New Vid: What Goes Around (Heroes)

Nov 23, 2007 23:16

I... don't know where these ideas come from. *hands*

Video Details

Title: What Goes Around
Song Artist: Justin Timberlake
Video Artist: Fabella (wistful-fever)
Summary: What do you get when you mix a serial killer with love? Or: Mohinder shacking up is in no way going to impress Sylar. AT ALL. Mohinder/Sylar, with a side of implied M3. Sylar POV.
Fandom: Heroes S1, S2
Length: 3:21
Format: xvid avi

Warnings: M/M, violence, slight spoilers for second season

Disclaimer: Heroes does not belong to me. The song does not belong to me. No money is being made from this creation.

Download Details

61.1mb @ megaupload (best quality)
48.3mb @ media fire
Watch On-Line @ imeem
Watch On-Line @ youtube

Links Last Updated: 11/25/07

Brief (VERY BRIEF) Vidder Notes: The song choice is... unusual, I know. I can't be the only one to find Justin Timberlake seriously creepy and stalker-esque, though, right? Personally I think JT + Serial Killer Love Song = Win. I admit that it took a little to suck it up and let myself do this video, to *this* song, but after making the uber-emo Chad Michael Murray video that time? Well, I really consider nothing off limits as long as I try my best to make it work. Also, I love the rhythm of this song, the scope of it; the sound is very broad, cinematic, and much like JT took advantage of that sound to bring his... er... creepfest of a video, I used that sound to emphasis the 'movie every week' feel of Heroes. Plus. The movement of Sylar man. The movement. I wasn't always his biggest fan, but he won me over in the end. Yes, he did. In an utterly creepy way. But there's a lot of that going around.

Feedback is always welcome.

heroes, mohinder/sylar, songvids, vidding

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