i'm a zombie. raaaaaaaaaaawr.

Jan 03, 2007 11:06

Well, helloYes, I'm already back. I've gone longer between posting than this and that was when I had internet at my regular disposal. When I think of it like that, well, it seems pretty silly that I even bothered to post a 'farewell' entry ( Read more... )

jc, supernatural, nsync, real life

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Comments 15

pheral January 3 2007, 17:59:48 UTC
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! :savages you::
Hey, did you hear i have the Supernatural DVD set winging its way to me by post? Soon i shall be understanding the brotherly love, i dare say. Whee!


wistful_fever January 3 2007, 18:10:01 UTC
WHEE! I hadn't heard that. Excellent news.

Even if you see the brotherly love on a purerly platonic level, it's still LOVE LOVE LOVE, ya know? However one sees it, it's so THERE. With all the whumping, you're gonna squee like a squeeing thing, I promise. :D


pheral January 4 2007, 15:29:27 UTC
Heeheee, wheee! I can't wait for the brotherly love and the whumperment and MOST OF THE ALL THE CAAAARR!! i love that car.

You need to read my last post ::makes you:: and then you can explain what Wincest means.


wistful_fever January 5 2007, 00:16:24 UTC
That car is loved by the show, as well. It's Dean's baaaaaaby. Almost on par with Sammy.


tallisen January 3 2007, 18:25:04 UTC
Welcome back and thank you for sharing the Australian love. They really do get it all. Where was our New Year wishes? :P

Again, welcome back! And on the day I finally decided to attack my flist and catch up some! Good timing, me thinks!


wistful_fever January 5 2007, 00:17:46 UTC
Whee! Hey there.

And that was exactly what I was thinking when I saw that clip.

United States,

No love.

Jared and Jensen.


obsessive24 January 3 2007, 22:20:01 UTC
Welcome back! *hugs* I'm glad it wasn't a long stint.

You got me all curious. What are these three videos, if you don't mind divulging? ;)


wistful_fever January 5 2007, 00:19:35 UTC
Me, too! It is still pretty patchy. My computer is just DEAD, I think.

a) new spn vid. it was to A Perfect Circle's 'Passive', but I changed it to a different song and kept the general idea
b) that Prison Break vid I talked to you about
c) a follow up to 'Documentary', which is just... crack. but alas.



obsessive24 January 5 2007, 06:55:44 UTC
a) OMG!!!!! Passive is awesome, but I can just imagine the general idea to another equally awesome song. Speaking of APC, I'm going to see Tool in a few weeks, so envy me. :P
b) Yayness!
c) !O_O! *dies*


rikes January 3 2007, 23:15:02 UTC
You're back back? Yay! While you're here, how about uploading better quality version of the JuC videos? Please? They're so pretty, I'd love to see them bigger. :)


wistful_fever January 5 2007, 00:21:17 UTC

We'll see. It takes a while to upload the bigger files. :) If my connection stays steady and my computer doesn't hate me, I'll definitely give it a go. :D

I'm so glad that you like them enough to want to download a bigger version. That's just COOL.


rikes January 5 2007, 00:26:41 UTC
No hurry, whenever you can. :) I just love them a lot.


strippedpink January 4 2007, 02:06:54 UTC
I can't even TELL you how long I spent watching old 'NSYNC videos on youtube. I mean, dayum.


wistful_fever January 5 2007, 00:22:07 UTC
Did you notice the gazing between JC and Justin?

I'm just saying. ::tries not to pimp::


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