So I scanned a few photos last night. There's actually a lot of photos but compared to the whole box full we got, it's a "few", hehe.
I thought I'd share them with you, nothing horribly personal about these photos to not share.
There's quite a few photos and some of them are kinda big.
I put my wand to my head and put some of my memory into the Pensive that is my journal. )
Comments 8
I like them because the frame my face nicely, make my fat head look smaller :P
this pictures is friggin adorable!
( ... )
Haha, yeah I like that photo
Hiroshima, it's more than a bit un-nerving to see photo's taken first hand....
Maybe I should borrow mum's photo albums at some point, I still feel odd at the minute though, I've tried watching old home movies and it stings deeply still..
Yeah, it's bittersweet looking through photo albums.
I wanted you to know that I am changing my username very soon. I'm not sure if you check my journal regularly so I wanted to make sure you knew. I paid for a rename token so you don't have to re-add me as a friend, I am 99% sure my new username is going to ruffianran429. Hopefully this new change will occur within the week, it's been a big deal for me and I'm taking forever to make the decision between ruffianran429 (which incorporates both Ruffian and Barbaro) or ruffianhad2run (which is my aim screen name). Still not for sure, but probably ruffianran429 will end up winning. Just wanted you to know.
Thanks for the heads up!
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