(no subject)

Jul 30, 2009 20:53

Sometimes, a person can be too close to a situation to really see what's going on. Sometimes, it takes the proverbial boot to the seat of one's trousers.

If it hadn't been for that conversation with Mia...

Sophie's sitting at the table doing some mending, and doesn't even look up when the door opens. She's been patient while he's experimented with adding the new door -- temporarily, of course, and as a favor -- but she's also been tired, a bit edgy. He'd thought it was simple jealousy at first; it's something she's known for and would likely be among the first to admit to it. But now he sees he's been mistaken.

"Hullo, cariad." Stealing up behind her, he wraps his arms around her and presses a kiss to the top of her head. His fingers trail slowly across the upper part of her chest. He only needs a moment to confirm his suspicions.
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