/insert drumroll here

Dec 27, 2010 15:00

 i hope everyone had happy holidays over the week (:

so, thanks to yuri ( coffeeinlove ), i have been able to to make a joint community journal with her and her fantastic self. therefore, from now on, i'll be posting my writing there and i'll be keeping this as a personal journal, which makes me happy because i'd like to make some more friends on here. feel ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

coffeeinlove December 27 2010, 23:51:31 UTC
this reminds me that I need to f-lock mine - -"


forevermyworld December 28 2010, 03:18:33 UTC
congrats on the comm!!!

did it snow in ny?! i got like 12 flipping inches. and no power (last night)! >:0


withoutchange December 28 2010, 03:32:06 UTC
fifteen inches DD: i live upstate-ish too. it is super depressing.
what state do you live in? (if you don't mind telling me, of course.)


forevermyworld December 28 2010, 05:03:01 UTC
eww, 15?!! gah, that must blow, and during winter vay-k too?! or does vacation start at different times in ny schools???o_o

MA! (hi neighbor!) GO RED SOXS :P ahah jk.


withoutchange December 29 2010, 02:04:01 UTC
I KNOW. I'M SNOWED IN. fburdhgljeahgealgh. except for the fact that i might go bowling tomorrow, but not without treading through snow. and no .. i've been on vacation sice .. last tuesday? o.o

neighbor! rival neighbor!?
it's okay. i like the mets. (not really.)


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