This romance novel would be so much better if Mackenzie was a dude.
So the author, who doesn't know a damn thing about DC geography other than "All those Christmas trees sure are pretty!" has committed one of the cardinal sins: She doesn't know how old her characters are and has therefore completely fucked up the timeline in the book. See if you can follow this:
-Patrick was 11 years old when his father died.
-Patrick's mother has been widowed for 20 years.
-Ergo, Patrick is 31 years old.
-Patrick met his ex-wife, Carla, when he was 16. They reunited when he was a senior in college
-Patrick has been divorced from Carla for two years.
-When Patrick and Carla got divorced, their son, Tommy, was three years old.
-Ergo, Tommy is five years old.
-If Carla and Patrick got married because she got pregnant shortly after they reunited and had the unprotected sex (which always means a baby) when he was a senior in college, how old was he when he graduated from college?
The answer is 26. But I don't think that's what
Linda Turner of Boerne, Texas, was going for. Because Linda CAN'T MASTER BASIC SUBTRACTION. Also, she uses the word "husky" too much. And she doesn't mean the clothing euphemism that indicates chubby elementary-school boys.
Also? Holy shopping addiction. Linda has used the word "eBay" 14 times in 136 pages. That's not including the half-dozen times the editor has crossed it out. God, lady. I hope they're paying you. Got that? THEY'RE. Not "their." Or "there."
Oh, and they just found George Washington's journal from Valley Forge in Mackenzie's dead father's antique book store. I am so sure.