Clearing in the preserve - Tuesday morning

Apr 15, 2008 09:26

After last week's events, Prue thought it would be a good idea to give Chris and Wyatt a lesson in controlling their powers. She also thought the boys spending time together would cut down on any tension last week would have caused. Or it could do the opposite and they could end up TK'ing rocks at each other's heads. But the chances of that were pretty slim, she thought.

"This seems like a nice quiet spot," Prue said when they entered a small wooded area in the preserve. "Plenty of rocks and sticks to practice with around."

"I've got the basics down," Wyatt said. "But nothing subtle, you know? Like, I could bust down a door but not turn the doorknob." Or use it to strangle someone, but he didn't add that part.

Chris nodded. "Yeah, same here."


"Okay, subtly is important. Especially when you are trying to use your powers around people without them knowing," Prue said. "You just need more focus when you're trying to do small things and try not to let your emotions get in the way. Try to turn a doorknob when you're angry or scared and you're going to take down the whole wall."

Prue stirred up some rocks from the ground with her foot. "Try stacking rocks up on top of each other without having them fall over. It's a lot like building a block tower. If you use too much force it's going to fall down."

Wyatt looked at the rocks, holding out his hand. He lifted one large rock, then dropped it on the ground. "Your turn," he said to Chris.

Chris rolled his eyes, but managed to build a three-rock high tower before losing control.

None of them noticed the spider that narrowly escaped being crushed by his falling rock tower.


"Good job, Chris," Prue said with a smile. She looked over at Wyatt. "Try again but pretend that this is more important than it actually is. It'll help you focus."

"I was just starting big," Wyatt said, then proceeded to lift three more rocks and stack them on the first. Had to top his brother, after all.

"You always have to be the best, don't you?" Chris snarked.

Spider Demon
Which would be about the point where the spider transformed into a demon and made a grab for Prue.


Prue definitely hadn't been expecting that at all. She hadn't time to react and couldn't do more than struggle against the demon's hold.

"What the hell?" Wyatt said. "Let go of her! Excalibur!" He summoned his sword.

Chris TK'd a shower of rocks at the demon, hoping that he wouldn't accidentally hit his aunt in the process.

Spider Demon
The demon laughed and lunged at Chris, scratching his arm.


Prue would rather be hit with rocks than be held by this demon. When the demon lunged at Chris, Prue pulled herself free and landed hard on the ground. She rolled and immediately held out her hands to TK the demon away from Chris.

Wyatt moved quickly in the direction he thought Prue would TK the demon, sword ready to strike and slice the spider demon in half.

Spider Demon
Before Wyatt's sword could strike, the demon reverted to spider form and skittered away.

Chris clutched his arm where he had been scratched and stared at his brother and aunt. "What the hell was that?"


"I don't know," Prue said, picking herself up from off the ground. "Are you guys okay?"


"I'm fine," Wyatt said, scanning the ground for a spider, which would meet the business end of his shoe if he spotted it. He gave Chris a concerned look. "You okay?"


"Yeah, I'm fine," Chris said. "Just a scratch. Maybe we should go back and find that demon in the Book?"


Prue nodded. "Yeah, that's a good idea."


"Definitely," Wyatt agreed. "Though I don't feel to good about leaving it loose out here."


"We can't do much if we don't know what we're up against," Chris pointed out.


"He's right. The sooner we find out what it is the sooner we can come back out here and kill it," she said. Prue brushed dirt off herself and looked from Chris to Wyatt again just confirm to herself that they were okay.


"All right," Wyatt said. "Playtime's over, back to business."


Chris nodded. "Let's orb back," he suggested. "It's faster."


Oh, Prue was so looking forward to the nausea that came with orbing. But he was right so she just nodded and held out her hand for one of them to take.


Wyatt took Prue's hand. "Meet you in your room?" he said, waiting for Chris to orb before he did. He didn't want to leave first and risk the spider from hell jumping Chris.


Chris nodded. "Yeah, let's go," he said, orbing out.


And Wyatt followed after him with Prue.

[Pre-played with the wonderful neurotic_witch and blessed_twice and coded by the equally wonderful cookinggeek. NFI but OOC comments are love]

wyatt, chris, spin city plot

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