NCIS:: Keep Quiet CH 7 & 8

Jun 07, 2012 21:04

Chapter 7: KQ 7
Keep Quiet

Chapter 7

By Wolfa Moon



Tony runs trough the woods. Stopping when he falls down tripping over the over sized cloths he's wearing. His original clothes nowhere in sight before he was taken to the doctor. Thank goodness they let him bring his backpack with him. Sitting down he takes a breather. The sun warming him in the declining weather. Opening his bag he takes out a granola bar. Food he had stolen while the others slept. For he knew it was too good to be true. They found out what he is. There goes the hope.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Biting into the bar angrily, regretfully. He would sit for a while then go on again. Eating his meager meal while contemplating his pathetic excuse for shoes. Where to go?

KQ 7

Leroy had called everyone he knew he could trust to search the town and round about areas. He didn't want to scare Tony. But knew he needed to find him. Needed to explain. Hell he needed just to hold him again. Make him understand. He moves a branch from his view as he follows the semi path behind the doctor's office. Hopefully finding a hint of Tony.

KQ 7

Calling everyone he trusted to help, Shannon had mounted her horse, riding out. She packed her saddlebags with a jacket, blanket and some food and drink. The forecast predicted a severe change in climate. She had gotten far in her search and still no sign. It would be getting dark soon. Following the stream she let her mind wonder. Her face falling at seeing how terrified Leroy was at losing the child.

A boy could affect him so much. She had wiggled herself into his graces. And that took a while. But this scared child had jumped right into his heart. Turning her mount around she heads to a spot that she loves.

Approaching slowly she spies the little boy.

"Tony," she calls but quickly remembers Leroy telling her he can't hear. She slowly dismounts not wanting to scare the child. The child is just watching the water past by. She lets her horse move out into the clearing to get a drink. The kid starts when he sees the horse. Distracting him long enough for Shannon to come up behind him. Just as he turns she grabs him. Tony begins to struggle in her arms.

"Easy, easy, I ain't gonna hurt you." He continues to fight as she tries to sooth him. "Easy Tony." He stops his struggling. He is captured. And it is never good to struggle for it meant harsher punishment.

Shannon froze as the boy went limp in her arms. Confused and worried she turns the boy to look at her. But his eyes only look down. Taking a hand she lifts his eyes to see her. Her heart breaking at the small broken child before her. No wonder this little boy has squeezed his way into Leroy's heart. She smiles. Picking up the boy she brings him to her horse. The boy closing in on himself.

Patting the saddle horn telling him in silent communication to hold on. He did with one hand while the other had a death grip on his bag. Keeping up a smile that would hurt her face later she brings a blanket out of her saddlebag. Wrapping it around his shaking shoulders.

Tony jumps when she throws the blanket around him. Welcoming the warmth. He studies the animal he is on. He had seen pictures of them but never, ever been on one. Shannon smiles at him. He lowers his head. He is in trouble. And he can't get away. Wondering what he will have to do to get away again. He had liked the house and the warmth. The food the best thing he's had in a long while. Even the granola bars he pilfered. They came out from the woods. Cringing into the fading sunlight. He knows the dark but the light. The light meant he was visible. He is there for them to find. He cringes in on himself as the young lady calls out that he is found. Looking around he can't jump off. It would hurt worse he summed from his normal punishments. Punishments that he knew all to well how to handle. Finding that space in his head. Before he can get there the gravity changed.

He is being picked up and hugged into a warm body. Hearing,

"Thank god, thank you. You had me so worried. Thank you." Fidgeting in the mans arms he turns to see Leroy there crying. Men don't cry. Boys don't cry. DiNozzo's never cry. Reaching up a small hand tracing the tear tracks. Leroy smiles at the boy.

"I was afraid I almost lost you." He is hugged tight again and lifted. Looking around he sees a group of worried faces or what he presumes is worried faces. The big man who is Jackson comes over to his son.

"Hey Tony, you had us worried." The large hand ruffling his hair. Cringing at the warming interaction. Jackson frowned at that. Having to remember not your average boy. Turning on his smile again he tries to take Tony out of Leroy's arms but he won't relent. "Jet let me take a look at him." Huge arms replace the smaller ones. Tony is turned to face Jackson. Leroy staying close. Not going to lose him again.

Shannon watches them interact with the frightened boy. Seeing them blend. Mrs. Ruth silently crying at the reunion. Doc standing next to her smiling. Wonder when those two are gonna see what's in front of them. Turning back to the family she watches them walk home. Praying that the little boy would see it as that.

Chapter 8: KQ 8
Keep Quiet

Chapter 8

By: Wolfa Moon.

Disclaimer: No Own Just an idea.


Keep Quiet 8

Tony fell asleep in Leroy's arms. For Leroy wouldn't let him go. They had made it home only to have Tony conk out. Laying in bed he hugs the little body close to him. Silently swear and vocal that he would watch out for him. Love him like he should.

KQ 8

Awaking in someone's arms had happened to him before but it was always added with smells of booze and deeds. But this time the smell was different. Keeping his eyes closed afraid of the nightmare of past. He had no recollection of a time when the smell was simple. Wood and apples. That is what Leroy smelled like.

Leroy fidgeted. Holding Tony close to him. Tony's eyes began to bug out. His breathing coming in pants. He had enjoyed the closeness of not past. But this hugging tight. This just holding. Tony didn't know what to do. He didn't want to do wrong. And Jet said he would never have to do those things to compensate for his stay here. But that was before they knew he was soiled and trained.

"You awake?" They still talked to him even though they presumed him deaf. Guess it was a comfort. The others talked too. They wanted him to talk and say things. But he had stuck to his father's rule.

'Keep Quiet.' They don't want to hear you. You just do as they say and want. His father beating it into him in more ways than one. Testing his resolve every once and a while to make sure he kept quiet during their affairs. That last recollection started the thrashing and need to get away.

Jethro starts when the thrashing began. Holding the little boy close to him. To secure him. Ground him. But it had the opposite affect. So he let go. Tony slide form the bed to place his back against the wall. Arms thrown over his head. Trying to make himself smaller than he is.

KQ 8

Jackson heard the thud. Running up the stairs to open the door to see Jet crouched down trying to reach for Tony.


"I.. I.." He didn't know how to answer. They just stare and curse the man, people, who hurt this innocent boy.

"It's okay Jet. We just have to teach him the right way." Tony cringed at the words. The right way. Teach him, shuddering. "We'll show him how to love." Hiccupping a sob. They are all the same. "Let's get him in bed." Tony cringed on himself more. "Or not." He heard the footsteps back away. "Jet, his past is indescribable. We'll do better."

"But how if he won't let us touch him?"

"We'll show him." Tony looks up slightly from his position to see the big man, Jackson, hug his son. Kissing him on the forehead. His father never doing that. "Let's let him be."

"Ok. I tried to get and extra blanket from the closet but it's locked."

"Found Tony sleeping in there. The boy needs to learn to sleep in a bed." Keeping his eyes on Tony watching him shudder at the words. A suspicion that could wait. But then he had seen a flash of those green eyes. Maybe knows how to read lips. Guess having to in order to survive the hell he's lived through. And everything out of context. "Sleep there alone."

"Good night Tony." Walking over to place a kiss on the dark sweaty head. Jet nodded to his father than exited. Jackson watched his son leave. Turning to Tony he walked over. Tony cringed in on himself.

"Don't fret. We don't want any of that. Just between you and me I like the ladies. Little boys should be little boys." Moving Tony's lightweight to one arm. Not even hurting his back with the weight. Which spoke volumes. Hell when he lifted the crate of apples. Setting Tony on the exposed sheets Tony looked away. But small hands knew what to do. Then froze when bigger hands covered them. On hand tilting Tony's head to expose eyes to eyes. "Tony. You are a little boy. And I don't do what those parasites did to you. That will never happen again." Words. Tony heard the words. Looks for the betrayal. Told he had a night off. But a little liquor, well a cabinet now empty, his father had his night. "Tony, I wish you could understand me but we just want you to be you. No more," nightmares but how could he change the past. Only by helping for the future could he teach Tony there is more. "This bed is yours alone. Understand. Alone." Leaning in he kisses him on the head. "Good night Tony. Glad you're home." Pulling the covers up. "Get some sleep. We need it."

Tony watches him exit the room. Confused more than what he was. They spoke but not do. Care and care. Took an effort to find him. So confused.

KQ 8

The next morning Jackson woke up late. Weird after so long when waking up with the sun. But yesterday was a long day. Coming down the stairs to the kitchen he sees Jet moving his hands wildly. A book open before him. Coming to get a better view. Seeing Tony across from him performing the same move.

"Great, great. That means; my brother is Jet." Tony smiles at that. Jackson does too. Watching Tony eat a bite of cereal. Boy needs some meat on his bones. "Ok, ok." Jet does another. Tony learns fast by doing the same actions. "That means; Jackson is my father." Tony tilts his head at this. Jet points to himself then moves his hand above him. More a tilt toward the words than whom they are talking about. He had a father. Or a man who. Tony cringes at the memory. Jet saw the sour look. Flipping some pages than smiling. "Ok, pop-pop." Tony watching the different move. Liking it better than what he had as a representation of memory of father. A father who… Tony did the move cause he knew it made Jet smile. Jet did not disappoint. "Ok let's do the alphabet again." Jet did while Tony mimicked.

Jackson smiles at his sons. Guess he better get in there and learn too.

KQ 8 …

Author Note: thank you all for reviewing, favoriting and alerting. Hope I didn't disappoint with this chapter.

As everyone keeps asking, will he ever talk? You have to wait and see.



au: deage, ncis, abuse, l. gibbs, hurt/comfort, keep quiet, t. dinozzo

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