New Vid: Your Own Personal Co-Dependent Wet Dream

Mar 18, 2008 17:19

Ah, the new vid smell. *inhales*

Video Details

Title: Your Own Personal Co-Dependent Wet Dream
Song: "Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode
Video Artist: Fabella (wistful-fever)
Summary: The Cult of Sam. Bonnie to your Clyde. Sam/Dean, Sam POV, a bit dark. Made for Yourlibrarian, who won me at the Sweet Charity auction.
Fandom: Supernatural, 1x01-3x12
Length: 3:15
Format: xvid avi

Warnings: Implied Incest, Slash (M/M)

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended.

Download Details
102mb @ megaupload
51.7mb @ megaupload
51.7mb @ sendspace
51.7mb @ mediafire
Watch On-Line @ imeem
Watch On-Line @ youtube

Links Last Updated: 3/19/08

Vidding Notes:

This one is a lot darker than my more recent work. In a way, that's a relief. I don't feel so much like I can only vid cotton candy --- not to say vidding cotton candy isn't fun, because hell, cotton candy is AWESOME. Right?

The idea with this one was to keep it almost painfully real, which is why I kept the more supernatural aspects of the show to a strict minimum and played up the two-guys-on-the-road vibe the show brings us, and that kind of morphed itself into the Bonnie&Clyde do-anything-for-you vibe of theirs that I've been wanting to vid forever. Obviously, the video is from Sam's POV, but the bidder wanted a twisty POV, so I tried to make it about Dean as much as possible without removing Sam from the speaking role, and I also tried to honor that by making Sam's POV change throughout, twist into something completely different. The video is largely about how Dean is at times truly dying to be near Sam, and how at first Sam is reluctant to accept the life Dean wants for them (be that an incestuous relationship between them or the canonical offer from Dean in season one's Shadows that was followed by Sam's rejection of it), but with the climax of s2, he is becoming more and more alined with Dean's desires. Except it's kind of fucking him up. And does Dean REALLY want Sam to be as fucked up as he is? Catch 22.

The color work was limited to the visible (black&whites, and then the bright hues in the 'Sam's beautiful smile' section) and otherwise, I left the source colors alone to avoid degrading it too much. There is the usual time-toggling, slowing and speeding up of clips, cropping, blah blah blah. I am fond of the title sequence. I think it starts the video off on the right foot. Speaking of titles, I don't know what it is with me, but I can't keep it simple. I always have to step away from the song title, unless I feel it really fits the completed video.

The hardest part in vidding this was not the actual vidding process for once, because I had a very clear, focused path in mind for that. It was the clipping. Sam's big unhappy face made me cry actual tears of frustration. DAMN YOU SHOW. Also. I FUCKING HATE THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS TAG OF LATE S3 WITH A PASSION. I edited it out as much as I could, but at times the blocking I really wanted would be messed up if I had, so I was forced to leave it in. The dvds can't come out soon enough.

I hope you like it, yourlibrarian. :)

Feedback is more than desired, it's appreciated.

sam/dean, supernatural, songvids, vidding

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