Er, I think I'm neglecting LJ

Feb 24, 2010 21:18

FANDOM SECTION, scroll down a bit if you want ;p ( Read more... )

pictures, fandom, job search, fail, craig ferguson, moving, friends, school

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Comments 8

tresjolie9 February 25 2010, 06:49:30 UTC
Okay, reading the first part now, a bit too tired to take all of this in at once....

I'm still reading my f-list but I have noticed that I skip over all the HP communities unless there's an alert for art. I think i'll take them off my f-list so I don't have to bother skipping. I wont' leave the communities, I'm still a Potterphile even if I haven't been active in the fandom. Let's face it, I haven't read a HP fanfic since September. I started a H\D one but couldn't focus on it, my other fandoms were calling for my attention. I sometimes feel guilty which is really quite stupid but there you go. My current major fandom is House with the occasional South Park and Zelda thrown in. I would also say that my number 1 fandom right now is Craig Ferguson. He's a real person so I hate using the term "fandom" but what else do you call a group of fans getting together (online) to discuss him ( ... )


witherwings7 February 25 2010, 07:42:24 UTC
I definitely don't crave fanfic as much as I used to. I still enjoy it occasionally, I'm currently reading some House fanfic to relax before Craig. I used to be absolutely addicted to fanfic, I'm glad I'm not anymore ( ... )


tresjolie9 February 25 2010, 15:15:00 UTC
Someone on ONTD Latenight said they were running out of Wavys!

Same here, I still enjoy it on occasion, but I don't write it, or seek it out nearly as often as I once did.

Another issue I have with "traditional" fandoms is that nowadays often shipper wars overwhelm things and can ruin a fandom. If you write a fic, it has to be one of the fic's big ships, no exceptions, otherwise it will be abandoned to on the margins of fandom. So say if you want to write a purely plot related House fic, nothing AU, ships stay as they are on the show, I would guess that the chance that no matter how well it is written, no one will read it because it isn't about a ship.

Heck, for Craig Ferguson I don't even know if I want to start using the term "fandom," quite yet, because it isn't what I consider to be traditional fandom. Yes the aspects are certainly there, but we don't have shipping wars yet!


tresjolie9 February 25 2010, 06:51:28 UTC
Also sorry about the italics, but it is nice to see someone making a nice long post on LJ. With all the ONTD comms, and new people I've added, I miss reading people's regular entries on LJ. Many of the people on my LJ f'list have either left for twitter/facebook, or are primarily here for ONTD and ONTD style comms, and truthfully, may not have been on LJ back in the day when it was more of a place for journaling.


witherwings7 February 25 2010, 07:44:52 UTC
No worries.

I used to update all the time but I haven't been focused enough to do it the last few months. Once in awhile I'll force myself to type up a post for the few people that like reading about my RL.

I've had my journal since 02' I think, back when it was mostly for journaling. The only ONTD comms I'm a member of is the latenight and political ones. I skip past a lot of communities I'm a member of. I also miss the RL journals. A lot of my friends jumped to FB and Twitter too. Those are fun places but only here can you type up a nice long post.


tresjolie9 February 25 2010, 15:17:51 UTC
Exactly, been on LJ since 02, and things have really changed. There was a certain LJ culture that used to be here, and many of those people who would post daily updates are now on facebook and twitter. Nothing against those sites, but they don't have quite the same culture as Twitter.

Twitter is twitter, and Facebook can be a bit too personal for posting things.

sorry for the anon comments, forgot to login to LJ this morning


_kataomoi_ February 25 2010, 16:01:10 UTC
I'm so excited you got your Wavy so fast! ♥
Fandom is a good word, though. Fandom is the expanse of fan interest, much like a kingdom is the expanse over which a king rules. It covers everything. I always think of the ppl involved in subjects as the fandom, not so much the object. Hum.

Nice hairs, too XDD


chocolate_frapp February 25 2010, 18:12:13 UTC
I like reading about my f list's RLs as well as fannish stuff, and I post about both. :)


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