Hello, fandom.

Aug 10, 2012 23:09

It has been a very long time. The longest to date, I believe. I have undergone an extreme transitional period in my life where fandom/fannishness took a true backseat for the first time since the age of thirteen. I shut myself out of the "fabella" role completely, I don't regret it since it gave me so much room to make decisions, but now that ( Read more... )

real life

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Comments 16

meltingconfetti August 11 2012, 03:51:16 UTC
Fabells!!! I've seen you on fb, but I've missed you around these parts. And I've missed your vids! I'm happy to hear you're doing well. Sad to hear that you find your town boring. Hopefully you'll get out soon. Where do you want to go to??

I'm about to be without internet for a few months, actually. I'm moving to a new place next week, looking for a new job, setting some writing and life goals... I'd love to be a photographer, but I'm merely amateur at this point. I think a break from the interwebs will be very good for me. It's one less distraction, anyway. ;)


wistful_fever August 11 2012, 04:10:38 UTC
I wanted to go to SF California pretty badly, but I found it more difficult to lift roots than I thought. I should have known really. I'm a hardcore sticker. It's not completely out of the picture (SF) but I don't think it will be as soon as I had wanted. Oh, well, maybe one day?

Good luck with your adventure! I know that you could make a real go at photography! I love your photo updates. Your creativity is a beautiful part of my day. :) And the break from fannishness was extremely good for me. I kind of feel like it's a fresh start, though from what, I'm not sure. I hope it goes as well for you.


meltingconfetti August 11 2012, 13:48:00 UTC
I want to go to California, too! I was born there and I think part of me has always thought of it as home. Maybe we'll meet up there someday! This is the longest I've ever stayed in one place and I'm restless; It's never felt like home to me, like I belong here. I'm not sure why exactly. But it's not entirely without its moments. I'm excited about moving to a new place, even if it's only a few blocks over. Despite having lived in this city the longest, I've moved 4 times in the past 7 years. Change is good ( ... )


counteragent August 11 2012, 04:17:05 UTC
Hi buddy!

Welcome back, great to see you! :) thrilled things are going well for you. <3

Everyone's at VVC (or on Tumblr, heh, but that's a more permanent move), so it's kind of empty here this weekend.

I'm not at vvc because I just had kid #2, who is healthy and cute, so I suppose that means I'm doing well by default.

I'm thinking of the fun we've had at previous Vvc's and wishing we could both be shaking ass at cvv right now, though!


bop_radar August 12 2012, 01:40:09 UTC
Stickybeaking... because I am also out of the loop terribly and I happened to see your comment as I scrolled past...

OMG, congrats on kid#2!! Happy to hear you are well!


counteragent August 12 2012, 20:31:29 UTC
Thanks, hon! :D


morgandawn August 11 2012, 04:22:11 UTC
I am at vividcon but wanted to wave hello before I forgot. When you get a moment, email me at mdawn6 @ yahoo.com to catch up?


darlulu August 11 2012, 07:12:24 UTC
Glad to hear things are going good for you. And I'm super glad you returned to us. :)

As for me, I took the plunge and changed my username after 9 years of going by 'keewick.' So far it's been a harder transition than I would've thought, and I keep having to remind flisters who the heck I am. Fannishly, I've jumped into the Teen Wolf fandom with both feet (see icon) and am having a blast. On the vid front, I completed a new Harry and Hermione friendship vid over the summer which was the first vid I'd completed in a long, long time so I felt jazzed about that. And RL-wise, I just turned the big 3-0 in June and am struggling a bit with where I am in my life and where I want to go, but in the grand scheme of things, I'm pretty good, too.


suzvoy August 11 2012, 09:02:48 UTC
Good to see you posting! And glad to see life is going well :)

Have totally fallen in love with Teen Wolf :D


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