LJ Idol Exhibit B - Topic 1 - Intersection - "You Gave Everything You Possibly Could"

May 14, 2013 20:45

I gave everything.





Along with that; love, trust, honor, loyalty, and respect.

Everything that was asked for. Everything that was expected. Every single thing for a period of several years.

Yet still, it was not enough. My Keeper had made his decision. Every gift I had given, he was now returning to me.

Oddly, this moment was unlike all the rest. There was no frustration. No anger or disappointment. There were only words spoken in a calm, loving and caring voice; and they were allowing me my freedom. There were tears too, of course. Though I did my best to remain calm, one managed to slip out. After that, two more swiftly followed suit, racing in silence, down the trail of the first to my chin. I tried to numb myself because I had known, even before we began to speak, that this was to be the outcome. But it was no use. Before I even realized it, both cheeks were damp and below each eye were the somber remnants of ruined mascara.

I looked around the ruined fairgrounds in dismay. Now I knew how pets felt when their owners dropped them off in an unfamiliar area to fend for themselves because they would no longer be bothered with the responsibility. Everything I knew of this world that I was a part of became unfamiliar and alien. My Keeper was always my safety-net. My pillar of strength. He was the one thing I knew to be true when everyone around me hid behind facades and nothing was what it seemed to be.

It was frightening. Terrifying even. Illusionists lurked in the shadows setting traps to snag the unaware. Tricksters pranced around in the light, their masks concealing their true identities. Old snake-oil sales-men espousing their tonics to every new young girl that passed by. Charmers and storytellers took turns weaving lies to entrap the novitiates which whored themselves for attention. Suddenly this world which I had traveled safely though under the watchful eye of the Keeper had become overwhelming.

I crouched down in the center of the grounds, my anxiety nearly suffocating me due to the sensory overload of the masses that had come to play in this wretched place. I held my breath in an attempt to keep the tears from falling as I realized that now I had no one to turn to. Screeching voices of freaks and the deranged assaulted my ears and impregnated my mind. I brought my fists up to tightly cover them in an effort to block out the clamor to no avail. Burying my head into my knees, I tightly shut my eyes as if it would assist in protecting me from the onslaught.

A voice laced with a British accent startled me and I jerked away sharply, losing my balance and landing in the muck of a nearby puddle. Frowning I looked up to see an image dressed in a crisp red and black uniform. A top hat shaded his glittering emerald eyes as he offered a hand to assist.

The Ringmaster.

I grabbed his hand, accepting his offer and he pulled me to my feet in an instant and began to walk with me. Soon, the ache in my heart had been replaced as the Ringmaster showed me around. His melodious voice soothed my troubled soul and I found myself sharing my plight with him. How I felt that I had failed my Keeper and he had returned my gifts. How I found myself lost, having no clue where to go from here. His eyes seemed to take on a dark hue as he listened, his lips curling into a cold smile that I did not quite understand.

He looked down at me then, the coldness in his smile vanished so quickly I questioned myself if it was even there in the first place. In a genteel manner, he took my hand once more and brought it to his lips, causing my cheeks to grow hot.

“You were nothing short of perfect, my dear. You entrusted your entire being to this “Keeper” of yours and in doing so, gave everything you possibly could. A treasure such as you should not be wandering these grounds alone. I would be honored to assist you in any way I can.”

His tone was hypnotic and I found myself drawn by his charms. He offered his arm and I accepted. The Ringmaster knew. The Ringmaster would help. The Ringmaster cared. The Ringmaster suggested that We, he and I, would be the perfect fit.

Soon, I found myself wanting nothing more than to offer everything up once again.





Along with that; love, trust, honor, loyalty, and respect.

These were the gifts that I had given, and as such, the gifts that were returned.
I gave all I had to give and my Keeper had decided it would never be enough.

But now I had the Ringmaster by my side. He was enticing. He was knowledgeable. He was sexy. More importantly, he was interested in Me. Certainly he would appreciate these gifts. After all, nothing was more precious to me. They were all I had to give.

The Gifts               CLICK HERE FOR PART 2 by bringing_words

love, muse, lj idol, analogy, life lessons, slave

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