(no subject)

Oct 27, 2011 07:21

Shaken though the arrival of Max's medical records had left her, Lucy couldn't pretend like she didn't still have a wedding to plan, no matter how reluctant she was to go forward with some of it. He wasn't going to be there, plain and simple, and she had to deal with that. It might have felt more than a little wrong, especially to be making arrangements that should have involved him, but she could either move forward or she couldn't, and she hadn't yet reached the point of being able to acknowledge the latter as a viable option. She could make do. Max was gone, but there were plenty of people here she cared about, a makeshift family of sorts, and she wasn't going to do them the discredit of pretending like that didn't mean a hell of a lot.

She'd considered it before, but it was Jason who had really given her the idea, or at least got it far enough in her head with his mention of it that there were no longer any other real options. It really did make the most sense, anyway, to go to Bucky. That didn't prevent her from being the slightest bit nervous, though, as she stood at his door and knocked, hoping he'd be in, hoping this would go over alright.

bucky barnes

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