Most beloved, I urge you to seek help as soon as possible, without delay. This is a dangerous situation... Please, protect yourself and your daughter... Surely there are social agencies that could assist you? Please, keep us up to date, and do what is needed in order to stay safe. I shall be keeping you in my heart.
I actually have been looking into agencies. They will not allow me to stay in a women's shelter because I am not in an abusive relationship. He has never hurt me or my daughter. Never even laid a finger on either of us. They keep telling me that there is nothing they can do unless there has been abuse in the past and the cops/courts have gotten involved. and the court system here is just as useless. They wont issue a restraining order (which I need to get into a shelter) without me being physically harmed first. Other then that, I really have no idea as to where else I can look.
I am so sorry, my dearest one, that I did not have any truly useful words... It must be illegal to threaten someone with death? I would hardly describe your situation as "not abusive." Have you thought of consulting a lawyer? Do you have any friends over there who could offer you some sort of temporary shelter? Can your husband be committed to psychiatric care for his own safety as well as that of others? I hope with all my heart that you will soon be in a safe place... I wish I could go over there and remove that gun from the drawer...
Hun, your words *are* useful. I'm sorry if I didn't seem appreciative. I really am. I am looking into having him committed into psychiatric care. (He has also considered committing himself.) You are right though, this can't be allowed to escalate. My MIL knows he has mental problems, but she doesn't know the extent of it. I am deeply considering calling her and asking if my daughter and I can stay there. I will look into getting a lawyer as well. Thank you.
Oh my. I did not realize that it was that bad. As much as you can encourage him to get help, he has to do it on his own and really be invested in it. Do you think you should take Lillian and go away for awhile? Only you know what he is capable of doing, but they say that speaking of suicide and such is a cry for help.
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*tender robed embrace*
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