Morpheus Fields Chapter 5

Dec 05, 2011 21:05

Morpheus Fields Chapter 4

It had been two days since Tommy had taken the message off of the machine. Two days of looking in his stash box at the number and not the drugs for once. Two days of barely sleeping and being a bitch at work. Two fucking days because his sister decided to fucking call after years of fucking nothing. What a bunch of bullshit.

The more Tommy thought about it, the more elevated his anger became. And the higher his anger got, the more he wanted to use. He had the drugs, he had clean needles, but he didn’t want to waste a dose since he had plans for the morphine. Classic rock and a hard place for a user and it made him even angrier.

Fine, he would call his long lost sister; he’d call her and tell her exactly what he thought of her abandoning him when he needed her the most and then again later, when they were older. Oh yeah, he would call her all right.

Adam didn’t like being summoned like one of his lesser daemons. And he didn’t care that his mother was one of the First. Damn it, he was busy and he was the leader of the Oneiroi. He had a charge to look after and didn’t have time for this ‘summons’. These were the thoughts that filled his mind as he stepped into his mother’s house.

He stopped when he saw the Fates were there as well. "Mother?"

Nyx stood and embraced him, whispering in his mind, ‘You need to hear what they have to say.’ Speaking out loud, she said, "Thank you for coming Morpheus. Sit."

"I’m not some lesser Oneiroi to be summoned about Nyx. I’m busy and why are they here?" He pointed to the Fates.

"When have I ever summoned you on a whim? This is important for your own destiny and you should know this before you do anything further."

He looked at her, his blue eyes fading to their true color of Black with a dark blue ring around them. "I have never asked after my ‘fate’, why would I need to know this now? And what do you mean anything further?"

The middle sister, who weaves the threads of life, stood. "Enough!"

This must be much more serious than he had first thought and his discontentment at being summoned away from his charge disappeared. He sat and waited. A smirk made its way to his lips, even Gods can’t fight the Fates.

The Weaver made her way to stand in front of Morpheus. "If you save your charge Master of Dreams, you may lose your own destiny."

Anger contorted Adam’s face. "You do not tell me about my future. I am a God!" He stood, showing his true form, wings spread with flashes of dreams and nightmares blinking across them. To a human, terror would more than likely have filled them at such a sight. Black eyes flashed nightmares untold through them and the floor trembled.

The Weaver touched his arm and he pulled his power back into himself but the anger still vibrated in a palpable energy throughout the room. "You will not discuss my Fate, Sister. I will not discuss my Fate." He said it with such finality that all but one in the room believed him and decided not to push it. But that one did not hesitate.

"You will listen! I command it!" Nyx pulled her essence around her and she seemed to glow with a black inner light touched with a hint of violet. "You are my son and you will do as you are told!" Her eyes glowed with the light of a million stars, terrible and beautiful to look upon.

Morpheus sat, not wanting to go against the one true elemental Goddess he knew, even if she was his mother.

"Listen to me, God of Dreams!" The Weaver closed her eyes, "A time will come when you must choose; you must choose to put his fate above your own. If you make the wrong choice, all will be lost. He is your one, but to be with him, he must not be of the human world." She opened her eyes and looked at him. "He must die for you to meet your true Fate and be with you. As long as he lives, you will not Become."

He sagged into his seat and rubbed his eyes, then ran his hand through his blue-black hair. He felt someone sit down beside him and looked into his mother’s black eyes.

"Do you understand what She is saying to you?"

Unable to speak, he simply nodded and looked away.

"Son, Morpheus, my first, my Adam, he’s the one." She grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

"Yes." He managed to croak out and then disappeared in a haze of mist.

Tommy dialed the number, stoned out of his mind and half-way drunk to boot.



"Tommy? Oh my god, TJ, you called!"

He could hear her sniffing over the line. "Are you fucking kidding me? You’re crying?"

"TJ let me explain…"

"You left me with him, Lisa! You fucking left me and then you left me again because I wouldn’t conform to what YOU wanted. Fuck you for crying!" Tommy was furious. How dare she call him up after all of this time and then cry! Who the hell did she think she was?

"TJ, listen…"

"Listen? Do you know what it was like, Lisa? To stand there with brains all over me? Do you have any idea? And then when you do come back around, you judge me? I don’t even know why I called!" He started to hang up the phone but he heard his sister screaming at him over the line. "What did you say?"

"I said that I’m pregnant, TJ!" Lisa started to cry in earnest.

"Pregnant? Lisa, you’re pregnant?"

"I’m so scared…" Sobbing reached his ears.

"Lisa? Where are you?"

He managed to understand her address after three times, between the crying and told her to hang on, he was coming over.

Adam watched silently and unseen as Tommy climbed into the car and sped away to his destiny, every mile he went, took him father away from what Adam needed. He watched him go, stoic, only the flashes of nightmares in his eyes giving away anything of his thoughts.

Morpheus Fields Chapter 6

morpheus fields, fic - multi chaptered, adam/tommy, lambliff big bang, r

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