New Vid: The Bitch Prince (Merlin, Merlin/Arthur)

Nov 11, 2008 19:55

Another guilty!pleasure video. Don't judge me! *headdesk*

Video Details

Title: The Bitch Prince (Angel Undercover Mix)
Song: "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks
Video Artist: Fabella (wistful-fever)
Summary: Merlin/Arthur. "No. No way. There must be another Arthur because this one's an idiot!" We love Arthur, Merlin loves Arthur, but wow, some days, he is so close to being smothered with a pillow. Slashy, fluffy, fun-type video, with maybe a little angst thrown in here and there.
Fandom: Merlin (101-108)
Warning: Slash, M/M
Length: 3:04
Format: xvid/divx avi

Download Details
Perma Link hosted by obsessive24
78.3mb @ megaupload
51.7mb @ megaupload
51.7mb @ mediafire
Watch On-Line @ imeem
Watch On-Line @ youtube

Quality is directly related to size. If you have problems playing it, try the VLC Media Player. It's free, fast, and awesome.

Links Last Updated: 11/25/08

Vidding Notes:

Forgive me, Merlin makes me act like a twelve-year-old valley girl. Proceed with caution.

This video was directly inspired by the bitch!prince fanon that floats around the merlin community. It sort of goes like this: there once was this spoiled prince, who was very sad, but also kind of a jerk, but then he saves your life a lot, and he has a cute ass, and made you laugh that one time, and you found out his dad was A HUGE BUTTHOLE so you decided he could live after all. As long as he gave his manservant orgasms on a regular basis. THE END. I heart this Arthur characterization in a way I've hearted no annoying blonde since Draco Malfoy of Harry Potter mania.

I've been working on a crazy angsty serious type video for a little while now, and maybe it's just my disposition, but when I have something traumatic going on like that in an 'art is pain' sense, I really want something light and fluffy to off set it. And then there was MERLIN. And then there was me and my weird fascination for early 90s music, and vidding to songs everyone else has already spooged on a million times over, and there you have this video. I don't regret it! You can't make me!

I returned to doing a lot of color work with this video. There's a blur offset by a color adjustment to make things much more vivid and some tweaking throughout. I figured if I wasn't going for deepest!deep with this video, I might as well do a little technical work on it to show some effort.

This is a pretty upfront video. There are a few concepts at work within, but basically there is hot!arthur, hotformerlin!arthur, dejected!arthur, and determined!arthur. Why must you dig deeper than that?! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?

Screencap for banner nabbed from neptuneskiss

Any feedback is adored, tickled pink, then put in a safe place to be gawked at repeatedly.

songvids, merlin/arthur, merlin, vidding

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