New Vid: You're My Baby (RPS, Jared/Jensen)

May 21, 2006 03:18

And you thought I was making empty threats. Ha! I don't take myself seriously enough to make empty threats. This is pure self-gratification right here.

Title: You're My Baby
Song Artist: Johnathan Rice
Video Artist: Fabella (wistful_fever)
Summary: Jared is a big puppy, and Jensen *adores* him. Jared/Jensen, w/ implied past JA/TW, and implied TW/MR. Experimental.
Fandom: Supernatural RPS (also known as WBRPS, or CWRPS now)
Length: 2 min
Format: avi, real media

Warnings: RPS! Real Person Slash. Another line in the sand smudged beyond repair. The quality is also sometimes iffy.

Disclaimer: Whatever this video hints at, implies, or beats you over the head with, it's not true.

Feedback: Yes, please.

Download Links
Please do not put this video on Youtube or anywhere else without my permission. You can, however, link to this post for whatever reason.

Hosted by
AVI, 24.6mb(right click, save target as)

Temporary Sites:
AVI, 9.59mb, YouSendit
Real Media, 4.72mb, YouSendIt
AVI, 9.59mb, Megaupload
Real Media, 4.72mb, Megaupload

Links Last Updated: 05/22/06

Downloading/Watching Information

a) You're going to need a divx codec to play this, and a lot of other vids. Go to to download. It's free, it's fast, it doesn't take long to set up. If your enjoy songvids, it's worth the extra effort.

b) Quality is directly related to size.

c) I'll re-upload the versions of the vid located on as often as I can.

Credits: jaredp_daily, sn_daily, and Supernatural Central. I think that covers it, but I'll put a disclaimer on that by saying I sometimes save images from completely random locations, and I can't be sure of each one. Thanks, you wonderful people on completelyjared who helped me find a certain photo.

Video Notes

I can't believe I made this. Anyone who watches it must keep in mind that it's a labor of love and I was working with pics and very little other source, okay? Lots and lots of love though. I kind of like it in one way, because it's fun, and it's Jared/Jensen, and in another, I can't believe I worked on it instead of sleeping or bathing or interacting with other human beings---it's not GOOD enough to have gone without sleep to make.

I broke so many *personal* vidding rules with this video (distracting text, talk-y face, and literal clips, to name a few), and yet it felt SO AWESOME to make. For that reason, I really, really hope someone out there likes it. Love it like I love it, and be gentle with it, huh?

*NOW* I'm uploading my older vids. I keep getting distracted. Also, I'll upload a cleaner, bigger version of this video tomorrow night.

supernatural, songvids, jared/jensen, rps

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