[Fanfic] Red West III. - Chapter ten

Apr 09, 2019 19:40

Author: Kasumi
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Western, Drama, Romance, Adventure, Historical fiction
Warning: AKame pairing - AU; vulgarisms, violence, explicit content
Summary: A direct sequel of Red West II. - Masterpost
A strange company of three young gunslingers and one Indian is on their way to Montana, while the infamous Black Riders continue their fight against Silver King of Colorado… Will they succeed or fail in the clash with the cruel environment and heartless Governor? Will their friendship, brotherhood and love persevere or be destroyed by greed, bloodshed and vengeance?
Thank you: To Kamenashi Kazuya and Akanishi Jin, because this story wouldn´t have existed without them.
A/N: Number ten behind me, and who knows how many more are there to come. At the moment, I have no idea myself. XD
This chapter was quite a challenge... But in the end, I´m satisfied with it.
We´ll see how it turned out with Kame´s response to the Indian Office, how Liwan is doing and what exactly ´Okan´ is. And somewhere in between, we´ll take a peek to Denver as well.

I´m grateful for any opinion or advice, you help me hone my writing skills with them.
Thank you for taking time to read this story. I´ll be happy if you reward me with a comment for it.

Prologue // Chapter one // Chapter two // Chapter three // Chapter four // Chapter five // Chapter six // Chapter seven // Chapter eight // Chapter nine //

Sun Dance

Sergeant Joshua Turner idly walked on the narrow platform attached to the north palisade, enjoying his cigarette break. From up there, he had a convenient overview on everything happening inside the quadrangle-shaped fort, which was currently nothing else than boring stuff.

Some soldiers were busy with the weapon maintenance in front of the two-stored building, where their commander´s office was located, while others were attempting to tame a young stallion, which was caught not far away from the trading city surrounding the fort. Otherwise, the 150-feet square of Fort Benton was quite empty.

Turner leaned against the railing, scornfully watching those idiots unable to handle one stubborn animal. They were too soft of the furiously bouncing horse and fully deserved bruises from its hooves.

He threw the cigarette butt away and headed to the ladder leading down to the ground, intending to demonstrate how such a wild beast should be treated. He was already halfway to his shouting subordinates, when the main gate guards´ voices cut through the air. He didn´t pay them any attention until the loud creak of old hinges was heard.

With a frown, Turner turned to check how many annoying merchants dared to bother them on this damn hot Sunday. To his surprise, a small unit of riders in cavalry uniforms entered the fort´s premises. One of the guards navigated them to the barn, where they could leave their horses, while the other already rushed across the square, directly to the main building, surely to inform their commander about the newcomers.

Turner promptly changed direction to these unusual guests. As he approached closer to the dismounting soldiers, he noticed two civilians among them and scowled, smelling troubles. He was willing to eat his hat, if one of them was not that whining brat from the Blackfeet reservation.

“Veber! What´s going on?” he asked one of the gate guards.

His subordinate saluted: “A unit from Fort Ellis arrived, sir!”

One of the riders, a rather skinny man, left his horse in care of another soldier and greeted Turner the same way: “I´m a leader of this unit - Lieutenant Cooper. Are you in charge here?”

“No, Captain Davis is,” he replied a bit annoyed by that fact. He hoped it would change soon. “What matter brought you here, Lieutenant?”

With a serious expression, Cooper folded his arms behind his straightened back, before he replied: “Regarding to that, we´ve requested to speak with the commander of this fort. And you are…?”

Before he could reply, another voice mingled in their conversation: “Sergeant Turner, if I´m not mistaken.”

Turner stared at the brown-haired youngster, who stood by Lieutenant´s side now, with that defiant expression which was getting on his nerves. He glanced behind that brat´s back. Naturally, the other civilian was the trouble-maker´s companion, with the same ridiculously huge hat on his head as the last time. That one remained behind; patting quite an impressive stallion, but his dark look was focused in their direction.

“I remember you as well,” Turner snorted. “Not so long ago, you tried to undermine my authority in the reservation.”

“That´s your point of view,” that bastard replied calmly.

“Why did you bring those two here, Lieutenant?” he hissed, looking at their escort again. “Did they cause more troubles?”

“Not really, Sergeant,” Cooper stated coldly. “We´d like to check all your records regarding the government rations for the local Indians and then also the real stock.”

Turner gaped at him and then back at that obviously persistent youngster: “So, you told some stories, huh? You can be hanged for your lies.”

“The same counts for you, Sergeant,” an uninterested reply came.

“What the hell gives you the right for this inspection?” he scowled at Lieutenant again, whose face clearly expressed that he would not like the reply.

“My superior was requested for assistance in this case,” Cooper reacted sternly.

“By whom?”

“By me,” that incredible youngster pulled some papers out from the leather bag on his shoulder: “Here - my authorization, Sergeant.”

Turner snatched it from his grip: “Indian Agent Kamenashi? What is this? A joke?”

“I assure you it´s nothing funny, Sergeant Turner,” Lieutenant Cooper spoke again. “Mr. Kamenashi has been officially accepted as an employee of Indian Affairs Office and assigned with Montana reservations. I suppose that an informative telegram from Washington hasn´t reached your fort yet.”

“It has, just this morning,” a tall, bearded man cut in sooner than Turner could snap any reply at that.

“Captain!” Turner turned to his superior, who has just reached their group with decisive steps.

“I´ve heard enough. Do as they say, Sergeant,” his commander ordered, returning the papers from Turner´s grip to Kamenashi. “If everything is in order, as you´ve reported to me repeatedly, there is no reason to obstruct this young man´s duty.”

Shit, Turner thought.

“There. Saw that?”

Focused Chippewa, holding the sharpened pole the same way he did, nodded. They were both standing in the knee-deep water of a calm creek, focused on the sharp movements under the surface.

“Be patient,” Liwan warned her. “Wait calmly… Now!”

Following his instruction, Migisi threw her pole forward with a short splash. She pulled it out again with tense expectation on her face, which melted into a happy smile, when a fat trout appeared on its spike.

He nodded appreciatively: “My Chippewa sister got much better.”

Migisi shook her head slightly: “Liwan good teacher is.”

“Efforts of teacher are never enough,” he objected, but smiling as well. “Pupil must be hard working as well.”

“That true is,” Migisi agreed and threw her catch right into the basket on the shore.

“Do you want to try again?” Liwan asked.

The woman´s face brightened even more: “Yes! I do.”

“Good. I show you another trick then…”

But before Liwan could start explaining, he saw how Migisi´s smile faltered and her look focused on something on the other side of the lake.

“Soldiers,” Chippewa said just as he turned to look in the same direction.

She was right. A group of riders in blue appeared in the distance, trotting toward their village.

“Let´s go back,” Liwan decided right away.

They promptly walked through the water and climbed out of the lake. After gathering their moccasins, they rushed along the shore, holding the fish basket between them.

In a few minutes, when there were finally no trees in their view and Liwan could see the riders clearly, his worries turned into joy.

As always, their arrival caused quite a ruckus among Indians, who were mostly resting in another hot afternoon. It was no wonder with that noisy ´tail´ they had behind them, including heavily loaded carriages and quite a few soldiers.

Back in Fort Benton, a few interesting facts emerged after the check they did. They found out that Sergeant Turner made a convenient deal with fur traders regularly traveling up and down Missouri River to Montana from Dakota and Minnesota. In cooperation with four other soldiers, he had been reselling the greater part of rations assigned to the tribes in reservation, while playing with numbers in the records. Fortunately, Turner was not cautious enough to destroy the official documents, which were attached to the original deliveries and simple comparison itself was a sufficient proof for the calculative sergeant to be arrested.

With Captain Davis´ consent, they gathered everything they could from the current stock to bring it to the reservation and yet, it was not even the third of what actually belonged to the Indians. Nevertheless, Kame had negotiated with the captain on prompt reparations and the urgent request for more supplies to be arranged was already on its telegraphic way to Washington.

Jin and Kame barely managed to dismount their animal companions and excited Indians, including a bunch of yelling kids were already all around them, shouting and pointing at three carriages, which followed them to the village. Not to mention a tall Indian shaman rushing in their direction from the lake´s shore.

“It seems that not only your dear blood brother couldn´t wait to see you again,” Jin commented chuckling.

Confirming his words, Liwan raced through the Indian kids, pushing them aside impatiently: “My brother!” he exhaled, grabbing Kame´s right hand with a wide smile on his usually serious face. “Finally!”

“Liwan… I´m sorry,” the younger one repaid his grip heartily. “It took longer than I expected, but it paid off.”

“I see, I see,” his blood brother eyed the fully loaded carriages.

The soldiers around them seemed a bit uneasy in the encirclement of noisy Indians, but for their own good, they didn´t have any stupid ideas as the last time. Certainly, thanks to Lieutenant Cooper leading them, who was observing his surroundings more curious than worried.

“How did you manage this?” Liwan asked amazed.

“Well, we acquired some support from that Indian Office I had mentioned before,” Kame replied seriously. “Sergeant Turner was arrested for misdealing with rations, so he won´t bother you anymore. The current commander of the fort assured me to perform the proper inspection from now on. And if there is any other problem, I´ll personally deal with it.”

“You? How comes? What changed?”

“I´ll explain everything. But it´s for a long narration, which Council of Elders and Chief Ninastoko should hear as well.”

“Later then,” Liwan agreed. “But - will you stay?”

“Yes,” Kame confirmed. “I need to find out the exact way how this reservation stuff is supposed to work anyway…”

Liwan didn´t understand this remark of his blood brother, but didn´t let it bother him: “Great! Our Okan starts tomorrow, it would be pity if you did not see it. Especially after this,” he gestured to the excited unloading of supplies. “You have gratitude of all my brothers and sisters. Obrige tamaši.”

“Don´t thank me, Brother. I´m happy I could help.”

Still smiling Liwan nodded and then hushed the kids away again, to lend a helping hand with unloading the carriages as well.

“Seeing them like this makes all those troubles worth,” Jin noted amused.

“Definitely,” Kame nodded satisfied.

“I think I´m starting to understand why you´re so determined to fight for these Indians, Kamenashi.”

Kame turned to Lieutenant Cooper, who approached him and Jin once most of the commotion moved to the carriages, which were already almost empty.

“What do you mean, Lieutenant?”

“I´ve been in a few reservations already and in none of them I´ve seen such a welcome. This village is somewhat… different.”

“I know what you mean,” Jin noted with a sigh.

“These people are like my second family,” Kame reacted quietly.

“Yes, I remember you´ve got some history with Blackfeet tribe. And in fact - I understand you. So, I assume you´re going to stay here?”

Kame nodded: “For a while.”

“All right, but do not forget - you´ve got quite a report to prepare, Agent,” Lieutenant reminded him.

“I know. Thank you, Lieutenant. If not for your involvement…”

“No thanks for me,” Cooper shook his head humbly. “It´s you who accomplished this, Kamenashi. Good job. I wish you luck in your new position.”

“That´s kind of you, I guess he´s going to need it,” Jin cut in grinning.

Cooper nodded and touched the brim of his hat shortly, as he parted with them and left to his subordinates.

“Anyway - I must join Lieutenant in this - congrats, Kame. You did it,” Jin stated cheerfully.

His boyfriend´s face brightened with a wide smile: “We did it. I wouldn´t have agreed with that offer without your support, Jin.”

State of Colorado

A large, brightly alight lobby of Grand Opera House was humming with many voices. The gaslight glittered on glass goblets filled with champagne, as well as on wide, silvered-plated trays with rich selection of appetizers. It seemed that half the city gathered for the concert of Christine Nilsson - a famous Swedish soprano. During the break, hundreds of Denver citizens in their best clothing grasped the opportunity to discuss the first half of her breathtaking performance.

Augusta also abandoned her seat on the highest balcony, to refresh herself and to greet the representatives of Colorado´s charity organization, who pleaded for a chance to thank her for the latest contribution. Then she met with Caroline Churchill and gladly accepted her invitation for a private meeting. Augusta got used to read every issue of her newspapers called ´Colorado Antelope´, which impressed her with open supportive attitude to women´s rights, and she was looking forward to discuss this topic with the experienced woman in details.

Nevertheless, Mrs. Churchill was very popular and soon pulled aside from her by the small group of other female supporters. Augusta remained standing on the side of the main staircase alone.
Unwillingly, her look was attracted to the noisy gathering at the bar counter in the far corner of the entrance hall. Not surprisingly, her husband was performing his usual routine there - drinking whiskey, smoking cigars and boasting with that blonde whore, who was stuck to his side in the flashy red dress.

She glanced down on her own, dark green robe with simple needlework. Would she be able to preserve their marriage, if she was more like that false woman? Hardly. Baby Doe was much younger, attractive and moreover willing to submit to all Horace´s ideas, no matter how perverted they were.

Augusta knew that Horace asked for the ratification of their divorce again. Naturally, he did it without her consent, this time trying to accomplish his intention behind the borders of States - in Durango. According to what she knew about the local court, it was quite probable he would succeed.

Was it even worth fighting any longer? Horace had lost any affectionate feelings toward her long ago and their son was already an adult. What should she keep trying for? Just for estate and money?

“It doesn´t seem right to me that a beautiful woman stands here alone like this,” a pleasant, deep voice disrupted her pessimistic thoughts.

Augusta raised her eyes to the tall man in ceremonial uniform, who appeared on her side.

“Captain Walker!” she let her lips spread in a pleased smile. “It´s nice to see you again.”

“Pleasure is on my side, Madame,” John Walker reacted, reaching for her raised hand and kissing it in a truly cavalier gesture.

“Thank you, but there´s no need to waste flattery on me, Captain. I´m sure there are tens of other women in this room, who would treasure hearing them from you,” Augusta tilted her head to the side, referring to the crowd around.

“Yet I think you deserve it more,” he stated calmly and waved to attract the attention of a service attendant. “Would you like some champagne?”

Surprised by his answer, Augusta nodded gratefully, realizing she hadn´t managed to drink anything yet. A young boy rushed to them readily, almost too young for the job, Augusta noted and Captain took two glasses from his tray. The servant smiled at them, bowed lightly and left them to tend other guests.

“I wouldn´t guess you´re fond of opera, Captain,” she spoke first, abandoning the previous topic, which made her feel a bit uncertain.

“And you´d be right, Madame,” Walker admitted. “My superior´s invitation - couldn´t be refused.”

“I see…” she sipped on the sparkling liquid. It was cool and better than the last time she had a chance to taste it.

“Nevertheless, this Mrs. Nilsson is quite impressive,” the captain added seriously.

She nodded: “I agree. She gave me goosebumps once she had started.”

“Then you´ve enjoyed the performance so far?”

“Yes, at least the most of it,” Augusta replied slowly.

There were moments when her eyes caught naughty behavior on the opposite balcony and something like that always made her lose taste for anything. Like right at that moment again…

“May I speak openly, Mrs. Tabor?”

Suspiciously, she turned back to Captain, who was watching her somewhat too closely. There was clear hesitation in his voice. Yet, from some reason, she didn´t want to refuse him.

“You may.”

Just shortly and kind of annoyed, John Walker gestured in the direction, which attracted her attention so much: “Your husband doesn´t know what he´s losing.”

Augusta stared at the uniformed man for a long moment, trying to figure out if he was making fun of her just as almost everybody else or not. After a while of searching for signs of hypocrisy, she reluctantly admitted that Captain´s words seemed to be honest. As far as she could tell, he meant it.

“Thank you, Captain,” she stated seriously. “I rarely hear such opinion about our current… relationship.”

“If that´s the case, most people are blind and stupid,” Walker assumed right away. “Everybody can see how awfully he treats you.”

With her throat squeezed, she drank up the rest of champagne: “You´re surprisingly blunt.”

Walker seemed a bit stunned, before he looked at the glass in his hand somewhat guiltily.

“My apologies, Mrs. Tabor. I didn´t mean to rub into your personal issues. It seems I drank too much of this today.”

She narrowed her eyes: “How much is that for you?”

“Three glasses,” Captain admitted quietly.

Augusta started laughing heartily at such an answer and gestured the nearest servant, which happened to be the same boy as before: “I appreciate your concern, but apparently, you have very different borders than my husband.”

“Should I take it as praise?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You most certainly should,” she confirmed and exchanged their empty glasses for the full ones.

They clicked them together, before sipping on the tasty liquid again.

“Anyway, I´m not so surprised he chose her,” Augusta blurted out, feeling she can speak up in front of Captain. However, the champagne might have had its role in that as well. “We´ve never really understood each other. And moreover - I´m an old woman. How can I compete with her?”

“I´m sorry, Ma´am, but you´re wrong about that.”

Confused, Augusta blinked under the focused stare Captain Walker gave her: “Excuse me?”

“Do you really think all men desire to live with such a woman? Honestly?”

She hesitated: “Well, no… I wouldn´t say all of them.”

“Glad to hear that. I was afraid you have such a negative opinion about everybody.”

Augusta observed the man, who kept surprising her more and more with each word.

“So… You wouldn´t have chosen Miss Doe over some older woman?” she asked directly.

“Do you really feel so old?” Captain asked instead sharply.

Such a question upset her: “I´m almost fifty, do you think I should not?”

Captain seemed abashed and fell silent.

“Well?” Augusta insisted on hearing the answer.

“You look much younger, Ma´am,” Walker noted somewhat sheepishly. “But anyway - it doesn´t change my opinion.”

She sighed: “You´re difficult to hold a discussion with, Captain.”

“If it´s bothersome for you, I can excuse myself...” Walker reacted.

“No, of course not,” she assured him. “How old are you when we´re at it?”

“Thirty nine this winter.”

It was Augusta´s turn to be surprised: “Well, you look younger as well.”

After a moment of silence, they both laughed shortly.

Augusta had to admit that talking with this likeable captain was very nice, despite the fact that their topic was a little… inappropriate.

“Well… And how did it go with those Sioux rebels situation you mentioned before?” she wondered, not wanting to end their conversation yet. “If it´s not a military secret, of course.”

A deep frown appeared between Captain Walker´s eyebrows: “It could have been worse,” he reacted seriously. “My superiors believe we suppressed them sufficiently. Most of the remaining Sioux have been removed to the reservations and they´re under supervision.”

“I can imagine it was not an easy task.”

“No, it truly wasn´t. But still better than chasing after some black shadows…”

“I believe you mean that furious hunt after certain bandits my husband wanted to assign you with.”

“That´s right,” Walker admitted without hesitation.

Augusta reached for one of the plates with appetizers, which was offered to them by the young servant and chewed thoughtfully for a while.

“What do you actually think about them, Captain? About these Black Riders?”

He gave her a sharp look: “That´s a bit weird question, Mrs. Tabor. What do you expect me to think of them since they´re thieves and apparently murderers, fugitives from the law, while I´m the military representative of our government?”

“Yes, you´re most certainly right about all of that, but…”

“But?” Captain seemed to be curious now.

“Well, back in Leadville, when they robbed us, I met some of them in person.”

“So I´ve heard,” Walker nodded. “And I´m glad you came out of it unharmed, Madame.”

She shrugged a little: “They meant no harm to me. They just wanted our money. And they were actually surprisingly polite.”

Walker raised his eyebrows: “You seem to have a better opinion about them than most of this country.”

“Come on, Captain,” she gave him a sharp look. “You´re also aware that this group has quite a support among common people.”

“Yes, I am. Nevertheless, that doesn´t change the fact they´re outlaws, who should be judged for their crimes,” Walker insisted.

“Surely…” Augusta nodded, still not convinced by his statement. “So, that is what you´re up to next? Chasing the Riders?”

“No, fortunately not. Sergeant Perry and his unit are still assigned to this task, as I´ve already repeated to your husband many times.”

“I know…” she sighed a little. “And I apologize on his behalf. Horace can be quite stubborn.”

“You´ve got nothing to apologize for,” Captain said disapprovingly. “Actually, from this day on, I´m supposed to take some time off.”

“Really? That sounds nice.”

“Even more than nice. I´ve been requesting vacation for more than a year now,” he complained in a lower voice.

She chuckled: “Then I´m glad it worked out for you finally. Do you have some specific plans?”

“Yes,” Walker nodded rather enthusiastically. “I´m going to visit my family in Montana.”

“Oh…” Augusta felt a painful pinch in her chest. “I envy you. I´d have loved to visit my son Nathaniel there as well. He´s expecting his first child to be born soon…”

“And what prevents you from doing that?”

She threw a disgusted glance toward the bar: “My husband, of course.”

That seemed to surprise Captain: “What do you mean by that, if I can ask?”

Augusta turned directly to him again: “Horace has quite an influence in this country. Nobody will openly hear my request out, since he doesn´t approve the government costs on military escort for my journey.”

“Well, I assume that a unit of soldiers is not the only option you´ve got,” Walker noted carefully.

Augusta waved with her empty hand impatiently: “Of course, I was thinking about hiring some private travel company for my own money instead, but honestly - everywhere I went, they had requested such a ridiculously high price, I felt as being laughed at. And I´m not as foolish as to travel there alone in stagecoach or in company of some unreliable woodsmen. Quite probably, I would have been robbed and murdered behind the first wide-enough tree,” she summarized her hopeless options.

Captain nodded gloomily: “I understand. The truth is there had been some serious problems with natives in Wyoming as well. I´m actually glad there will be five of us travelling, as some soldiers were re-assigned to one of the forts on the way I need to take.”

Augusta noted this information with an interest: “That´s good to hear. Even though you shall be very careful.”

Captain answered her urgent look firmly: “We will be, Ma´am. I´m sure we´re going to have a safe journey.”

Augusta nodded and made a careful step closer to Captain. She yearned seeing her son again for long time and here she was offered the one time opportunity.

“Actually, what would you say if I joined you on your out-of-duty travel, Captain?” she asked quietly, to make sure that only the man in front of her heard the proposal.

For the first time that evening, Captain Walker smiled: “It´d have been another pleasure to me, Mrs. Tabor.”

Montana Territory
Blackfeet Reservation
Jin didn´t know what to imagine when Liwan had mentioned ´Okan´, which Kame translated to him as ´Sun Dance Ceremony´. He expected some weird Indian dancing and drums music to be involved and later found out he was right. Nevertheless, once this obviously very important religious event began, he had to admit it was about much more than only that.

Already on their arrival with government rations, he had noticed an unusually large wooden construction built on the plain not far from the village itself. There was a high pole with strange paintings on its surface in the middle of it. According to Liwan´s explanation, it served as a connection of sacred powers in the sky with the earth.

The participants of the ceremony - several male Indians of varied age - were welcomed in front of this special lodge by gathered villagers with encouraging shouts. They all had to undergo a purification ritual, which was led by Cloud Dancing himself days before the main event was supposed to be launched. These chosen warriors were now tied to the pole in the middle of the wooden construction with long, thin ropes and once the sun came to its peak above their heads, they started dancing. As far as Jin understood, the main purpose of this ceremony dance was to celebrate the Sun power and ask Manitou for its continuous goodwill.

“They won´t stop until tomorrow´s sunset,” Kame said, leaning close to his ear, so that Jin could hear him through the heavy drumming, which filled the hot air. Following some kind of dress code, they were both half-naked, dressed only in light leathers and moccasins, so Jin felt the younger´s forearm rubbing softly against the skin of his own, as he continued. “It doesn´t seem difficult now, but they will have no rest, no food or drink.”

“That´s a bit crazy,” Jin murmured almost inaudibly, but Kame caught his words anyway.

“But also admirable,” he opposed. “They must be fully determined to endure it and only Cloud Dancing decides if they can participate or not.”

After a few hours, Jin had to agree with his boyfriend. The sunbeams flooding the plain were merciless, but while they could sit with other Indians around the lodge in irregular, wide circles and refresh themselves with the cool water, the dancers kept moving around the pole without hesitation, with their bodies shining with sweat. One could not help but admire those Indians stamina and determination.

He was also greatly surprised by the wide repertoire of songs, which were sung by the villagers to accompany the movements of ceremony participants. Almost everybody was encouraging them. Some played drums, while others kept singing, adding their voices to the warriors´ sudden yells. Nothing else seemed to matter on that day. The whole village surrounded the lodge, which kept shaking slightly with the movements of dancing Indians.

Then the celebrated Sun hid itself behind the Rising Wolf Mountain and to Jin´s amazement, the pulse racing drumming still went on, the chosen warriors continued dancing and Cloud Dancing kept invoking Manitou in a hoarse, deep voice.

Apart from the water flasks, a few long pipes were moved between those watching the ceremony. Even he, Kame and Liwan shared one, and Jin quickly realized that there was not just some grass in it. Already after a few draws, he felt kind of light-headed and hot, even though the cool breeze arrived along with the dusk. The moving of dancers in the lodge started to influence him in a strange way, as he was almost tempted to get up and join them in the restless soft stomping around the high pole.

As if reacting to some invisible sign, Liwan suddenly got up and easily slipped between his red brothers. He sat by the side of his father, substituting him in invocations, gradually taking over to let him rest. It was understandable. In his weathered state, Cloud Dancing could not hold on for long and his son was worried for his health.

With the dark falling upon the Indian village and with many fires being lit, the whole ceremony became even livelier and more dedicated. It felt as if the whole tribe was connected with it, even though only chosen warriors moved around the high pillar.

That persistent, incessant pressure was squeezing Jin´s throat and making his pulse faster, even though he was sitting calmly for so long. He was surprised by that feeling at first, but he also found it strangely arousing.

Not consciously, just in a pure, instinctive attraction, Jin turned his head to look at the young man sitting on his side all this time they had been watching the dancing ceremony. At the very same moment, Kame focused his eyes on him.

Something stirred the air between them, squeezed their throats and touched their hearts. Prodded by this indescribable sensation, they slowly got up on their feet. Jin´s hand grabbed Kame´s fingers, which were already reaching out to him.

Without a glance back, they left the circle and walked away from the gathering, with the drums sound still humming in their ears and veins. Not even one Indian paid them attention, as their figures escaped the reach of firelight and merged with the dark.

The change was too sudden and Jin was still almost blinded with flickering flames and dancers´ figures moving among them. Kame´s vision had to be influenced the same way, but nonetheless, they didn´t hesitate while proceeding through the quiet village, avoiding the obscurely shapes of wigwams and abandoned fireplaces.

Walking in that night, with booming drums behind their backs and soft splashes of small waves on the lake´s shore in front of them, with their hands in warm connection and their steps synchronized - all of it felt so natural and relaxing. And yet, Jin´s whole body was tense with expectation and if it was possible, he would swear his heart itself was shaking. He didn´t understand that strange feeling, since what they were about to do was not for the first time at all, but he had no will to ponder it.

Naturally, it was even darker inside their wigwam, with the fireplace in the middle of it long extinct. Neither of them cared. In that tense, suffocating moment, the world around them ceased to matter. They didn´t need to see to find and touch each other with their inpatient hands, or to unite their lips in heated kisses.

Eagerly and curiously, Jin explored the soft skin of his boyfriend´s neck, shoulders and chest, searching for the spots he might have missed before. And Kame savored this hot, possessive caressing, while slowly letting his fingers wander from the older one´s thick hair, to firm muscles hiding under the scarred skin of his back.

Jin moved his hands along the slim figure down, slipping with one of them under the fabric teasingly, while Kame´s lips attacked his left earlobe, sucking on it almost painfully.

With each touch or kiss, that strong desire they both felt only increased. An eager groan escaped from Jin´s throat, when Kame found the hot bulge under his trousers and squeezed it, before leaving the place right away. Before Jin could force that provocative hand to return there, his trousers were roughly pulled down, and the almost invisible figure of his boyfriend slipped away from his arms.

The perception of Kazuya´s mouth around his most intimate body part was overwhelming. Jin almost choked with pleasure over the warm, wet cave attaching to his member. The strong wave of arousal flooded him, almost making his mind go completely blank. Subconsciously, he gently ran with his fingers through Kame´s soft hair.

It felt damn awesome, but he knew he was about to miss something significant that night if he wouldn´t stop the younger´s seductive action soon. Only his yearning after feeling again that closest connection with his boyfriend made Jin pull away from the lustful torture.

Kame raised his head and his eyes flickered in the dark, as Jin went down himself and tumbled him on the spread furs. After almost ripping the cloth off that attractive form under him, Jin shifted himself between the slim thighs. He could not wait to be there again, in that hot, tight paradise, but a glimpse of worry made him reach for the younger´s most sacred place with his shaking fingers first.

Jin found Kame´s erect pride, and then the squeezing hole under it too. The soft moans filled the wigwam, when he pushed his fingers inside, adding one after another slowly, but persistently. It made Kame squirm and whisper inaudible words. It cost Jin a huge portion of self-control not to give in to his welcoming arms right away. He kept caressing the younger one, dragging him closer and closer to the edge, with his own hard member just soothing against Kame´s thigh.

“Jin… Damn it…” Kame´s husky, squeezed voice sounded in the dark.

He couldn´t help but grin a little, when he caught a hint of pleading in it: “Yes?”

“Just… fuck me… already…”

There was no way he could resist such a challenge. He pulled his fingers out and shifted himself forward, hovering above his boyfriend.

“Indecent Kazuya… I like it,” Jin spoke hoarsely against his lips before he patted them with a greedy kiss.

Repaying it eagerly, Kame wrapped both his hands and legs around him, moving his body just a little up, attaching skin to skin. Jin breathed out heavily into their kiss under that direct attack. And it finally brought him over the edge.

Kame hold his breath with expectation, when Jin grabbed and raised one of his legs even higher to have a better access. The stone hard, harsh and yet soft intrusion made him throw his head back with a heavy exhale. Jin pushed himself as far as he could with that first passionate move and made Kame see the stars. He suddenly felt kind of helpless, but he didn´t mind it at all. He welcomed and moved with each of Jin´s thrusts, pressing against that warm body of his lovingly.

When they did this, it was always breathtaking. But Kame couldn´t remember the time it felt so hot and consuming. It turned his brain off, he couldn´t think or breathe properly, he could just feel the overwhelming pleasure with each of Jin´s moves.

No one else could make him feel like that. And Kame knew that without this feeling in his life, he would have been lost.

- To be continued -

akame fanfiction, akame, red west 3, western

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