, honored in your calling." A formal greeting if I ever did hear one. All guides are honored in their calling. For it is a special gift to have such talents. And to help a sentinel be all that he can be.

"Good morning sentinel." I stretch but pain twinges through me. All muscles used beyond recognition. The link still vibrant with life. Both of my sentinels are up and ready to defend. Sending calming vibes they look to me. Then I am again cocooned in sentinel. "Easy gentlemen. I am just sore and worn out." Vin nuzzles his face into my hair. Chris grabs a hold of me bringing me into him. Our lips clashing. I can feel the want growing again. Damn. Pushing him off he glares hooded eyes at me. "Chris we had a full night of this. I want to and preferable a bath before we depart back to town."

"What's so important back in town?" Chris asks huskily.

"We have to discover the rest of our pack. And I want us to teach those sentinels a lesson. I fear they will not act on just means. " They wanted, needed a guide. And there are heinous and illegal, legal ways to attain a guide. Fear for the guide that will become theirs. Or one who is yet to be discovered.

Getting up the furs fall. The wind blows around me. My skin tickled by the winds kisses. Welcomed into the world of emotions and elements. Mother earth had already given us approval. Approval to feel the earth strong, vibrant, radiate through me. Moving over I sit by the fire. More furs our laying there. Buck is doing a good job as gamma.

"Thank you Buck." Buck smiles at me. Serving me up a plate. Before I can reach for it Vin grabs it. We all stare at him. But then he has the spoon out for me to eat. I smile at an ancient tradition. But understandable in a wild sentinel. Always on the verge of starvation. Never knowing where the next meal is coming from. I take the mouthful. Smiling at one another. He sits beside me. Chris sits near me too. But he also takes up sentry. Can feel him spreading out his feelers.

"There is a stream over that way. We'll head there after we eat." I nod as I am served another spoonful. I lean in nuzzling at his neck. Nipping back at the marks I placed upon him, equally claimed. He whimpers at my affection.

"I need to bathe." Getting up I wrap the fur around me. Vin instantly stands in all his glory. Moving next to him I wrap the fur around both of us. We begin to move.

"We're you going?" Chris barks at us. Worry radiates. Newly found and joined. Concern we would just walk away.

"Bath." We make our way to the stream. Flinging the fur off we make our way in. swimming out I take the rays in. Splashing out to the middle. The water washes all. Emotions is water. Trickling over, around, through me. Vin swims over to me. He wraps his arms around me. His emotions bashing against me. Content, peace, lust. Damn.

We move to a shallower spot. We have some fun in the water before more splashing is heard. Knowing we had radiated our joining and Chris feeling it as well. Coming in he claims me as well while Vin helps hold me. Damn.

Buck has laid out furs by the stream. Coming out of the water after being used again I lay down. Chris smiles at me as he passes to get lunch going. Buck takes me in.

"Thank you." I look at him.

"For what?" Questioning him. He nods toward my sentinels.

"For making us pack again. Chris…" so much emotion and story there. Past is past. And I have seen the cruelty of Chris nightmares.

"I know about them Buck." He nods understanding that as a guide I will know my sentinels past. Even if I don't wish it. Buck smiles at the huge grins that Vin keeps shooting toward his guide. Smiling back to watch him blush. Buck laughs. Then he looks over at me.

"Boy acts like he never had a girl before." Looking at him I tilt my head.

"He hasn't." Chris comes out from the cabin where he has been cooking up lunch. For we had slept the morning way. Well mostly tried to sleep. Amongst other things.

"He okay?" we turn to see Vin diving under the water.

"He's fine. You should join him."

"What about you?" he takes in my nakedness. Hell we're all naked. Buck though is the only one who has his pants on. Feeling my sentinel search me. Vibrating warmth back. He glows at the renewed sensation. Our holes filling up. And I was about to fill it up some more.

"I have to have a shared moment with our gamma." He smiles. Nodding to Buck. Trusting him. He makes his way to the water.

"Eliza I respect you and all but I ain't gonna have you." He grins.

"And you won't until we say so. I merely want to establish a baseline link with you. You are pack." He grins at that. I know he loves the sound of it and also what it represents. Moving in, I let the furs drop. I run my hands through his hair. He closes his eye to my administration. He moves closer to me. His hands find my waist. Moving forward I take his lips with mine. Melding his light with ours. A beautiful quilt we are making. Then there is something on the horizon. Something to finish the edging around the gamma's threads. He opens his eyes to look at me. Putting his head to my throat he breathes deeply. "I am your alpha guide. Yours to seek. But there is one for you alone. And then our pack will grow with there addition and our own. " Buck moves back at this. Eye wide.

"Are you pregnant?"

"I am unsure." We did have a lot of fun last night without protection. And don't I deserve a little happiness. "We will have to wait and see."'

"And then what?" Buck hands run over my belly. Gamma's main role to protect the guide. Administer his being for the guide. Be always there for the guide. Even this.

"We grow."

Brand new day pt 2

Author Note:



Magnificent Seven Crossover AU

I like to thank for her stories are a great inspiration for my piece of work here. I constantly am rereading her works to get a feel for the feral alpha guide bond. Her stories are amazing. You should check them out.

non-con, family, warning!, genderbend, guide!ezra, mag 7 au, ezra/vin/chris, sentinel!vin, ezra/vin, magnificent 7, self-harm, veil of ezra, hurt/comfort, sentinel!chris, ezra standish

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