Jun 07, 2012 21:15

Chapter 18: KQ 18: Author Note DARK CONTENT
I wrote a chapter that made people Squick and write rather colorful reviews. If people want to read IT IS BELOW. I didn't know how to deal with Tony being scared and they are teenagers and they can't go ask for help. If they did Tony would be taken away from them. They are very open and trying to help him learn.

To those I offended it is a story.

MY note at the bottom to was some other reviews and messages written to me telling me I am sick for writing this. Taking it literally.

They took the story too far in their reality.

Again this is a work of fiction. A story to be read. If you don't like don't read.

But to those who caught a glimpse of that chapter and approve even with the squick dark factor.


This is FICTION. People have written worse.

Should people stop watching GAME OF THONES for all the sex and roughness in it. Hell the dragon girl was practically raped from the get go. TRUE BLOOD for the same reason. Are you stop watching those shows?

To those who wish to read this DARK chapter Continue Down.

To those who Squick at it. DON"T READ & Bypass it.

I won't be offended.










Keep Quiet: To See The Truth

By Wolfa Moon

Disclaimer: Don't Own. Work of Fiction


Tony sat in the tree reading. Just needing to get away and give Shannon and Jet some time alone. Some nights wishing he were really deaf for the noises they made in the room adjacent to his. He knows what is going on. Knew it was appropriate between a man and a woman. Knew what had happened to him was wrong. Knew it was wrong for older men to touch him. Play with him. Bend him over and…

Slamming the book shut he tries to get his mind off his nightmares. Wanting to scream at them. He had tried after the first night when he heard them. To ask them to stop. To give a way he knew what they were doing. How it made him feel frightened. But then he saw how happy they where. He had never enjoyed it like they seemed to. Wondering if something was wrong with him. Jet would get angry about going over what bad deeds lie in his past.

Remembering when they were on the road and low on cash. Offering to go please for money. He had never seen Jet's face change in color that dramatically. Telling him that what those men did was evil. That it will never happen again. Sex is bad. But they seemed to enjoy it.

Leaving him a very confused boy. Who was there to talk to? No one for he was to remain silent.


The good thing about the base was he could run from them. Run and know he would be protected. But where he ran it still followed him. Their shadows their noises. He can still hear them. The phantom pain they caused. Still filling him deep inside. Looking through the fence. Watching he sees the building going up. Looking over he sees a man in a suite. All men in suites scare him. Trying to control that flinch when he sees them. Liking the military dress for none of them wear that. Yet right around places he thought safe there they still work. Then the black limo pulled up. Frozen he watched more suites spill out. Like evil clones of evil. Never being free. No matter what Jet promises.


Shannon's life had changed. Fitting herself into Jet's dream. Seeing that she could make her home here. Jelling already in the family dynamic. Yet recently Tony had become withdrawn. True the past couple of nights they had been experiencing love. Jet wondering if Tony could hear them. Or understood that what they were doing is not wrong. But Tony only cringed from them.

She wanted this so much yet it seemed to hurt. The door opened with a bang and feet came running in and up the stairs. Going up the stairs she wonders what is wrong. Entering his room she looks around to see nothing. The bed made and the closet door open. So where?

Her mind going back to the old dark days. Remembering where Tony would hide. Moving slowly like back then. Her head reeling that they had somehow caused Tony to step back into the new arrival in their hometown state. Kneeling down she looks under the bed. There he is. Curled up into a tight circle. Hands over his ears.

"Damn it." Scooting under the bed she tries to reach him. He flinches as her hand touches him. The walls in the home paper thin. They had done this, she curses at herself. "Tony?" Jet had only said what they had was good what he had was bad. But he didn't understand that Tony knew. She had seen it in his eyes. Jet had seen too but the birds and bees was an uncomfortable subject. And when he tried to discuss what was past it made his blood boil and he didn't want to explode and scare Tony. So they had let it float. It had floated for too long and absorbed in and made him sink.

"Oh Tony." She pulls him toward him. He flinches and whimpers.

Once they came up she holds him close to her. This makes her heart hurt. She drags him to his bed and lies beside him. He has grown so much. Running her hand through his long hair. It was reaching his shoulder now. Jet wanted to cut it but Tony loved it. Still wanting to control his life as much as he can. Shannon likes his hair. Tony relaxes and settles into her. His nightmares keeping him up and chasing him in the day. Exhausted he let himself relax into the safety of Shannon. Then she began to hum. His ear lying right over her chest. He is home.

Shiloh lays by the door guarding her family as they rest. They had fallen asleep but didn't mean that danger still wasn't there. Dark had fallen when the door downstairs opened. The house was dark but she saw the last family member enter. Looking around then coming up the stairs. Shiloh sits up leaning her head out of the room. Jet smiles approaching her to enter Tony's room. Shannon cocooning herself around Tony.

He was no fool. He saw something was off about Tony. Knew it was going to come to a head.

"Shannon?" he whispers. "Shannon," he tries again. She stirs to see him. Jet enters slowly to sit on the edge. Tony sandwiched between them. Tony was his brother first yet it seemed he had moved to the father figure as they traveled on their own. "Everything ok?" She shakes her head. Lowering his head he knew something was going on. Pushing it off. Placing the rage at Tony's past into his training. "What happened?"

"He came home and ran to his room. Jet we need to talk to him. Discuss his past and what we are doing?" That was a concern of them sharing a bedroom.

"I don't want to hurt him."

"We are by not doing." Jet nods sadly. True they are hurting him. He had seen it after the first night they had shared one another. How Tony had cowered a little from them. Little things. The inches separating them.

Getting into bed they sandwich Tony between them. Looking down at the innocent child. A child who had lost part of his innocence. Now they will have to show him what good it is. That their union is good. This is the right thing to do.


The next morning Tony woke up between two warm bodies. It was scary. It felt like before. But then he saw red hair cloud his vision. He began to shake.

"Tony," he heard Jet say. But it sounded so far away. "Tony, jeeze." He backs up. Hands grabbing his head. Eyes opening to see eyes scoping into each other. "Tony it's us. Tony, buddy." Jet swears to whoever will hear him. "TONY!"

Shannon sits up. Staring at Tony and Jet. Jet shouting at the frightened boy. Trying to bring him back from where he had receded inside himself.

She pulls him back to her.

"It's us Tony." He stills. Eyes staring at one another. Jet begins to sign.

'Tony, it's Jet and Shannon. It's okay.' Tony stares at him. Sighing deeply. His hands moving to take Shannon's in his. Rubbing up and down. The two sharing a look over his head.

'Tony, I'm sorry. We… Shannon and I need to tell you that we. We love one another and our.' How to explain sex to a child who was violated by it. Was used against him. 'Tony what Shannon and we do is different from what happened to you.'

'Am I wrong?' Tony's shaking hands sign.

'No. That was not your choice. This is a choice. We love one another.' Shannon stares at Jet at his words. Sure they had spoken it and acted liked teenagers in the blissness of youth filled love. 'Sex is more than your past. There is a side that is good and great.'

'Can you show me?' this froze Jet. He wanted Tony to not be afraid of the act. And they couldn't really go to a shrink for it would open to many questions that they couldn't afford to answer.

Shannon looks at Jet who is stunned by his brother's words. She was contemplating how to make Tony unafraid of sex. When to him it was pain. The pink elephant in the room. Then it clicked. Tony was knowledgeable beyond his years. Knew things no child should know or have experienced. Taking his hands in hers. Getting his full attention on her. Removing her hand.

'Yes Tony, we will show you.' Jet looks stunned at her. 'Come on.' Jet didn't know what she had planned but he felt as nervous as a virgin.

They go to their bedroom that they had been sharing since she came. She sits Tony in a chair that rest in the corner. It felt all wrong to be doing this in front of Tony.

"Jet focus on me."

"This isn't right."

"And what was done to him was." He closes his eyes to return to her fire eyes watching him. "Jet what do you suggest letting him watch porn. We need to show him there is joy in the act. Or he will be… he will be frightened for the rest of his life. And do you want that?"

"No." she smiles at him.

"Good get undress."

Tony watches them disrobe. His mind going to the times when he was disrobed. How the men would smile as with each discard exposed more of his innocent skin. Then he watched as Shannon kissed Jet. Their eyes different from the men who took him. They light in a different way as they look upon one another. It was the love that shined through them. Love that she showed him with those eyes. Eyes that Jet showed love for him as well. And he didn't want Tony in that way. They moved to the bed. Tilting his head to watch. To see how they connected. Girls built so differently from him. Jet paused before entering. Wondering if he was worried about hurting her. Then his eyes connected with Tony. He smiles his all is well smile before beginning to go at Shannon. Their motions slow and full of love. She arched into him. They seemed to enjoy it. Tony sat frozen as he watched them make love.

So this is what it was suppose to be like. A man and a woman to join in the act. They both seemed to enjoy it. She cried out several times begging for more. This was amazingly different from his own experience. So they weren't hurting one another. They wanted this. They both seemed to enjoy it. There is good in this act.

After he watched them he felt different. Felt soiled and dirty. But also felt relieved. Not frightened by what they were doing. Then he looked down. The men taking joy when his pecker would get excited. They seemed to ignore it and let him be.

They lay in afterglow. Shannon looks over at him. She smiles. He smiles but keeping his head down. She comes over to him. She is better than any of the men who took him.

Jet watches as Shannon moves to Tony in her birthday suite.

'Tony it's okay to get aroused.'

'They would laugh at me and be more mean when I." She rest one hand over it.

'This is natural.' She kisses his check. 'Do you know how to handle yourself?' Tony nods. He was asked to on several of those occasion. The men even taking time to blow him off. He felt scared. 'Go ahead.'


'You can got to your room. We don't judge you like them. We want you to be happy and see joy.' He hugs her before running out of the room.

She stays there till they hear his door slam shut.

"Did we do the right thing?' she turns to him.

"It's better than doing nothing. And now he knows." Jet smiles extending his hand to her. She was too good for him. She climbs into bed with him. They just smile at one another. Sure it was awkward but it wasn't for them this round. This was for Tony. Jet wiggled against her. This round though is for them.



I do not condone pedophilia. This is a work of fiction. I do not condone rape or torture of innocent. This is a story. Those of you who see things in that way seek help. AGAIN this is a work of fiction.

"He just needs to understand what we are doing is that we love each other. That we love one another. What happened to him was evil and not right but the act can be so much more."

family, warning!, abuse, ncis, au: deage, l. gibbs, hurt/comfort, keep quiet, t. dinozzo

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