FIC: Nothing More Than Strangers (Part 1)

Nov 14, 2005 22:19

Title: Nothing More Than Strangers

Rating: PG, for this chapter

Pairing: Ryan/Colin, slight Jeff/Chip undertones, then maybe some slight, unrequited other pairings. Nothing too overt, though.

Summary: He's not entirely sure if they've all changed - and changed together - or if it's just him; he feels oddly out of synch with everyone - he feels like laughing a beat after the others, and a reply comes to mind a split second after the conversation's moved on; he feels like he's moving in slow motion, and for the first time in at least two decades - and possibly ever - he's actually dreading performing.

Author's Notes: This is taking all of the contrived/clichéd situations I can think of, and shoving them into one big fic. lol. Namely, in this chapter, Matchmaker!Drew, everyone doing a reunion/All-Stars Tour, shared hotel rooms ... *snorts* .. need I continue? Just meant to be something different while I work on finishing 'Dirty Little Secret' ...

He comes, slowly, to the realization that this must be what hell is like; he comes quickly, however, to the realization that he is, apparently, the only one who can see it.

The other six have fallen - so quickly - back into the friendly banter that all but defines them as a group; he's not really listening, but he can hear Wayne affecting a lisp, and he can see Greg slapping his thigh in amusement - and while he's actually physically there, he in no way feels like a part of this group.


He's not entirely sure if they've all changed - and changed together - or if it's just him; he feels oddly out of synch with everyone - he feels like laughing a beat after the others, and a reply comes to mind a split second after the conversation's moved on; he feels like he's moving in slow motion, and for the first time in at least two decades - and possibly ever - he's actually dreading performing.

He's still not entirely sure why he's here; Drew had begged, he remembers, but that had never been enough to sway him to do anything he didn't want to ... and he comes to the reluctant conclusion that deep down, he must have actually wanted to do this tour.

Not that he can even imagine why, right now.

Drew had stroked his ego, too, in a desperate, obvious attempt to convince him to come - an attempt that had only been marginally more successful than outright begging. "You're the biggest name we have," he'd argued, and Ryan had pretended not to hear the silent, "after me," tacked on to the end of the sentence.

"I know Colin really wants you to come," Drew had wheedled, and Ryan had snorted.

"What does that even have to do with-"

"He's one of your best friends," Drew had interrupted, "and he told me to point out, firstly, that it doesn't involve any flying, and it's only for a few weeks, so you'll be back home before you know it."

Ryan had laughed a little, then. "Oh, fine," he'd relented, and Drew had sucked in a sharp breath. "Seriously?" he'd confirmed, sounding a little amazed.

"Yeah," Ryan had finally allowed. "Seriously.

He glances over at Colin, now, hoping that he'll at least find someone to share in his misery, but his friend is too busy listening to something Brad's muttering to him to notice Ryan's discomfort.

He pretends that that doesn't bother him.

He looks up, gratefully (and he honestly never though he'd see the day) when Drew reappears, with a handful of keys. Wayne immediately scoots over on the couch, making room for his friend, and Drew smiles, slightly, at him.

"So," Ryan prompts, before his old friend has even properly settled into his seat. "Rooms?"

Drew chuckles slightly. "Sick of us already, Ryan?" he laughs, and Ryan can only smile wanly in reply - it definitely cuts a little too close to the truth to be that funny.

"Well," Drew says, slowly, "the thing is, we're kind of working on a budget here..." he trails off, and Ryan's brow furrows, because that's not entirely true, and he's not entirely sure where this is leading.

"Meaning?" Wayne asks, dutifully, and Drew purses his lip, a little regretfully. "We're sharing rooms?" he tells them, doing his best to look apologetic - and Ryan remembers precisely why he was never that impressed with his friend's acting skills.

He knows that something's a little off here, but he doesn't care enough to make a fuss - and no-one else seems to have noticed.

So he lets it go.

Wayne's nodding gamely. "That's fine," he tells Drew, and everyone except Ryan murmurs their agreement. "So how are we-" Brad breaks off, making a rolling gesture with his right hand, "splitting up?"

Drew jerks his head, once. "I just figured," he begins, as he picks a pair of keys out of his handful, "Colin and Ryan could share," he holds the keys out for them to take, and Ryan doesn't move for a beat.

He starts, then reaches out to snatch both sets, wordlessly passing one to Colin, who silently accepts it.

He thinks he hears an, "of course," tossed out by someone on his left, but whoever said it was obviously smiling, and it was what Ryan himself was thinking, anyway, so he doesn't bother checking to see who it was.

"Then," Drew continues, fishing out two more keys, "Jeff and Chip."

They lean forward, in unison, to grab the keys, and Ryan watches - a little disconnectedly - as their hands brush against each other's - and a tiny part of him admits that he almost wishes he hadn't simply dropped Colin's key into the Canadian's expectant palm, from a good few inches above.

"And Wayne, I thought we could..." Drew trails off, unusually embarrassed, and Wayne grabs his forearm in mock excitement. "Really?" he gasps, and Drew bats him away in mock annoyance. "Get off," he pretends to bark, and Wayne pouts, through an easy smile.

"Which leaves-" Drew continues, clearing his throat.

"Brad and I," Greg supplies, sounding decidedly unimpressed. "Must be because of all of that time we spend together off-screen," he adds, to Brad, who snorts. "Obviously," he pretends to agree.

There's a slight pause - and the eight of them have known each other for too long for the silence to be overwhelmingly awkward - before Drew replies, "If you want to swap with someone, go ahead ... I mean, it was only a suggestion ..." he trails off, and Greg smiles faintly.

Surprisingly, it's Colin who pipes up first. "I could swap with Greg," he offers, "and that way, I'd be with Brad, and Greg with Ryan."

Ryan frowns a little for a moment, before he catches himself. He's surprised at how much he both likes and dislikes the idea - he's not sure if he wants to be that close to Colin again; he's not sure he can handle being that close to Colin again ... but he's equally not as sure he wants his friend rooming with Brad - and maybe it's stupid and immature, but he doesn't care.

"No, that's OK," Greg replies, waving a hand at Colin, but looking at Ryan. "But thanks," Brad adds, reaching out to pat Colin's head.

"Colin, I love how eager you were, though," Ryan interjects, and everyone whips their heads around to stare at him; he's been unusually quiet since they met up. Colin meets his gaze and smiles slightly - Colin actually smiles at him - so Ryan gently teases his oldest friend. "It was like, 'But you can always swap with someone el-' 'I'LLGOWITHBRAD!'" he roars, and everyone laughs.

He sniffs, with a straight face. "Fine. Be like that. See if I care," he adds, crossing his arms, and Colin's smile grows.

Still chuckling a little, Drew's the first to stand. "Let's get unpacked, then," he suggests, and they all rise - some a little faster than others - to their feet.

Ryan looks around for his luggage, and catches Colin's gaze again. He smiles, slightly, at the shorter man, who gives him a tiny, closed-lip smile in return.

He clears his throat, covering his mouth with his fist, before asking his friend, "You right?" and Colin only nods silently, as he picks up his suitcase.

s: nothing more than strangers, p: chip/jeff, a: knowyourlips, p: colin/ryan

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