Who : Terry, Kevin
When : Wednesday, September 12th
Where : Sitting room
Rating : TBA
Summary : Nominations are today and Terry still doesn't know who to choose.
Terry was lazing around on the sofa with a large mug coffee and trying not to fall asleep. )
Comments 14
When he noticed that someone was already occupying the room, he looked up.
Oh. How awkward.
Their....whatever it was had been made quite complicate as of late and Kevin was growing increasingly frustrated by it. Supposedly, he had said something about Potter, he couldn't even remember the exact words. His opinions on that subject were clear and he wasn't going to change them.
"Terry." He greeted softly and sat down in the armchair across from the other, a small waver of his hand making the tray land quietly on the table.
"Hello, Kevin."
"A cookie?" He asked casually.
He didn't add that he had made them himself.
"Er, no thanks," he said, shaking his head. "I'm not really hungry."
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