
Jan 29, 2010 15:48

Title: Twenty-eight
Author: heroes_and_cons
Pairing: Kradam
Rating: PG-13

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM! Some Kradam fluff. : )

Adam's senses were heightened to the point where his entire body felt as though it were on fire.

His skin burned when it was touched. His nose stung from the musk of vodka and cigarettes. His muscles ached, but at the same time, his heart hammered against his chest.

Kris pressed his cheek to Adam's chest, and his skin flamed. "Happy birthday, baby boy," he murmured. "How're you feeling?"


Kris lifted his head, touching Adam's damp hair. "What?"

Adam sighed, sitting up and hugging his knees to his chest. "I'm going to be thirty in two years. And I'm just starting my career."

Kris sat up next to him. "Okay. I'm not saying this because you're my friend. I'm saying it because I'm totally serious." He glanced at Adam. "You don't look a day over 24."

Adam half-smiled. "I miss this," he murmured. "Being with you. Remember the tour?"

Kris laughed. "Oh, my God. Even if I had a fucking lobotomy I wouldn't forget that."

"The hotel rooms," Adam sighed, leaning back and folding his arms behind his head. "Coming off stage with that high and just being rough and sweaty and then after...just laying there for hours, nothing to do and nowhere to go."

Kris stared at his hands, calloused from playing guitar. "We can still have that. Just not every single night."

"Right," Adam murmured. "Not every night."

"But we have right now," Kris smiled, leaning down and gently pressing his lips to Adam's.

Despite himself, Adam grinned, wrapping a hand around the base of Kris's neck and planting kisses along his jawline.

"Fuck it," he muttered, rolling over so that he had Kris pinned underneath him. "It's my birthday. Let's fucking celebrate."

"You mean 'Let's celebrate by fucking,'" Kris corrected him. And he drowned himself in a tangle of bed sheets and kisses.

!character: kris, !character: adam, !pairing: kradam

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