LIMS award system

Jul 05, 2006 18:14

From now on if you go through two rounds (any two rounds, they don't have to be consecutive) of the lims without getting any votes, you will be granted a skip. A skip means that you don't have to enter an icon in any week that you choose. If you get a skip and want to use it, please let me know beforehand. If you don't enter and you have a skip, I will assume that you want to use the skip and you will not be eliminated. However, if you enter (not using a skip) and you are voted off, your skip is lost... Once you've already gotten a skip, you can earn another one by going through another two rounds without getting any votes.

Also, I know some of you were wondering why you have to pick a favorite in the voting now... Its to award some of the people! From now on, a few of the top favorites will be nominated at hp_awards along with the regular nominations. These favorite icons will aslo be featured in the sidebar on the community page under Recent Winners... Since we're only picking one favorite, this could prove for alot of ties. Therefore, there may only be one favorite icon, or there may be several. It depends entirely on you guys! Because we didn't pick favorites on the first round, Troy and I each picked one icon (that got no votes) from Challenge 1 to nominate.

There were a few people in the first round who got no-votes, so I'm gonna go ahead and count you guys. I'll keep a list here so we know who is qualified to get a skip! If your name is on the list below, you need to go through one more round, getting no-votes, and you will be granted a skip.

_covergirl_ ( no-votes on Challenge 2, icon #23 AND no-votes on Challenge 4, icon #7)
amperstand ( no-votes on Challenge 2, icon #2 AND no-votes on Challenge 5, icon #4) used skip
cs_riina ( no-votes on Challenge 1, icon #14 AND no-votes on Challenge 3, icon #14) used skip
essenceofadream ( no-votes on Challenge 3, icon #17 AND no-votes Challenge 7, icon #5) eliminated
li_potter ( no-votes on Challenge 2, icon #21 AND no-votes on Challenge 3, icon #15) used skip

_covergirl_ ( no-votes on Challenge 6, icon #11)
cs_riina ( no-votes on Challenge 6, icon #4)
curious_wolf ( no-votes on Challenge 1, icon #20) eliminated
li_potter ( no-votes on Challenge 4, icon #12) eliminated
iluvbeingme23 ( no-votes on Challenge 2, icon #26) eliminated
kimmyblair ( no-votes on Challenge 1, icon #27) eliminated
madje85 ( no-votes on Challenge 1, icon #28)
slimblondeje ( no-votes on Challenge 3, icon #1) eliminated
xx_sparkle ( no-votes on Challenge 2, icon #1) eliminated
x_lackofcolor ( no-votes on Challenge 1, icon #23) eliminated
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